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不定代词练习不定代词练习 1一一.改成正确形式。改成正确形式。1.Are there anyone in the room?2.Kate has else nothing.3.He looked at me and didnt say nothing.4.Did you meet somebody on your way home? 二二.用不定代词及不定副词填空用不定代词及不定副词填空1.Do you have_questions?2.Maybe_put my dictionary_,I cant find it_ .3.Im so thirsty.Shall we get_to drink?4.I dont think_knows her new address.5.Theres _in the new cupboard. Its empty now.6._is too difficult if you put your heart into it.7.I think you can find him _in the school.8._can run fast than he. He s the winner.9.Could you tell_different btween the two pictures?10.Please help yourself to_soup. 三、单选三、单选 1. Which pocket shall we take, Bob? -_one you like. Its all the same to me. A Any B Other C Another D The other 2. Why are you so sad , Kate? Because I made _mistakes in the exam. I dont think I can pass it.A few B little C a few 3. In Canada, _English _French are official language.A either ;or B both ;and C not only; but also D neither; nor 4. I enjoy my life here. I have _friends, and we meet quite often. A few B a few C little D a little 5. There is coffee and tea. You can have _of them. A all B every C other D either 6. I am thirty. Could you let me have _coke? A little B any C some D other 7. I would like you to talk about the Great Wall.- I am sorry, but _ Jack _ I have been there.A either; or B neither; nor C both; and D not only ; but also 8. Which of these two English books will you borrow?- I will borrow _of them. Because they are very interesting.A either B all C neither D both 9. Id like _grapes and pears. Oh, I only _orange juice.A some; a few B a few;some C a little ; few D a little ; a few 10. Does _know the answer to the question? MeA everybody B anybody C somebody D nobody 11. There is _milk at home. We have to buy some this afternoon.A a little B little C a few 12. If there are _people driving, there will be _air pollution. Yes, the air will be fresher.A less; less B less; fewer C fewer; fewer D fewer; less 最佳答案 一.改成正确形式 1. Is there anyone in the room? 2. Kate has nothing else. 3. He looked at me and said nothing. He looked at me and didnt say anything. 4. Did you meet anybody on the way home? 二.用不定代词及不定副词填空 1. any 2.someone, somewhere, anywhere 3. something 4. anyone 5. nothing 6. Nothing 7. nowhere somewhere 8. Nobody 9. anything 10. some
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