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辽宁科技大学毕业设计(论文) 第 I 页 电子商务环境下专业物流公司发展的探讨摘要由于电子商务环境的成熟与电子商务公司的蓬勃发展,通过英特网为媒介的交易方式将成为未来销售商品的主要方式之一,但实体商品的销售仍需借由物流配送机能,方能送达顾客手上。因此,这种销售方式刺激了对专业物流公司的需求。这也促使物流业越来越受到各方的关注。由于专业物流公司尚处在发展的初级阶段,对物流公司的理论研究上存在不足,发展过程中也存在着很多问题,所以需要进一步的研究和规划。本文从物流的概念、物流公司的定义及基本特征、电子商务与物流的关系、电子商务物流的特点等基础理论入手,阐述了电子商务的基本环境及其环境下的物流模式,专业物流公司发展现状和专业物流公司存在的问题,对专业物流公司进行了 SWOT 分析;指出专业物流公司的的优势、发展弊端和趋势、面临的挑战。根据其分析结果,提出电子商务环境下专业物流公司的政策和研究措施:更新观念,树立现代物流理念;强化物流市场主体;建立和完善现代物流市场管理体系;加快市场诚信体系建设;设置物流专业,培养物流人才;加大物流需求开发力度;采取积极措施,推进物流信息化、标准化进程;优化物流运作软硬件环境。关键词 电子商务;物流;SWOT 分析辽宁科技大学毕业设计(论文) 第 II 页 AbstractDue to the maturity of e-business environment and the rapid development of e-commerce companies, through the medium of the Internet way of doing business through future sales will be one of the main commodities, but the entities still need to use the sale of goods by the logistics and distribution functions, in order to send the hands of customers. Therefore, this way to stimulate sales of the demand for professional logistics companies. It also prompted the parties to the logistics industry is receiving increasing attention. As a result of professional logistics companies are still in the initial stage of development, the logistics companys lack of theoretical studies exist, the development process there are a lot of problems, so the need for further research and planning. In this paper, the concept of logistics, logistics companies and the definition of the basic characteristics of the relationship between e-commerce and logistics, e-commerce logistics and other basic characteristics of the theoretical approach to explain the basic e-commerce environment and its logistics model environment, the development of professional logistics companies professional status and problems of logistics companies for professional logistics companies SWOT analysis; pointed out that the professional logistics companies of the advantages, disadvantages and the trend of development, the challenge. According to the results of its analysis, the e-commerce environment of professional logistics companies and research policy measures: new ideas, foster the concept of modern logistics; the strengthening of the main logistics market; the establishment and improvement of modern logistics management system; speed up the construction of credit system market; set up the logistics profession and training of logistics personnel; increased demand for the development of logistics; take positive measures to promote the logistics information technology, standardization process; to optimize the operation of hardware and software environment of logistics.Keywords e-comerce;logistics;swot analysis辽宁科技大学毕业设计(论文) 第 III页 目录摘要 .IAbstract.II第 1 章 绪论.11.1 研究背景.11.2 国内外研究现状 .1第 2 章 物流的理论综述.22.1 物流的概念.32.2 物流公司的定义和基本特征.32.3 电子商务与物流的关系.42.4 电子商务物流的特点.5第 3 章 电子商务环境下专业物流公司发展现状及问题.73.1 电子商务的基本环境概述及其物流模式.83.2 专业物流公司发展现状.93.3 专业物流公司存在的问题.103.3.1 市场对三方物流的需求不足.103.3.2 正处于起步阶段,自身的局限性也影响了发展.113.3.3 对商务物流的认识问题.113.3.4 缺乏政府部门的引导和规划.113.3.5 物流企业设备与技术落后,限制了物流整体的发展.113.3.6 物流人才匮乏,物流管理水平较低.123.3.7 市场信用体系还不完善.12第 4 章 电子商务环境下专业物流公司发展的 SWOT 分析 .134.1 优势.144.1.1 专业化分工与规模经营.144.1.2 适应电子商务发展的需要.144.1.3 整合物流资源,实现资源的共享.154.1.4 改善城市交通状况.15辽宁科技大学毕业设计(论文) 第 IV 页 4.2 劣势.154.2.1 对专业物流公司的认识不足.154.2.2 无序竞争扰乱整体市场秩序.154.3 机遇.164.3.1 电子商务的兴起提供良好环境.164.3.2 建立贸易伙伴关系带来良好机会.164.3.3 借鉴经验,大力发展物流企业.164.4 挑战.
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