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聊城大学硕士学位论文i摘 要本文在广泛吸收前人研究成果的基础上,对感恩及感恩教育理论进行探讨,总结了当代大学生感恩现状,剖析了部分大学生感恩缺失的原因,并提出了一系列行之有效的大学生感恩教育实施策略。主要内容如下:第一部分对感恩及感恩教育进行理论探讨。首先,阐释感恩的内涵,并简要介绍中西方传统文化中的感恩意识和感恩思想。其次,阐释高校感恩教育的内涵,并对当代大学生进行感恩教育的必要性进行论述。第二部分对当代大学生感恩现状及其成因进行分析。总体看来,当代大学生对感恩的认可程度比较高,报恩意识较强,感恩品德的主流是较好的。但是,当代大学生绝大部分是独生子女,从小生活在长辈的关爱和呵护里,容易形成以自我为中心的个人主义倾向。从而导致部分大学生感恩缺失,主要体现在部分大学生对大自然感恩的缺失、对生命感恩的缺失、对父母师友感恩的缺失、对学校感恩的缺失及对社会感恩的缺失五个方面。部分大学生出现种种感恩缺失的现象,究其原因主要可以归纳为社会环境变化带来的冲击,高校感恩教育的缺失,家庭感恩教育的缺失和大学生自身消极因素的影响。第三部分是对当代大学生感恩教育的对策探索。首先,阐述当代大学生感恩教育的有利条件。当代大学生思想活跃、自我意识强、内心深处始终有感恩的因子在潜伏涌动,这为大学生感恩教育的顺利开展提供了心理基础。五千年的中华文明史创造和积累了大量的感恩文化资源,这些资源为大学生感恩教育提供了丰富的素材和理论来源。此外,西方优秀的感恩经验为大学生感恩教育提供了可以借鉴的方法和途径。其次,阐述当代大学生感恩教育的主要内容。大自然对我们有孕育之恩,父母对我们有养育之恩,老师对我们有教诲之恩,同学友人对我们有帮助之恩,学校、社会、祖国对我们有关爱之恩。因此,感恩教育包括了感恩大自然、感恩生命、感恩父母师友、感恩学校、社会、国家等多方面的内容。最后,阐述当代大学生感恩教育的实施策略。大学生感恩教育是学校感恩教育、家庭感恩教育、社会感恩教育和学生自我教育的有机统一。在进行大学生感恩教育的过程中,形成以学校教育为核心、家庭教育为基础、社会教育为保障、自我教育为关键,四者紧密结合、相聊城大学硕士学位论文ii互支持的一个教育体系,以促进大学感恩教育有序、顺利进行,最终取得良好成效。关键词关键词:国际法;晚清驻外使节制度;近代化聊城大学硕士学位论文iiiABSTRACTThe thesis is attempted to analyze thanksgiving and thanksgiving education theory, summarize gratitude of college students in current situation, dissect the reason why some of college students lack thanksgiving spirit, and put forward a series of efficient implemental strategies of thanksgiving education towards college students. The first part is theoretical discussion about thanksgiving and its education. First, the meaning of thanksgiving and brief introduction of thanksgiving consciousness idea in both Chinese and western traditional cultures will be interpreted; secondly, the meaning of thanksgiving education in colleges and its necessity will also be illustrated. The second part is elaboration of status and the reason of formation of thanksgiving of temporary college students. On the whole, they think highly of thanksgiving and had a strong feeling about it, so the mainstream gratitude is good. However, College students tend to be self-centered because most of them are the only child of their families which are taken good care of by their parents or grandparents. Therefore, most of them lack thanksgiving reflected as the lack of thanksgiving for nature, life, parents , teachers and friends, school and society all of the five aspects. The reason why they lack this emotion is partly that the impact of the changing social environment, the hiatus of thanksgiving in college, the deficiency of family education and self-negative factors of college students, etc.The third part is measure exploration of thanksgiving education for college students. Primarily, advantages of temporary college students thanksgiving education will be explicated. Active ideas, strong self-consciousness and the stirring gratitude feeling in their hearts provide psychological basis for thanksgiving educations development. A lot of thanksgiving culture resources accumulated by 5000-year-old Chinese civilization offer rich materials and theoretical foundation. Moreover, the excellent western thanksgiving experience supplies the referential methods for it. Secondly, the main content about thanksgiving education is to be illuminated .we are conceived by Nature, brought up by 聊城大学硕士学位论文ivparents, trained by teachers, helped by friends and classmates, and cared by school, motherland and society, so the thanksgiving education contains all above the mentioned. At last, implemental strategies are to be expounded. College students thanksgiving education is a combination of school thanksgiving education, family thanksgiving education, society thanksgiving education and Self-Education. In the process of college students thanksgiving education, forming an educational system in which school education as the core form, family education as the foundation, the social education as the guarantee, and self- education as the key, and these four educations combine closely and support mutually in order to promote university thanksgiving education proceeding orderly and smoothly and finally obtaining good achievements.Key Words:international law;input;the Late Qing Dynasty diplomatic envoy system;modernization聊城大学硕士学位论文目目 录录前 言.1 第一节 问题的缘起及研究意义 .1 第二节 研究现状及本文的创新之处 .2第一章 感恩及感恩教育的理论探讨.6第一节 感恩的内涵 .6第二节 高校感恩教育的内涵及必要性 .8第二章 当代大学生感恩现状及成因分析.11第一节 当代大学生总体感恩水平较高 .11第二节 部分大学生感恩缺失的表现 .12第三节 部分大学生感恩缺失的原因 .17第三章 当代大学生感恩教育的对策探索.25第一节 当代大学生感恩教育的有利条件 .25第二节 当代大学生感恩教育的主要内容 .27第三节 当代大学生感恩教育的实施策略 .32结语.4
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