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1巴朗词表速记(10)谐音记忆词汇analgesic ADJ. causing insensitivity to pain. The analgesic qualities of this lotion will provide temporary relief.“安乃静”anodyne N. drug that relieves pain; opiate. opiumHis pain was so great that no anodyne could relieve it. “安乃定”boorish ADJ. rude; insensitive. Though Mr. Potts constantly interrupted his wife, she ignored his boorish behavior, for she had lost hope of teaching him courtesy.构词:boor (peasant) + ish (adj.)boor 波尔人,源于南非荷兰人后裔,引申义:农民; 蔑乡下人; 粗俗的男子, 联想粤语谐音“北佬” (乡巴佬,发音 balou)debacle N. sudden downfall; complete disaster. In the Airplane movies, every flight turns into a debacle, with passengers and crew members collapsing, engines falling apart, and carry-on baggage popping out of the overhead bins.谐音“底扒口” ,联想大堤底下扒口全面崩溃。demise N. death. Upon the demise of the dictator, a bitter dispute about succession to power developed.“地埋尸”doddering ADJ. shaky; infirm from old age. Although he is not as yet a doddering and senile old man, his ideas and opinions no longer can merit the respect we gave them years ago. “倒倒的”dross N. waste matter; worthless impurities. Many methods have been devised to separate the valuable metal from the dross.“渣滓” “杂质”emollient N. soothing or softening remedy. He applied an emollient to the inflamed area. Also ADJ.“一抹灵”ephemeral 2ADJ. short-lived; fleeting. The mayfly is an ephemeral creature: its adult life lasts little more than a day.“一发没了”昙花一现ethereal ADJ. light; heavenly; unusually refined. In Shakespeares The Tempest, the spirit Ariel is an ethereal creature, too airy and unearthly for our mortal world.源自 “以太”etherfawning ADJ. courting favor by cringing and flattering. She was constantly surrounded by a group of fawning admirers who hoped to win some favor.“逢迎”garner v. gather; store up. She hoped to garner the worlds literature in one library.“家拿”hibernal ADJ. wintry. Bears prepare for their long hibernal sleep by overeating.同下hibernate v. sleep throughout the winter. Bears are one of the many species of animals that hibernate, hibernation, N.“害怕冷的”jingoist N. extremely aggressive and militant patriot; warlike chauvinist. Always bellowing “America first!,” the Congressman was such a jingoist you could almost hear the sabers rattling as he marched down the halls. jingoism, N.“军国主义”knead v. mix; work dough. Her hands grew strong from kneading bread.“捏”lewd ADJ. lustful. They found his lewd stories objectionable.“流”氓mammoth ADJ. gigantic; enormous. To try to memorize every word on this vocabulary list would be a mammoth undertaking; take on projects that are more manageable 3in size.“猛犸”maudlin ADJ. effusively sentimental. Whenever a particularly maudlin tearjerker was playing at the movies, Marvin would embarrass himself by weeping copiously. 联想多愁善感的“林妹妹” (英文妹妹林)mogul N. powerful person. The oil moguls made great profits when the price of gasoline rose. “蒙古” ,联想成吉思汗时期的蒙古人。molt v. shed or cast off hair or feathers. When Mollys canary molted, he shed feathers all over the house.“毛脱”脱毛mosaic N. picture made cf small, colorful inlaid tiles. The mayor compared the city to a beautiful mosaic made up of people of every race and religion on earth, also ADJ.“马赛克”nip v. stop somethings growth or development; snip off; bite; make numb with cold. The twins were plotting mischief, but Mother intervened and nipped their plan in the bud. The gardener nipped off a lovely rose and gave it to me. Last week a guard dog nipped the postman in the leg; this week the extreme chill nipped his fingers till he could barely hold the mail. “捏” ,掐,扼杀nirvana N. in Buddhist teachings, the ideal state in which the individual loses himself in the attainment of an impersonal beatitude. Despite his desire to achieve nirvana. the young Buddhist found that even the buzzing of a fly could distract him from his meditation. “涅盘” ,天堂nonchalance N. indifference; lack of concern; composure. Cool, calm, and collected under fire, James Bond shows remarkable nonchalance in the face of danger. “冷血人”4opiate N. medicine to induce sleep or deaden pain; something that relieves emotions or causes inaction. To say that religion is the opiate of the people is to condemn religion as a drug that keeps the people quiet and submissive to those in power. 源自 opium “鸦片”parry v. ward off a blow; deflect. Unwilling to injure his opponent in such a pointless clash, Dartagnan simply tried to parry his rivals thrusts, What fun it was to watch Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy parry each others verbal thrusts in their classic screwball comedies! also N. 使“偏离”parsimony N. stinginess; excessive frugality. Silas Marners parsimony did not allow him to indulge in any luxuries. parsimonious, ADJ. 怕使 moneypenury N. severe poverty; stinginess. When his pension fund failed, George feared he would end his days in penury. He became such a penny-pincher that he turned into a closefisted, penurious miser. “贫奴”rally v. call up or summon (forces, vital powers, etc.); revive or recuperate. Washington quickly rallied his troops
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