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1初中英语学科新授课初中英语学科新授课“五环节五环节”教学模式教学模式一、一、Free Talk(3 分钟)分钟)这是英语课堂必不可少的首要环节,时间一般掌控在 2-3 分钟,其目的是通过听说训练能够让学生进行热身,迅速进入到英语语境的学习氛围中去。Free Talk 的内容要与所学知识相结合。二、目标引领,知识回顾(二、目标引领,知识回顾(10 分钟)分钟)Free Talk 结束后,教师随即通过白板(或小黑板、导学案)出示本节课学习目标,并设计相关词汇、短语、习题等链接引导学生对所需复习的知识进行回忆,让学生了解哪些基本知识点已经忘记,然后重点。在此环节中教师要留给学生一定的时间练习巩固,然后组内研讨,先自行解决组内存在的问题。三、小组合作,自主学习(三、小组合作,自主学习(15 分钟)分钟)合作自主学习是本节课的重点,通过合作学习旨在培养学生的合作能力以及自学能力。教师先给学生充分的时间自学,然后再合作学习,如果组内仍然无法解决的问题做好标记,在展示环节进行班内解决。四、交流展示,点拨提升(四、交流展示,点拨提升(10 分钟)分钟)本环节主要教师对学生先学情况进行摸底,通过展示自学成果以对检测前段效果予以摸底,因此应偏重 3、4 号的同学进行提问。对于某些知识点可以适当通过拓展外延的方式对1、2 号的优生进行提升,保证让优生能够吃得好。五、检查反馈,巩固成果(五、检查反馈,巩固成果(7 分钟)分钟)对本节的重点知识当堂检测,全面了解学生的学习效果。要求对检测结果进行当堂反馈,可以采取多种形式进行。教师要发挥小组评价的作用,对各小组进行量化评价,对于检测中仍存在问题的学生(要提要求,通过课后小组辅导、师生辅导等形式及时解决,努力做到堂堂清。2附: 初一英语新授课课例Unit8 Section B 2b第一环节:第一环节:FreeFree talktalk(六组对话 3 分钟 )本节课的话题是“what are you doing?”(本单元学生初次接触现在进行时,因此可以根据一些图片让学生复习巩固“Whats sb. doing? Sb. is 来巩固复习本单元的重点句式。形式采取师生之间、生生之间两种。 )第二环节第二环节. . 目标引领,知识回顾目标引领,知识回顾1.1.Show the learning aims (Read together) (1 分钟)(1)学习 2b,理解文章并能够回答问题。(2)学习阅读技巧,提高阅读技能。2.Review the words(4 分钟)竞赛 ;主人;学习,研究;州;购物,商店 ;美国,美利坚 ;美国的,美 ;龙 ;端午节;任何的,任一 ;另外的,其它 ;幼小的,年轻 ;儿童 ;怀念,思念;希望;可口的,美味的;还,仍然;客厅 。(通过出示与本节内容相关的字词练习,让学生自我检测。词汇部分学生大部分已经掌握,所以采取直接测试的形式。采取抢答的形式,极大地调动了学生的积极性。 )3.Review the phrases in groups: (3 分钟)live with, the Dragon Boat Festival, on TV, watch the boat races, any other night, talk on the phone, no place like home,wish to do sth.(改变以往自行背诵的方式,采取组内一对一直接提问的形式,捉对复习,效果明显。然后找学生到黑板前默写,全班学生进行检测反馈。 )5.Come to exercises (2 分钟)1.Tom _(study) in his classroom now.2.We _(live) with our grandpa .3.Mike often _(miss) her old friends.4.Her mother_ (watch) TV at home now.(通过出示与本环节课文相关的字词练习,让学生自我检测:)第三环节:小组合作,自主学习第三环节:小组合作,自主学习1.While-reading(3 分钟)Work in pairs and answer the questions.3(1).Where is Zhu Hui from?(2).Why are Zhu Huis family watching boat races and making zongzi?(3).Is the a Dragon Boat Festival in the US?(4).Does Zhu Hui like his host family ? What does he think about his home in China?(学生自读课文,尝试找出问题的答案,同桌再读课文,修改答案,最后以小组为单位,分享答案。 )2Read and Learn(5 分钟)今天的故事 在美国 一个美国家庭 端午节在电视上观看龙舟赛 寄宿家庭 读一个故事 其他任何一个晚上 思念他的家人 通过电视看足球赛 希望做某事 非常喜欢 (学生再读课文,找出并画出重点短语,由一号同学带领组员讲解答案,最后教师在黑板上出示答案)3Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks(3 分钟)Todays story is about Zhu Hui, a student from Shenzhen. He_ now _ in the United States. He_ with an American family in New York. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Its 9:00 a.m. and Zhu Huis family are(为什么是 are 而不是 is?) at home. His mom and aunt _ zongzi. His dad and uncle _ the boat races on TV._ Zhu Hui also _ the races and _ zongzi? Well, its 9:00 p.m. in New York, and its the night before the festival. But there isnt a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so its like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family. The mother _ a story to her young children. The father _ a soccer game on TV. And what_ Zhu Hui _? He_ on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi . Zhu Hui likes New York and his family a lot, but theres still “ no place like home“.(通过听力练习达到理解文章的目的,同时也要纠正学生的语音语调,培养听力能力)四、交流展示,点拨提升四、交流展示,点拨提升1.Check and teach (2 分钟)4Check the answers to the questions and then explain the difficult and important language points.2.教师点拨:(6 分钟)(1)介词“on”后接某种电器名词,表示“通过某种方式”比如:“ on the radio, on the phone, watch the match, watch TV, watch a game”.(2)any other”意为“其他的任何一个” ,重点讲解“any”用于肯定句中意思是“任何一个” 。 “other”意思是其他的。可以和“any”用于否定句和一般疑问句比较。The mother is reading a story to her young children.(3) “read a story to sb.” 可以补充相关的词组:Read sb. sth, tell a story to sb(tell sb. a story), show sb. sth, show sth to sb, give sb. sth, give sth to sb.Zhu Hui wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.(4)wish to do sth(希望做某事),可以和 hope to do sth 替换。但是如果要用到“希望某人做某事”时一般用词组“wish sb. to do sth”或者是用“wish”接表语从句。例如: 我希望你能努力学习。I wish you to study hard. (I wish you can study hard.)“no place like home”1 He is _ (study) in the United States.2 Its 6:00, my teacher _(eat) dinner.3 -What are they doing?-They _( study) English.4 My parents are watching TV and _ ( eat) fruit.5 Hes talking on the phone. (对划线提问)_?9.Summary(3 分钟)学生总结本节课复习内容。 (通过让学生自己总结,能够让学生梳理知识网络,对知识有更进一步的了解。 )五、检查反馈,巩固成果五、检查反馈,巩固成果(10 分钟)必做:1、短文填空(必做题)5Todays story is about Zhu Hui , a student from Shenzhen. Hes now s_ in the U_ States. Hes l_ with an A_ family in New Work . Today is the D_ Boat F_. Its 9:00am and Zhu Huis family are at home. His mom and aunt are m_ zongzi. His dad and uncle are w_ the boat r_ on TV.2. 把下列句子译成英语。 (选做题)1) 现在纽约是晚上九点钟,是端午节的前夜。Its 9:00 pm in New York, and its the _ _ the _.2)对于朱慧和他的寄宿家庭来说,今晚和任何一个晚上都是一样的。It _ _ _ _ _ for Zhu Hui and his _ family.
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