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美国校园口语美国校园口语美国校园口语 1. Wake up,Joe 乔,快醒醒A: Wake up, Joe. Its seven oclock. If youre going to work youll have to get up now. Hey, Joe. Wake up.B: Mmmmmmmm.A: Joe. Get up.B: Is It seven oclock already?A: Yes. Its seven.B: Well, wake me up in twenty minutes. I decided to catch the late bus.A: Uh, uh.you told me last night not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time. So, get up.B: Okay, okay, stop yelling. Im up.Notes:wake up 醒来argue sb. out ofdissuade, or persuadre someone not to do something 课文中的 you told me last night not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time 的意思是:昨晚你还告诉我。不要让你任性,务必叫你按时起床。stop yelling 别嚷嚷了(美国青年常用语)译文:A:乔,快醒醒。七点钟了。如果你要上班,现在该起床了。喂,乔,醒醒。B:嗯 A:乔,快起床。B:真是七点了吗?A:是七点了。B:好吧,过二十分钟再叫醒我,我决定搭晚一班的公共汽车。A:啊昨天晚上你还告诉我,不要让你任性,务必叫你按时起床。所以,起来吧。B:好吧,好吧,别嚷嚷了。我起床。2. Getting Cleaned up 弄干净A: Hey, Bob. I cant find my electric shaver.B: Im sorry. I used it and I guess I put it on the top shelf with my stuff.A: Yead,here it is.You might atleast clean it up when you use it. The blades dirty ang I still cant find the cord B: Stop complaining and start shaving. Breakfastll be ready in about five minutes and you wont. Your eggs are already beginning to burn. What kind of juice do you want?A: Do we have a choice?B: Sure. Tomato or V8.A: Wellyou know how I feel about tomato. Surprise me.Notes:electric shaver 电动剃须刀cord (电动剃须刀的)插头电线do we have a choice? 我们可以任意选择吗?V8 美国一种罐装蔬菜果汁的牌名(在超级市场均有售) 译文:A:喂,鲍勃,我怎么找不到我的电动剃须刀?B:抱歉,我用过了。我想是把它和我的东西一起放到壁橱上面的搁板上了。A:嗯,在这里。 你用过以后至少应该把它弄干净。刀片很脏,电线也还没有找到。B:别抱怨了, 快刮胡子吧。大约还有五分钟早饭就好了, 要不你就来不及吃早饭了。你的鸡蛋已经烧焦了。你想吃什么果汁?A:有挑选余地吗?B:是的,有番茄汁和 V8。A:嗯,你知道我对番茄汁的态度。 真使我意外!3. Breakfast 早餐A: Okay, Bob. IM ready for beak-fast. Wheres the coffee?B: Its in that pan there. Jean broke the Silex last week, so Im still boiling it.A: It tastes like crankcase oil, but delicious.B: Thats good. You can always make beaskfast yourself if you dont like it.A: What is the rebesides coffee?B: I warmed a coupleof snails, and your eggs are in the frying pan.A: Say, what time is it? Is it really only seven-fifteen. My watch says eight-fifteen.B: You forgot to set your watch back. Daylight saving time was over at midnight last night.A: Gee.I couldve slept another hour. Notes:Silex 一种咖啡渗滤壶的牌名crankcase oil (汽车发动机中的)机油snail 面包卷daylight saving time 夏令时间(在美国大约每年四月上旬开始,十月下旬结束,把时钟向前拨一小时)I couldve slept another hour 我本来可以再睡一个小时的.译文:A:好,鲍勃,我已准备好吃早饭了。咖啡在哪儿?B:在那只锅里。吉恩上星期把渗滤壶打碎了,所以我只能用锅煮咖啡。A:这味道有点像汽车里的机油,不过还是很好吃。B:那好,如果你不喜欢,你随时可以自己动手做早饭。A:咖啡旁边是什么东西?B:我热的两个面包卷。你的鸡蛋在平煎锅里。A:告诉我,现在几点钟了?真的只有七点十五分吗?我的表已经八点十分了。B:你忘了把表拔慢一小时。夏令时间已在昨天午夜结束了。A:唉!我本来可以再多睡一小时的。4. Before class 上课前A: Hello, Bob. Have you got your work done for today?B: No, But maybe the teacher wont ask for it.A: No such luck. The last time he forgot to collect our homework was the day he came down with the flu. Hes in better shape now. He wont forget again.B: I know. That was a great week. I went out with Mary three nights running.A: Whos Mary?B: You know, the dark-haired girl who sits in the front row.A: Oh, her. Ive never met her. B: Sorry, friend. You wont if I have my way.Notes:no such luck 不会有那么好的运气came down with 患(病)病倒了in better shape 痊愈,复原go out with 同去约会three nights running 连续三个晚上if have my way-if things happen as I want them to译文:A:喂,鲍勃。今天的功课做完了吗?B:没有,也许老师不会收作业。A:没那么运气。上次他忘了收我们的家庭作业,是因为那天他患流感病倒了。现在他已痊愈,不会再忘了。B:我知道。上星期实在太忙了。连续三个晚上我和玛丽有约会。A:谁是玛丽?B:你知道,就是坐在前排的那个黑发姑娘。A:哦,她。我同她从没有接触。B:对不起,朋友。如果我按照自己的愿望行事,你当然见不到她。5. Sorry, Im Late. 对不起,我迟到了A: Well, you finally got here. Its about time. Ive been waiting in this restaurant a full thirty minutes.B: Sorry, Jeannie. You know me. Im always late.A: Everybody knows, and every bodys getting tired of it. Five,ten, thirty minutes all the time. No one is that busy. Even in school you always interrupt the teacher right in the middle of a sentence. The whole class has to wait while you sit down and put down your books. It annory s him and everyone else.B: All I can say is sorry. Maybe Ill reform, but dont count on it.Notes:its about time-you are late (注意:这是一句表示生气的话,用于责怪对方不遵守时间。在青年人中常用)get tired of 对感到厌倦it annoys him 这使他讨厌reform 改正(作风、做法)译文:A:啊,你总算来了。你迟到了。我在这家饭店足足等了三十分钟。B:对不起,珍妮。你是知道我的,我总是迟到。A:人人都知道,人人都对此感到讨厌,迟到五分、十分、三十分钟,老是这样。没有人会那么忙。即使在学校里,老师讲话讲到一半总是被你的迟到打断。全班不得不等你坐好放下书本。这使老师和每个同学都感到讨厌。B:我所能说的只有抱歉。也许我会改正,不过别对我抱太大希望。
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