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小学三年级下册英语第六单元检测小学三年级下册英语第六单元检测一Reorder.( )Is it in your toy box ?( )No problem .Where is my ball ?( )Thank you .( )Is it under your bed ?( )Execuse me ,can I use your ball ?( )Yes.Here you are .( )NO.It isn”t.二、Think and match.Long p.mP.M bigSmall shortCute tall a.m lovelyshort A.M三、Match.All the animals exitEntrance pullPush 啊Long shortOops. 所有的动物Tall short四、Fill the blanks .1. The elephant has _ _.(大耳朵)2. The giraffe has a _ neck.3. The rabbit has a _ _.(短尾巴)4. The elephant is _(大),the mouse is _(小)。五、Read and choose.( )1.What is the time ?( )2.How many animals do you know ?( )3.Look at the elephant .( )4.Where are you from ?( )5.Does the monkey have a tail ?( )6.The lion is big .The mouse is small .A. I am from the America . B.You are right .C.It is 8o a.m. D.Yes ,it has a long tail .E.Oh, it is so big . F.All the animals.六、Find the different one .( )1.A.gorilla B.monkey C.children D.wolf( )2.A.arm B.kangaroo C. leg D.mouth( )3.A. UK B. PRC C. CD D.CAN( )4.A.a.m B.is C.am D.are( )5.A.giraffe B.deer C.fox D.juice( )6.A.watermelone B.violin C.straberry D.grapes( )7.A.car B.bike C.lamp D.taxi( )8.A.fox B.zebra C.box D.lion( )9.A.umbrella B.under C.on D.in( )10.A.red B.walkman C.blue D.yellow七、Find the best answer .A.Yeah.Let us count . B.Look.It is here.C.They are so cute . D.Wow. It is so big .E.I know all the animals.( )1.Look at the pandas.( )2.How many animals do you know ?( )3.Wow.So many fruits.( )4.Oh .Where is my schoolbag ?( )5.Look at the elephant .八、Find the best answer .( )1.Where are you from ? A.He is my grandpa .( )2.Who is this man ? B.It is black.( )3.Do you like pears ? C.Oh,it is so big .( )4.Where is my ruler ? D.Thank you .( )5.What colour is the pen ? E.I”m from Canada .( )6.Happy Women”s Day . F.Yes,she is .( )7.Can I use your pencil ? G.It”s on the chair .( )8.Look at the elephant . H.I have tweleve .( )9.How many books do you have ? I.No problem .( )10.Is she your sister ? J.Yes,Ido更多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网 http:/www.lspjy.com 课件|教案|试卷|无需注册 .九、单词归类,将序号填入横线上 .1. rice 2. watermelon 3. fifteen 4. fish 5. apple 6. pop 7. fourteen 8. eleven 9. banana 10. hamburger 11. milk 12. water水果类:_ 吃的:_数字:_ 喝的:_
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