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三年高考英语试题单项选择分类汇总情景交际2006 年年组组1. 一 Excuse me,can you tell me where the nearest bank is,please?(06 全国卷)一 _Oh yes!Its past the post office,next to a big marketA. Mm,let me think. B. Oh,I beg your pardon?C. Youre welcome. D. What do you mean2. 一 I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight? (06 全国卷)一Im not using it anyhow.A. Sure,go ahead B. I dont know C. Yes,indeed D. I dont care3.Will you be able to finish your report today?(06 全国卷)_ A. I like it B.I hope so C. Ill do so D. Id love it 4. Im terribly sorry that I made your table cloth dirty. (06 陕西卷) _. A. Never mindB. Dont mention itC. Thats rightD. Sorry5. Andrew wont like it, you know.(06 广东卷) _?I dont care what Andrew thinks! A. So what B. So where C. So whyD. So how 6. Excuse me, Sir, is the swimming pool open all day? (06 广东卷)_. Only from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. A. Thats right. B. Yes, of course C. Sorry, I am not sure D. Sorry, Im afraid not 7.How are you getting on with your cleaning? Do you need my help? , but I think Im all right (06 安徽卷)ANo, thanks BThats OK CYou are helpful DThats very kind of you8.Its been raining for a whole week. I think itll get fine soon. (06 安徽卷) . We are getting into the rainy season nowAYes, it will BOf course not CIts possible DIts hard to say9.一 You know who came yesterday? (06 湖北卷)一 Yao Ming?We had a basketball match.一He came and watched the game.A: You guessed it! B. How did you know that?C. Well done! D. That was good news!10.It took me ten years to build up my business, and it almost killed me. (06 江苏卷)Well, you know what they say. _.A. There is no smoke without fireB. Practice makes perfectC. All roads lead to RomeD. No pains, no gains11.Im dead tired .I cant walk any farther ,Jenny. ,Tommy. You can do it! (06 江西卷)ANo problemBNo hurryCCome onDThats OK 12.Michael was late for Mr. Smiths oral class this morning. (06 江西卷) ? As far as I know, he never came late to class. AHow come BSo what CWhy not DWhat for 13. These books are too heavy for me to carry . (06 辽宁卷)_. A. You may ask for help B. Ill give you a handC. Ill do you a favor D. Id come to help14.Im sorry Im late , I got held up in the traffic on my way here . (06 辽宁卷) _ . A. Dont be late next time B. You should be blamed C. It doesnt matter . Im also late D. Never mind . Come and sit down15.How did you find your visit to Qingdao, Joanna? (06 山东卷). AOh, wonderful indeed BI went there alone CFirst by train and them by ship DA guide showed me the way 16.What a beautiful picture youve drawn!(06 四川卷) . A. Not at all. B. Thank you. C. Youre great. D. Im proud of you.17.Do you mind my smoking her? (06 四川卷)_. A. No, thanks. B. NO. Good idea. C. Yes, please. D. Yes. Better not.18.Im thinking of the test tomorrow. Im afraid I cant pass this time. (06 天津卷)_! Im sure youll make it. AGo ahead BGood luck CNo problem DCheer up 19.Would you take this along to the office for me ?(06 浙江卷)_. A. With pleasure B. Thats right C. Never mind D. Dont mention it20.Would you like some more soup? (06 重庆卷) _ .It is delicious, but Ive had enough.A. Yes, please B. No, thank you. C .Nothing more D. Id like some21.Ive tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means _ with my progress. (06 重庆卷)A. the teacher is not satisfied B. is the teacher not satisfiedC. the teacher is satisfied D. is the teacher satisfied22.How about seeing the new movie at the theatre tonight? _ , but Ive got to go over my notes for tomorrows exam. (06 重庆卷)A. All right B. Sounds great C.I cant D. No, I am terribly sorry2007 年年组组1.Was Martin sorry for what he d done? (07 安徽卷)_. It was just like him! A. Never mind B. All right C. Not really D. Not surprisingly2.Bill, if it doesnt rain, we can go straight on and spend more time in Vienna. (07 安徽卷) I just want to hear Mozart. A. Well done ! B. No problem. C. That s great ! D. That s it.3.“Could we put off the meeting?” she asked. (07 江苏卷) “_.” He answered politely. “This is the only day everyone is available.”A. Not likelyB. Not exactlyC. Not nearlyD. Not really4.Will you join us in the game?(07 江西卷) Thank you, A. but why not?B. but Id rather not. C. and I wontD. and Ill join.5.Can you read the sign, sir? No smoking allowed in the lift! (07 全国卷) _. A. Never mind B. Dont mention it C. Sure, I dont smoke D. Pardon me 6.We have booked a room for today and tomorrow. (07 全国卷)_, sir.A. Im sure B. My pleasure C. Its all rightD. Ill check7.Im sorry to have ke
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