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浅谈英语“读写任务型”写作技巧澄海区澄华中学 李晓华浅谈英语“读写任务型”写作技巧内容摘要“读写任务”写作目的在于培养学生快速阅读能力,信息组织能力和写作能力。它的主要写作技巧是:细读文章,精准转述;层层深入,发表看法。1关键词 读写任务写作 写作方法 写作积累“读写任务”写作是广东近两年高考出现的一种新题型。所谓读写任务就是试题提供一则阅读材料,这则材料一般在 200 词左右。它可以是说明一种现象的说明文;可以是讲一个小故事,引出一个道理的夹叙夹议的文章;也可以是一篇新闻报道;还可以是说理性很强的的文章。考题要求学生通过阅读这样一篇文章,然后用大约 30 词来概括短文要点和大约120 词来发表自己的观点。它不仅考查学生的快速阅读能力和概括能力,而且考查学生的创作能力和信息组织能力。面对这样的新题型,本人经过不断的教学实践,总结了几种写作技巧。一、细读文章,把握大意,精准转述。 (读写任务写作第一部分要求)准确地把握阅读材料的结构和思路,了解作者的观点和意图是转述好原材料的必要途径。一般情况下,文章体裁不同,概括大意的方法也不同。对于故事性、记叙性的文体,其要点涣散,有可能遍布文章每一角落。因此,考生概括时应抓住两要点:一是把文中的时间、地点、人物、事情,一一找出;二是找出文中、段中的主题句。学生结合这两个要点,用自己的语言,把文章内容介绍清楚,做到言简意赅。例:阅读下面的短文, 然后按照要求概括短文要点。Everyone has an experience they would not forget. Some are embarrassing, some are moving, and some teach us a lesson. Here is a story of mine.Last Sunday I went fishing. After setting up my fishing rod(钓鱼竿) with bait(钓鱼的饵), I sat down on the bank of the lake. But two hours later, I didnt catch any fish. I got very angry and began to pack up my stuff(收拾东西), preparing to go back home.Just then, I saw an old man sitting near me. To my surprise, his basket was full of fish, so I went over to him, wanting to know why. “Excuse me, but how long have you sat here?” I asked. “About four hours,” he answered. “Four hours?” I could not believe my ears. “Yes. Its very important to be patient,” the old man said. “ Dont consider fishing a tiring sport. Just enjoy it.” Suddenly, I understand what he said. I must learn to be patient. Then I sat there and waited for fish patiently. I felt a fish touch the bait, but I didnt move and waited for the right moment to reel it in(卷收钓鱼线). At last, I caught it. This made me very happy. In the following six hours, I caught over 10 fish.On my way home, I thought what had happened on the bank. I gradually realized that the secret of success was patience.这则读写任务的材料是一篇记叙文,它讲述的是有一天“我”去钓鱼,从一位老渔夫那2里“我”认识到只要有耐心,才能钓到鱼,而从这件事中我也意识到耐心是成功的重要条件。文中加粗部分就是我们归纳材料时应注意的要点,所以这则材料可以这样概括:The story is about an unforgetable lesson of the writer from an old man while fishing on the bank of the lake, through which the writer realized patience was very important and that it was the secret of success.对于议论文,转述时则要准确而全面地概括作者的观点和态度。一般也可分三步骤来进行概括:1在文中找关键词(主题字眼) ;2找出涉及主题的问题(作者看法)3找出相关问题的解决办法。通过超出的内容,我们再理解其深层关系,借助相关过度词,恰当地概括文章要点,切勿照抄原文句子。例:There is a saying: breakfast is like a king, lunch is like a prince, and dinner is like a pauper. It means that breakfast should be the largest meal of the day. In many countries, the biggest meal of the day is dinner. So why does this saying advise us to eat a large breakfast instead?The answer is in the word “breakfast” of a “fast”, or a long period without eating. The gap between dinner and breakfast can be up to twelve hours, so the meal that breaks your fast should be healthy. Also , unlike your dinner, the food you consume for breakfast will give you energy to use while you are acting during the day. There is evidence that eating a big breakfast, particularly one containing whole grains and fruits, can improve your concentration and mood. Although health experts stress the importance of eating a good breakfast and having ones main meal earlier in the day, not many people are changing their daily eating habits. For example, about twothirds of Americans still have their main meals in the evening. Many of the most popular types of American food, such as steak and potatoes, are full of fat and carbohydrates, which make people digest slowly. 这则材料是一篇议论文,它讨论了吃早餐的重要性,而且提醒人们不吃早餐对身体不利。文中加粗部分就是我们应注意的重点所在。结合各段要点,可以做如下概括:In this passage, the author tells us the importance of eating breakfast. However , many people dont realize this point and they often start work without breakfast.二、层层深入,发表看法(写作第二部分要求)在读写任务中, “发表自己看法”占据了大部分的内容,它是考生能否在书面表达中拿到高分的关键。因此,我们写作时需要有一个清晰的思路,要列出提纲,作一个合理的安排。(一) 理思路,列提纲。3根据所提问题,我们首先应充分调动自身的知识经验,搜集有关背景资料,筛选可用的素材。例:写作要求:就“童年对人生的影响”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含了以下的内容要点,该部分字数大约为 120 词左右。1你的童年是怎样度过的;2在你童年时,你爸妈的言行或教导给你留下了什么影响;3你认为怎样的童年是最幸福的?基于以上的写作要求,我们列出的提纲可以是:(1) how to spend childhoodplay withgo fishing(climbing)(2) influences from your parentswhat parents say/didthe way which parents educate us(3) what is the happiest childhoodstay with do what we like to(二) 圈点相关短语、句式除了学生自己提供的材料外,运用原文中一些相关的断语,句式,也是相当重要的。这样可避免写作时离题、跑题;相反我们应紧紧围绕主题,做到中心明确,条理清晰。例如,在原文中我们可以找出以下有用的断语、句式。(1)a quiet and simple live1 how to spend childhood(2)I have(1)The parents give me so that2. influences from your parents (2)Not only but also(1)I consider the happiest life3. what is the happiest childhood(2)I think(三) 围绕中心,发表看法。根据上面已罗列出来的素材,学生可适4当地运用话题积累词语、句式和其他一些过渡性词语,航标式主题句等材料来灵活表达要点。这样写出来的文章更加自然、流畅,句子前后衔接紧密,条理清晰,层层深入,连贯通顺,符合逻辑。三另外,从上面的写作过程中我们也了解到平时的知识积累非常重要,我认为写作除了应具备必要的词汇量,一定的语法知识和语言组织能力外,作为读写任务还要着重注意以下几方面的积累。(一) 过渡词的积累。过渡词的适当运用能增加文章的层次性,明确句与句,词与词之间的关系。例如:表并列,递进的过渡词有:and, and then, too, in additions, moreover表时间顺序的有:now, then, before, after, next表对比关系的:but,however, on the contrary 表总结性的:finally, in other, on the whole(二) 多样化句式的积累。句式的变化包括句子的结构和长度两方面的变化。单一的句式读起来给人以单调的
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