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五年级英语上册期中考试测试题五年级英语上册期中考试测试题姓名:姓名: 班级:班级: 得分:得分:一、一、Listen and choose(听录音,选出所听到的单词)(听录音,选出所听到的单词)10%( )1AMr. BMiss CMrs.( )2Ayou Byoung Cyour( )3Aactive Bsmart Ckind( )4ATuesday BThursday CMonday( )5ASunday Bsunny Csun( )6Apear Bbear Cwear( )7Asalad Bscience Csmall( )8Aweek Bweekday Cweekend( )9Asalty Bsour Ctasty( )10ASun. BSat. CWed.二、二、Listen and number(听音,标号)(听音,标号)8%( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、三、Listen and choose(听问句,选答句)(听问句,选答句)7%( )1AI like apples. BId like some mutton.( )2AWe have math. BWe have beef and rice.( )3AWe have cabbage. BI often watch TV.( )4AIts Monday. BTomorrow is Monday.( )5AHes smart. BHe likes vegetables.( )6AI like Coke. BI like red.( )7AYes, she is. BNo, he isnt.四、四、Listen and write(听录音,完成下列句子)(听录音,完成下列句子)10%1_ your English teacher? _ she _?2I often _ _ on weekends3What would you like for _ _? _,please.4Whats your favourite _? I like _ and apples.五、五、Listen and judge(听短文,判断。正确的用(听短文,判断。正确的用“T”,错误的用,错误的用“F”表示)表示)10%1Miss Green is an English teacher.( )2Miss Green watches TV on weekends.( )3Miss Greens favourite food is eggs.( )4Miss Green likes Chinese tea.( )5All the students like her very much. ( )笔试部分笔试部分 55%一、一、Read and choose(找出(找出划线划线部分发音不同的单词)部分发音不同的单词)5%( )1Abeef Btea Cbreak( )2Abrown Byellow Cwindow( )3Acrow Bcrop Cclean( )4Ablack Bblow Cbrow( )5Acoat Bgoat Cmouth二、二、Look and choose(选择相同类别的单词,把序号填在括号内)(选择相同类别的单词,把序号填在括号内)10%( )1We have English on Wednesdays.AThursdays Bplay ping-pong Cviolin( )2He is thin. Atasty Bfootball Ctall( )3I like cucumbers. They are fresh.Aeggplant BTuesday Chealthy( )4I often play football on Sundays.Aprincipal Bdo homework Csalad( )5The fish is salty.Ado housework Btomorrow Csweet三、三、Read and choose(读一读,选一选)(读一读,选一选)10%( )1Mr Lin is our math teacher. Hes a .Aboy Bman Cwoman( )2What do you have Mondays?A on Bfor Cto( )3Tomatoes my favourite food.Aare Bis Cam( )4I like pork. tasty.AIts BTheyre CIt( )5Is he tall? , hes short.AYes, he is. BNo, he isnt. CNo, she isnt.( )6Whats your favourite fruit? _AChicken. BPears. CEggplant.( )7What do you have on Mondays? _AI have fish. BI have science. CI do homework.( )8My new art teacher is _.ALi Honglu. BLi Hong Lu. CLi honglu( )9Whats your Chinese teacher like?_A Hes Mr Wang. BHe likes grapes. CHes tall.( )10_ is the first day of a week.A Monday BSunday CSaturday四、Read and order(连词连词成句)成句)10%1do have you on what Thursdays (?)_2your is favourite food what Mike (, ?)_3we on Mondays math have (.)_4your music is tall teacher (?)_5bananas sweet healthy are and (.)_五、五、Read and choose(情景对话)(情景对话)10%John: Good afternoon, Mike.Mike: _ What do you have on Tuesdays?John: _Mike: Great. _John: I often play basketball. Do you like playing basket?Mike: _ And whos your P.E. teacher?John: _ His class is so much fun.Mike: I know. Lets play basketball on the weekend.Mike: Good idea.六、六、Look and choose(读短文,选择)(读短文,选择)10%Hi! Im Jack. Im from Willow School. Today is Tuesday. We have math, Chinese and computer. I like computer. Mr Zhang is my computer teacher. He is very strong and funny. We like him very much.We have eggplant and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. I dont like eggplant. Tofu is my favourite.Saturdays are my favourite days. I often p
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