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完形填空训练完形填空训练 1Most English people have three names :a first name , a middle name and the family name. Their family name comes 1 . For example , my 2 name is Jim Allan White . White is my3 name. My 4 gave me both of my other names. People dont use their 5 name very often. So “John Henry Brown ”is usually 6 “John Brown ”. People never Mr , Mrs or Miss before their 7 names . So you can call John Brown or Mr Brown ; 8 you should never say Mr John. They use Mr , Mrs or Miss 9 the family name. A B CD 1. lastthird second first 2. first middle last full 3. given first family middle 4. uncles parents brothers teachers 5. /own first call 6. callcalledcalling calls 7.first giving last parents 8. and for but so 9. of by givenwith 10. same different strange not Key: 15 ADCBD 610 BACDB2 115 Park Road London SE3 7SD DECEMBER 23rd Dear Jim, How time files ! More than a week 1 already. I hope that you and everybody at school are all well , people give them all my best wishes. During the flight Kate kept 2 me how about Polly . Dont forget to give her some food and change her water , 3 you ? We had a good journey home. I had a seat beside the window ,but I could hardly see 4 during the flight because there were too many clouds . Mum 5 the whole way . She hated travelling by air. She tried not to 6 , but found 7 difficult . We stopped in Moscow , but only 8 one and a half hours. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve , and everybody here is busy 9 ready for it . Today my father and I went to choose a big Christmas tree . It is now standing in the corner of our sitting room. Kate has covered it 10 Christmas light . Well , I must stop now . Please write soon. ABCD 1. is passed are passed has passed have passed 2. telling saying asking answering 3. willaredowould 4. everything anything nothing something 5. went found stayed slept 6. work live worry agree 7. thisthat her it 8. with off fromfor 9. get to get getting got 10. by with infor Key: 15 CCABD 610 CDDCB 3 As an American writer , Mark Twain , once said . “Everybody talks about weather , but nobody 1 anything about it .” It is true that everybody talks about the weather. Many people begin their talks 2 saying : “Isnt it a nice 3 ? ” “Do you think it will rain ?” “I think its going to snow.” Many people think they can tell 4 the weather is going to be like . But they 5 ever agree with each other. One man may say , “Do you see how cloudy it is in the east ? Its going to rain tomorrow. ”Another man 6 say , “Yes , its cloudy in the east . We are going to have fine weather tomorrow. ” People often look for the weather they want . When a farmer needs water , he looks for something go tell him its going to rain and he wont believe 7 else. When friends have a picnic , they are so 8 the weather is going to be fine very 9 that they sit eating their lunch while it is raining . Almost everyone listens to what the weatherman says . But he doesnt always tell us what we want and sometimes he makes a mistake . Still , he is 10 most of the time. ABC D 1. do diddoes done 2. through byacross in 3. day weather thing hour 4. how when where what 5. neverallalmost hardly 6. willwould cancould 7. something anything everything nothing 8. true certainly suresurely 9. slowly much quickly quietly 10. right wrong mistake all right Key: 15 CBADD 610 ABCCA4 Cars are an important part of life in the United States. Most American people 1 that they are poor 2 they dont lave a car . And even if a person is poor , he doesnt feel 3 poor when he had a car. Henry Ford was the first man to start 4 cars in large numbers (making a lot of cars ). The car helped make the United States 5 it is today. Why did the car become so 6 in the United States /First , the country is a large one and Americans like to move around in it. 7 a car people can go to any place and dont need to 8 a lot of money. Second , the trains have 9 been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world and planes are too expensive to be often used. Third , it is 10 important. Americans dont like to wait for a bus or a train or even a plane. A car gives them their own time. And this is just what Americans want most to have. A BCD 1. feel believe find say 2. when if whether once 3. real pretty really very much 4. driving buying selling making 5. how what why that 6. popular difficult familiar famous 7. Drive Have With Without 8. take pay cost spend 9. never ever once always 10. more the most very pretty Key: 15 ABCDB 610 ACDAB 5 Of all the things we eat and drink , water is the most important. Not 1 people realize this but it is quite true . The human body can go without food for a long time , but two 2 three days without water usually results in 3 . Many people do not understand how much water the human body needs 4 work properly and many people do not
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