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Sales retirement causes cut in income and purchases tend to be on essential items. But for separated and divorced couples and second marriages are equally discrete segments of the market with their own particular needs. Having segmented the market, three options present themselves: 1.To ignore the differences in customer needs and develop a product or service which concentrates on the common needs of the potential customers. 2.To recognize the wide range of different customer needs and produce a wide range of products and services, tailored to meet as many of these as possible. 3.To recognize the existence of a wide range of needs of different customer groups, but focus Sales respectable, enjoy leadership; tend to reinforce opinion leadership Social well-integrated; gregarious; influential of others buyingSales more traditional outlook; upper social classesWell-integrated sociallyLate majorityOrientated towards local or family events; not responsive to change; skeptical; follow the majorityLess gregarious than early majority LaggardsSuspicious of change, cautious, conservative, cost-conscious, impervious to social pressure Socially isolated
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