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Remarks by President Obama at Civil Society Roundtable美国奥巴马总统就公民组织在圆桌会议上的谈话美国奥巴马总统就公民组织在圆桌会议上的谈话New York Hilton Hotel Midtown New York, New York纽约希尔顿酒店 纽约市,纽约州3:02 P.M. EDT 美国东部时间 15:02PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you very much, everybody, for joining us here today. And I want to offer a few brief remarks in terms of the purpose of this meeting. Weve got a wonderful panel here and some extraordinary representatives - both heads of states, members of civil society, people who have been working on these issues for a very long time.奥巴马总统:非常感谢大家今天的到来。首先,我想就今天这个会议的目的说一些简短的 想法。今天,我们现场有一只顶级专家组以及一些杰出的代表。他们都是各个国家的领头 人物,同时也是公民组织的成员,他们在公民组织的这个领域上已经努力研究工作很久了。The focus today is on civil society, because its my strong belief that the strength and success of all countries and all regions depends in part on protecting and supporting civil society.今天会议的重点是公民组织,我坚信各个国家和民族的繁荣富强离不开对公民组织的保护 和支持。 The human progress has always been propelled at some level by what happens in civil society - citizens coming together to insist that a better life is possible, pushing their leaders to protect the rights and the dignities of all people. And thats why the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.” This is not a Western value; this is a universal right.人类进步在某些程度上来说有赖于公民组织公民们聚集在一起,他们坚信生活可以更 美好,他们努力争取要求自己的领导人保护所有人民的权利和尊严。这同时也呼应了世 界人权宣言中的陈述人人享有和平集会和结社自由的权利。这种权利并不只是符合 西方的价值观,而是一种普世权利。And civil society led the fight to end apartheid in South Africa. It led the fight to bring freedom to Eastern Europe. It helped to heal places divided by conflict, whether in Cambodia or Colombia. Here, in the United States, civil society has been the catalyst for virtually every major advance that weve made - from the abolition of slavery to womens rights, civil rights, the protections of workers and the protections of the environment.是公民组织领导的起义终结了南非的种族隔离制度。是公民组织领导的运动带给东欧国家 自由。公民组织帮助调停地区间的冲突,无论是在柬埔寨还是哥伦比亚。再来看看美国, 可以说,公民组织对这个国家历史上每次重大的进步都起到了推动作用从奴隶制的废 除到女权运动、民权运动,再到对工人的保护和对环境的保护。And yet, still today, in every region, we see that the fight goes on. We have citizens who are leading the charge to expand opportunity, to correct injustices, to shape their countries futures. And its my belief that strong nations recognize the values of active citizens. They support and empower their citizens rather than stand in their way, even when its inconvenient - or perhaps especially when its inconvenient - for government leaders.现在,直至今日,在每个地区,我们看到奋斗还在继续。有许多公民在带头争取更多的机 会、伸张正义、在为自己祖国美好的未来而努力。我相信强国们肯定可以认识到这些为国 家而努力的公民的价值。他们会允许并支持这些公民,而不是切断他们的去路,即使这些 人要做的事可能对政府不利或者说特别是当这些事会对政府领导人不利。Strong civil societies help uphold universal human rights. They promote good governance by making governments more effective and holding leaders like me to account. And theyre critical to economic development, because in our global economy, trade and investment flows to countries that give citizens the freedom to create and develop new ideas and that are protected by rule of law.强大的公民组织支持普世权利。他们通过促进政府工作更加有效以及要求包括我在内的国 家领导人负起责任来推广民主政治。这些对于经济发展来说至关重要,因为在经济全球化 的背景下,贸易和投资的浪潮赋予了公民创造发展新想法的自由,同时这也是法律所保护 的。So, many countries, including those in this room, are working in partnership with civil societies. From Mongolia to Mexico, Tunisia, Tanzania, governments and citizens are working together to improve the rule of law, reduce wasteful spending, organize public campaigns to strengthen health and education.因此,许多国家,包括今天在场的,都在努力地和公民组织合作。从蒙古到墨西哥、突尼 斯、坦桑尼亚,这些国家的政府和公民们在一起努力完善法律制度,减少不必要的支出, 组织公共运动来加强卫生和教育。Unfortunately, though, what were also seeing is a growing number of countries that are passing laws designed specifically to stifle civil society. Theyre forcing groups to register with governments, eroding human rights protections, restricting NGOs from accessing foreign funding, cracking down on communications technologies that connect civil society groups around the globe. 然而,不幸的是,有越来越多的国家通过了一些专门扼杀公民组织的法律。他们强制公民 组织到政府登记,削弱对人权的保护,限制非政府组织得到其他国家的资金,切断公民组 织与世界联系的途径。So, in recent years, the international community has stepped up our support. Two years ago, some of you recall, we came together to launch the Open Government Partnership to promote transparent, effective and accountable institutions in partnership with civil society. Sixty countries and a broad coalition of civil society and private sector partners have joined. The Community of Democracies is working to take aim at restrictive laws. The Human Rights Council established the first Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Peaceful Assembly and Association. And several governments and foundations, including many in this room, contribute to a “Lifeline” fund for emergency aid to civil society groups under threat.所以,近几年国际社会已经向公民组织提供帮助。你们中的一些人应该还记得,两年前我 们曾一起在开放性政府伙伴关系会议上,那次会议的目的是通过完善透明、高效及负责的 体系与公民组织建立伙伴关系。到目前为止已经有60个国家、一个广泛的社会组织联盟和 一些私营企业伙伴加入。民主共同体在竭尽全力确保没有限制公民组织的法
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