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I非限定性动词非限定性动词 (infinitive, -ing participle, -ed participle)一、不定式和动词一、不定式和动词-ing 形式都可以直接放在句首作主语,也都适用于形式都可以直接放在句首作主语,也都适用于 It 句型,区别在于适用于不同的句型:句型,区别在于适用于不同的句型:a. 不定式适用的句型为:不定式适用的句型为: It is n. to do: It is my dream to become a super star in the future. It takes sb. some time to do sth.: It took me three hours to fly back to my home town. It is adj. for sb. to do sth: It is important for you to make a good preparation for the coming test. It is adj. of sb. to do sth: It is very kind of you to help us solve the problem. b. 动词动词-ing 形式适用的句型为:形式适用的句型为: It is no use/ no good/ no fun/ a great pleasure/ a waste of time/ a bore, etc + doing sth: It is no use cring over the spilt milk. It is expensive/ good/ interesting/ nice/ pointless/ useless/ worthwhile, etc + doing sth. It is useless asking him for help. There is no doing: There is no saying (telling) what may happen next. 含义上的不同:含义上的不同: Compare: Smoking is prohibited here. / It is not good for you to smoke so much. To spend my summer vacation in Florida is my biggest dream these days. /Spending the summer vacation in Florida is quite a funny thing.二、通常情况下,动词通常情况下,动词-ing 形式和动词形式和动词-ed 形式在句中可充当状语,分句的主语应和主句的主语保持一致。形式在句中可充当状语,分句的主语应和主句的主语保持一致。Going home, a flower pot hit me on the head. Going home, I was hit on the head by a flower pot. 注意:用注意:用-ing 还是还是-ed 形式取决于分词及主句主语的关系形式取决于分词及主句主语的关系Looking at in this way, the problem is much easier. Looked at in this way, the problem is much easier. 当这两种形式作状语时,由当这两种形式作状语时,由 while, when, once, if, unless, though 等词引导的从句中的主语若和主句主语一致,等词引导的从句中的主语若和主句主语一致, 可以直接写成可以直接写成 while, when, once, if, unless, though +分词结构。例如:分词结构。例如: When (we are) talking about the new plan, we are very excited.三、不定式的几种形式:三、不定式的几种形式: 1. 不定式的一般式不定式的一般式,即“to动词原形”,表示的动作通常与谓语动词同时或几乎同时发生,或之后发生。I am glad to see youNo one could tell me where to get the book 2. 不定式的完成式不定式的完成式,即“to have 过去分词”,表示动作在谓语动作之前发生,它的逻辑主语也是句子的主语或宾语。如: He is said to have written a new book about workers. I am sorry to have given you so much trouble Robert is said _ abroad,but I dont know what country he studied in Ato have studied Bto study Cto be studying Dto have been studying 英语中一些表示希望、愿望的词,如 would love,meant,hoped,expected, planned,wished,wanted等词常与不定式的完成式连用,表示过去曾希望过,但未曾实现过去曾希望过,但未曾实现。它们之所以未能实现,常可通过后面but 连接的句子看出来。如:I hoped to have seen you yesterday,but I didnt have timeI would love _ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report Ato go Bto have gone Cgoing Dhaving gone 3、不定式的进行式不定式的进行式(to be 现在分词)表示正在进行的动作,与谓语动作同时发生。如: They seemed to be eating something they had cooked on the fire(to be eating 与 seemed 同时发生) We pretended to be working very hard when he came in(to be working 与 pretended 同时发生)4、不定式的被动式、不定式的被动式 当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,要用不定式被动形式,即 to be done 或 to have been done。如: She hated to be laughed atThe magazines are not allowed to be taken out of the reading-room 四、不带四、不带 to 不定式不定式1)had better/ would rather/would sooner/would(just)as soon/might (just) as well, cannot but/cannot help but e.g. Id rather have eggs and bacon for breakfast.Since its a fine day we might as well walk.We could not but weep at the sad news. would rather/ would sooner/ would (just as soon) 之后也能跟之后也能跟 than-/ as-分句,表示分句,表示“宁愿宁愿-而不愿而不愿” ,在,在 than-/ as- 分句中用不带分句中用不带 to 不定式不定式. e.g. He would rather listen to others than talk himself. “Rather than/sooner than” 置于句首时,其后跟不带置于句首时,其后跟不带 to 的不定式;若出现在句中其他位置时,其后不定的不定式;若出现在句中其他位置时,其后不定 式既可带式既可带 to 也可不带也可不带 to e.g. Rather than cause trouble, he left. He decided to write rather than (to) telephone. Rather than _ on a crowded bus,he always prefers _ a bicycleAride;ride Briding;ride Cride;to ride Dto ride;riding 2)在在 make, bid, command, tell, let, have 等等使役动词使役动词和和 see, hear, observe, notice, feel, watch 等等感觉动词感觉动词+ 宾语宾语之后用不带之后用不带 to 的不定式的不定式 e.g. I made him tell me the truth.They didnt observe Christine come in and go upstairs. 3)在介词在介词 except/ but 之后之后: 如果如果 except/ but 之前有动词之前有动词 do 的某种形式,其后通常用不带的某种形式,其后通常用不带 to 不定式,否不定式,否 则带则带 to e.g. They did nothing except work. / I have nothing to do but stay.Theres no choice but to wait.4)Why/why not五、带五、带 to 的动词的动词 agree, aim, apply, arrange, choose, claim, decide, demand, desire, determine, endeavor, expect, hope, learn, manage, offer, pledge, prepare, pretend, profess, promise, refuse, resole, seek, swear, threaten, undertake, venture, volunteer, vow, and etc.六、带六、带-ing 的动词的动词 admit, acknowledge, anticipate, advocate, appreciate, avoid, cant help, cant resist, cant stand, consider, contemplate, defer, delay, deny, detest, dislike, dont mind, ensure, enjoy, escape, excuse, evade, facilitate, fancy, favor, finish, imagine, include, miss, pardon, postpone, practice, resent, report, risk, stop, suggest, and etc. 有些动词如有些动词如 stop, remember, forget, try, mean, like, hate, regret, prefer 等接不定式或动名词做宾语,意思等接不定式或动名词做宾语,意思各不相同。各不相同。try doing sth 试试看试试看( (没有付诸的行动没有付诸的行动) )
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