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给大家增加点信心,所谓的给大家增加点信心,所谓的 native 语言,也不过如此语言,也不过如此Government never censure artistic works or historical displays that a museum wishes to exhibit“The speakers assertion is about the censureship of artistic works or historical displays by the government.According to the speaker, govenrment should not censure artistic works.Although ,some people believe that arts should provide education and enlightenment to society,I agree with the speakers contention as such behavior borders on thought control and impinges on freedom of speach.To support this viewpoint, a free society is based on the principle that each and every individual has the right to decide what art or entertainment he or she want to receive or create. Art is about feelings, both bad and good ones, so art can not be censored, it will restrict the feelings of artists. Censorship in art never works. One way or another, in a society of instant communication like ours, people are always ready to see controversial and objectionable works. Censorship is an infectious disease. Allowing restraints on any expression sets the stage for attacks on all expression that is politically and artistically objectionable. The creative art must be free and when it is not, society suffers badly. It is very important for the images in the mirror to continuously changing so they may accurately reflect us. Moreover, the proper role of government is not to monitor works of art,there are more important issues which deserve attention. Government can fund to the non profit organizations like-(museums, theaters, atiliers, e.t.c).Anytime when an artists work is modified or censored; their personal rights are being clearly violated. That is illegal and should be stopped, but for some unknown reason the government keeps doing it. Censoring art is also wrong in the fact that politicians and lawyers are telling how and in what way people should be allowed to express their concepts and feelings. Removing a form of expression, may cause more problems in other aggressive ways. When someone does not have a creative or right way to express their ideas and feelings, signifies that they are being oredered to express themselves in a dangerous and violent way.Another reason why I am against art censorship is that although some forms of speech or art are clearly and destructively abusive, there might be a time in ones life when one needs to breech and exercise the censors standard to transmit or receive information without government restrictions. However, society only benefits from this if people exercise this discretion honestly and wisely, and destructive and abusive speech is the rare exception, rather than the standard.Hence, I agree with the authors assertion that government should not censure artistic works. *Please rate my essay and lemme know about my mistakes.I would really appreciate that.Thanks and RegardsRuchi Bhatt
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