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华东师范大学附属周浦中学华东师范大学附属周浦中学2013届届6 班高考英语词汇整理班高考英语词汇整理A能够做某事能够做某事be able to do正要做某事正要做某事be about to do国内外国内外home and abroad全神贯注于全神贯注于be absorbed in有的机会有的机会/权利权利have access to将进行考虑将进行考虑take sth into consideration/account指责某人某事指责某人某事accuse sb of sth习惯于习惯于get accustomed to sth/doing sth横跨横跨across使某人适应使某人适应adapt (sb) to sth增添增添add to sth此外此外in addition华东师范大学附属周浦中学华东师范大学附属周浦中学 2013届届6班高考英语词汇整理班高考英语词汇整理先进技术先进技术advanced techniques利用利用take advantage of 建议某人做建议某人做advice sb to do负担得起负担得起sb can afford sth同意某人的话同意某人的话agree with sb一直往前走一直往前走go straight aheadCD专辑专辑CD album援助援助in aid of 对警觉对警觉be alert to允许做某事允许做某事allow doing改变计划改变计划alter ones plan对惊诧对惊诧be amazed at, be astonished at 分析问题分析问题analyze the problem古城古城ancient city 从某人的角度看从某人的角度看look at sth from ones angle华东师范大学附属周浦中学华东师范大学附属周浦中学 2013届届6班高考英语词汇整理班高考英语词汇整理十周年十周年the 10th anniversary年度计划年度计划the annual plan再逗留一周再逗留一周stay for another week对焦虑对焦虑be anxious to模仿别人模仿别人ape others远隔重洋远隔重洋oceans apart为向某人道歉为向某人道歉apologize to sb for sth吸引某人吸引某人appeal to = attract把应用于实践把应用于实践apply to the practice与某人有个约会与某人有个约会make/have an appointment with sb 批准计划批准计划approve a plan争论某事争论某事argue about sth问题产生问题产生Problems arise.唤起环境意识唤起环境意识arouse the awareness of 安排某人做安排某人做arrange for sb to do sth华东师范大学附属周浦中学华东师范大学附属周浦中学 2013届届6班高考英语词汇整理班高考英语词汇整理一件艺术品一件艺术品work of art, a piece of artwork人工湖人工湖artificial lake留出;省出留出;省出set aside睡得很深睡得很深fast asleep中国组装中国组装assembled in ChinaA与与 B 有联系有联系A is associated with B承担责任承担责任assume the responsibility向某人保证向某人保证assure sb that , assure sb of sth活泼的氛围活泼的氛围lively atmosphere着重于;重视着重于;重视attach importance to试图做试图做attempt to do, make attempts to do注意拼写注意拼写pay attention to the spelling秋季运动会秋季运动会autumn sports meeting某人可以得到某物某人可以得到某物sth is available to sb平均来讲平均来讲on average华东师范大学附属周浦中学华东师范大学附属周浦中学 2013届届6班高考英语词汇整理班高考英语词汇整理被授予奥斯卡奖被授予奥斯卡奖be awarded an Oscar prize意识到意识到be aware of 不理睬;转身不理睬;转身turn away fromB过刊过刊back numbers劳逸平衡劳逸平衡keep the balance between work and play禁烟禁烟ban smoking一帮朋友一帮朋友a band of friends血库血库blood bank赤脚赤脚bare foot买到便宜货买到便宜货pick up good bargains在基础上在基础上be based on杭州湾杭州湾HANGZHOU bay牢记牢记bear in mind 自然美自然美nature beauty华东师范大学附属周浦中学华东师范大学附属周浦中学 2013届届6班高考英语词汇整理班高考英语词汇整理睡前故事睡前故事bedtime story乞讨某东西乞讨某东西beg for sth由开始由开始begin with把留下把留下leave sth behind坚信坚信hold ones firm belief that信任某人信任某人believe in sb属于属于belong to弯下腰弯下腰bend down对有益对有益be beneficial to打赌打赌bet on sth最好做某事最好做某事had better do sth做梦都没想到做梦都没想到be beyond ones wildest dream付账单付账单pay the bill一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.生某人生某人give birth to sb华东师范大学附属周浦中学华东师范大学附属周浦中学 2013届届6班高考英语词汇整理班高考英语词汇整理青一块紫一块青一块紫一块beat sb black and blue 为负责为负责sb be to blame for sth盲目相信盲目相信blindly believe, believe blindly给某人致命一击给某人致命一击give sb a fatal blow登机牌登机牌boarding pass沸水沸水boiling water原子弹原子弹atomic bomb订票订票book the ticket人口出生高峰人口出生高峰baby boom厌烦了厌烦了be bored with出生贫寒出生贫寒be born of poor parents, be born into a poor family瓶颈瓶颈bottle neck全新的全新的brand new勇敢的心勇敢的心a brave heart爆发爆发break out 华东师范大学附属周浦中学华东师范大学附属周浦中学 2013届届6班高考英语词汇整理班高考英语词汇整理午休午休lunch break上气不接下气上气不接下气out of breath简要介绍戏剧要素简要介绍戏剧要素introduce the elements of the play in brief消防队消防队fire brigade抚育抚育bring up宽泛的主题宽泛的主题broad topic制定预算制定预算draft/work out a budget撞上;碰见撞上;碰见bump into一串钥匙一串钥匙a bunch of keys突然爆发突然爆发burst into +n, burst out doing埋头于埋头于bury oneself in, sb be buried in .忙于做某事忙于做某事be busy with sth, be busy doing sth减轻学生负担减轻学生负担ease students burdenC有线电视有线电视cable TV华东师范大学附属周浦中学华东师范大学附属周浦中学 2013届届6班高考英语词汇整理班高考英语词汇整理阳历阳历solar calendar要求要求call for镇定自若镇定自若keep calm去野营去野营go camping在校园里在校园里on campus航班取消航班取消The flight is cancelled.有能力做某事有能力做某事be capable of doing低碳经济低碳经济low carbon economy在乎在乎care about从事生涯从事生涯follow a career如果是这样如果是这样in this case付现金付现金pay in cash扫视扫视cast a glance at随便的态度随便的态度casual attitude to赶上赶上catch up with华东师范大学附属周浦中学华东师范大学附属周浦中学 2013届届6班高考英语词汇整理班高考英语词汇整理使某人做使某人做cause sb to do过新年过新年celebrate new year婚礼婚礼wedding ceremony连锁反应连锁反应chain responses主持会议主持会议chair a conference机遇和挑战机遇和挑战challenges and opportunities抓住机遇抓住机遇seize a chance海峡隧道海峡隧道the channel tunnel掌管掌管take charge of , in charge of追逐利益追逐利益chase after profits入住入住check in兑现支票兑现支票cash a check使某人振奋使某人振奋cheer sb up总工程师总工程师chief engineer情愿情愿/选择做选择做choose to do华东师范大学附属周浦中学华东师范大学附属周浦中学 2013届届6班高考英语词汇整理班高考英语词汇整理别无选择别无选择have no choice but to do在圣诞节那天在圣诞节那天on Christmas Day, at Christmas 做礼拜做礼拜go to church科学界科学界the science circles内战内战civil war享有高水平的文明享有高水平的文明enjoy a high level of civilization声称发明了某物声称发明了某物claim to have invented sth一流的一流的first class古典音乐古典音乐classical music分类广告分类广告classified advertisements澄清事实澄清事实clear the facts财政悬崖财政悬崖fiscal cliff经济环境经济环境economic climate主教练主教练head coach条形码条形码bar code华东师范大学附属周浦中学华东师范大学附属周浦中学 2013届届6班高考英语词汇整理班高考英语词汇整理凡事都有两面性凡事都有两面性Every coin has 2 sides.感冒感冒catch a cold白领工人白领工人white collar workers筹集资金筹集资金raise/collect funds高考高考college entrance examination五色阳伞五色阳伞colorful umbrellas专栏写作专栏写作column writing把把 A和和B 合并合并combine A with B终于;逐渐地终于;逐渐地come to连环画连环画comic strips精通;熟练掌握精通;熟练掌握have a good command of犯罪犯罪commit a crime国际奥委会国际奥委会In
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