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1 爱德华孤单的生活在城堡里,制造他的教授的死亡让他只能与城堡里的花草相 伴,他把它们都修剪成自己喜欢的动物或图案的样子,简单却快乐的生活。佩 格小姐的进入把他带入了陌生而复杂的人群世界,人的热情、人的善良、人的 自私、人的猜测、人的残忍、人性的最终觉悟、还有人的爱情这样的一个循环 下来,爱德华最终还是逃回了只属于他的城堡和冰冷的机器相伴。而后的每个 圣诞,城堡里都会下雪,只有真正爱他的人才会知道那是孤单的人心中的美丽, 心中的泪花! 现在每当下雪 就会想起那双带着剪刀的手! Edward lives alone in the castle, creating a professor at the death of him so that he can only with the castle of flowers, accompanied him to trim them into their favorite animal or logo looks like, simple but happy life. Miss Peg access to him into the unfamiliar and complicated world of the crowd, the passion, the human kind, peoples selfish, people speculated that people Cruel, the ultimate human consciousness, there are people who love this kind of a cycle down, Edwards eventually fled to the only castle belonging to him and accompanied the cold machine. Then every Christmas, snow castle would only truly love him will know that the talented people who are lonely hearts of the beautiful, the minds of tears! Whenever the snow will now think of with a pair of scissors hands ! 2剧情介绍 H.I.T.:Tim Burton is a brilliant visual director but with Edward Scissorhands he managed to combine these talents with pure, classic storytelling Scissorhands is his best overall film, abandoning the slight characterizations and special effects-driven spectacle of the (albeit hugely enjoyable) Batman and serving up a convincingly detailed left-of-center fairytale romance.The story is fairly basic, being the standard Frankenstein-esque tale of alienation and the empowerment of love. Edward (Johnny Depp) is a lonely man with scissors for hands, crafted by an eccentric inventor (magnificently played by Vincent Price in flashbacks) prior to his death. After Edward witnesses the death of his creator he stays locked away inside his mansion all day, which is located atop the otherwise cheerfully picture-perfect local neighborhood community.Then one day a nosy neighbor decides to investigate, and ends up bringing Edward to reality. He falls in love with a local girl (Winona Ryder), and is witness first-hand to the joys of life, until accidentally injuring a young boy and becoming the enemy of the overzealous town. Soon everyone is out to get him for no good reason the climax is beautifully done and, because Burton has allowed his characters to expand so much, its also very touching.The movie is decidedly odd but in a good way the only problem is that it is occasionally quite thin when it comes to actual depth. Burtons never been as good at telling believable stories as he has mythical, exciting fables (see Sleepy Hollow for a similar example). Even Burtons Big Fish arguably his most story-oriented film of his career was somewhat shady. The mix of screwball dark comedy, horror, drama, romance and elements and familiar happenings of other genres results in a very different combination. You can literally “feel“ the vibe of this picture, its heart pulsing black blood.The movie was a childhood project of Burton, who drew sketches of Edward as a boy and used to alienate himself from his hostile surroundings by taking refuge in fictional stories involving the scissor-handed hero. As a result Burtons true affinity for the subject is evident its clear that he takes this entire project very seriously.The acting is marvelous Depps performance is one of his finest and, arguably, one of the most convincing and fun of all-time. Depp has formed a Scorsese/De Niro-like companionship with Burton over the years, teaming up for various pictures (including Sleepy Hollow and the upcoming Charlie and the Chocolate Factory). Hes always had fun relishing his over-the-top and absurdly dark roles, such as Ichabod Crane in particular. In Scissorhands he gives the equivalent of a Travis Bickle a man who feels shunned by society, only to open his heart and have it feel crushed again. This is possibly one of the reasons the film is able to affect its audience so well to this very day. The tale does not grow old because the values are timeless.Edward Scissorhands, despite its occasional flaws, finally gave Burton the chance to unleash his talents as a visual filmmaker along with a pretty solid story mold the result being a sublimely dark rom-com-drama that never conforms to the typical genre clichs and becomes quite a unique film in its own little world. 蒂姆伯顿导演的剪刀手爱德华是一部关于机器人的现代童话。它讲述一座古堡中住着 一位发明家,制造出了各种东西,最后还造出了一个机器人,并给他起名叫爱德华。发明 家对这件作品倾注了全部的心血,他甚至教授爱德华人类的礼仪和诗歌,何时微笑何时沉 默。然而,没有等到机器人最后完成,发明家就去世了,留下已有人类心智却残留着一双 剪刀手的爱德华独自在古堡生活。不知过了多少岁月,一位推销化妆品的中年女子佩格误 闯城堡,发现了形象古怪的爱德华。好心的佩格没有被爱德华惨白的肤色和张牙舞爪的剪 刀手吓倒,而是怜其孤独,把他带回了自己的家。 佩格住在一个色调明丽的小社区里, 女邻居们都喜欢调情、窥探、以及搬弄是非。爱德华的出现,给她们百无聊赖的生活增添 了新鲜的刺激,所以大家都对他表现出了极大的友好甚至亲昵。当他展露出用剪刀手修剪 植物、设计发型的才华,全镇的人几乎都为他癫狂了,把他当成了明星一样的宠儿。但他 也有自己的痛苦,那就是爱上了佩格的女儿、美丽绝俗的金。金早已有了男友,而且对这 位家庭新成员一直有抵触情绪。为了金的一个请求,爱德华硬着头皮潜入金男友父亲的豪 宅,不慎被警察逮捕后也没有吐露真相,唯恐连累心上人。虽然他不久由于“没有判断是非 的能力”被释放,但周围的人都把他看成蓄意抢劫财物的危险分子,对他以及佩格全家敬而远之。在这一过程中,金逐渐看清了男友的丑恶嘴脸,与他决裂,并对爱德华产生了好感。圣诞夜大
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