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句子 sentence 句子成份 members of the sentence 主语 subject 谓语 predicate 表语 predicative 定语 attribute 状语 adverbial(modifier) 补语、补足语 complement 同位语 appositive 独立成份 independent elements 陈述句 declarative sentence 祈使句 imperative sentence 感叹句 exclamatory sentence 疑问句 interrogative sentence 一般疑问句 general question 特殊疑问句 special question 选择疑问句 alternative question 反意疑问句 disjunctive question 反意疑问句 tag question 简单句 simple sentence 并列句 compound sentence 复合句 complex sentence 并列复合句 compound complex sentence 省略句 elliptical sentence 简单谓语 simple predicate 复合谓语 compound predicate 直接宾语 direct object 间接宾语 indirect object 复合宾语 complex object 呼语 direct address 插入语 parenthesis 直接引语 direct speech 间接引语 indirect speech 独立结构 absolute construction 独词句 one-member sentence 从句 clause 主句 main clause 主语从句 subject clause 宾语从句 object clause 表语从句 predicative clause 定语从句 attributive clause 同位语从句 appositive clause 状语从句 adverbial clause 时间状语从句 adverbial clause of time地点状语从句 adverbial clause of place 原因状语从句 adverbial clause of cause 条件状语从句 adverbial clause of condition 目的状语从句 adverbial clause of purpose 比较状语从句 adverbial clause of comparison 方式状语从句 adverbial clause of manner 限制性定语从句 restrictive attributive clause 非限制性定语从句 non-restrictive attributive clause 描绘性定语 descriptive attribute 真实条件句 sentence of real condition 虚拟条件句 sentence of unreal condition 自然语序 natural word-order 倒装语序 inverted word-order 倒装句 inverted sentence 叠句 reiterative sentence 省略 ellipsis 句子分析 analysis of sentence 规范句型 canonical sentential form 句型练习 pattern drills 句子成份 sentence element
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