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第四也时1liSeciuomB)02c -了0) 恒课内基础自测上一,单项填空( CD)1.When ITwent into the room,I saw him这|由e sofaiA.sleep B.to sleepC. sleeping D. slept( B )2.The baby is sleeping. Please dontA. wake up him B. wake him up C. get up him D. get him up ( CC )3. After we got there, we the tent andcooked the food.A. put on B. put inC. put up D. put down( B )4.;She got .1 to see -avgiraffe outside herhouse.A. surprise B. a surpriseC.the surprise D.to a surprise( B )S$.They armived in Beijing three days 。A. before B. agoC. behind D. after 二.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Tony (start) to learn Chinese last year.2. She got a (surprised ) when she saw thesnake.3. Mom MoleC (wake)Cime up at Sixithis morning.4. This was a very (use) lesson for her.S. When Jack heard the news,he _ |j (jump ) upand down happily( 高兴地). -课后巩固提升三.单词拼写。根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写 ,使句意明确,语言通顺。1.I saw albigimodnm 1 (衣况) intheiskyitonight. 2. Dont pick apples on the tree. They are too high (高).3. Snakes cant hear but they can feel things moving(移动) .4.Ithink a foresL_ (森林) is the best home to many an-imals. S. Mickey Mouse(米老鼠 ) has two big ears(耳采). 3但ix 四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。工(广州中考) 你进得太快了,我听不懂。能再说一次吗?You spoke _ so _ fast that Icecouldnt understand you. Would you say it again72. 在学校我们互相帮助。We help each other at school. 3. 当我们再次见到他时很必惊。We4. 别朝窗外看,请认真听讲。Dont ten to the teacher carefuly.5.不要跳上跳下。Don twhen we saw him again.the window. Please lis-五、完形填空。上 _工_ Sunday yesterday. We had 2 classes.Igotup 3 6:30 in the morning. Then my mother and 工wentto the shop. We wanted 4 some shopping. My motherwanted to buy some food LS suppen aid I wanted to buy some school things: some books 6 a pen. The shopopened( 开门) early in the morning. There 7 lots of people in the shop. 8 were old and young people. Somethings in the shop were cheap ,some were not. We boughtousht 居|辣几|some food and school things. The people in the shop 9friendly _ 10 us.(am ar amBABD已 天)1.A.i)2. A.)34AJi)4. A.)5. A.)6. A.B. wasB. not也, 六B.toB. for吕吕口机四证. are.any(on. doing.to dowithbutD. wereD. muchD. forD. atD. and 一一 一 一)7. A.is)8. A. Our)9. A. was)10. A. forB. hasB. YouB. wereB. withC. wereC. TheyC.hadC. atD. haveD. ThemD. haveD.to
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