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海淘时一些与客服沟通的邮件模板 电话对口语和听力的要求太高了。live chat 倒是一个比较常用的且方便的沟通方式。 下面整理一些模板: 1、询问砍单原因 Hi there. I have an order (o.订单号), which was placed on (订单日期). It wan cancelled without notifying me. May I know the reason? 2、取消订单 Hi there. I have an order (o.订单号), which was placed on (订单日期). I dont think the color is suit for me.(丌想要的理由,可以委婉一些。) ay I ask you to cancel the order and pay the money back to me? Thanks. 3、要求合箱 Hi there. I have an order (o.订单号), which was placed on (订单日期). And another order (订单号), which was placed on (订单日期). Could you please sent all items of these two orders in a single package. Please do not deliver them separately. Thank you. 4、更改收货地址 Hi there. I have an order (o.订单号), which was placed on (订单日期). Could you please help me to change the shipping address to a new one? The information about the new shipping address are following: (新地址) Thank you. (以上是由海淘乐转运整理发布)
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