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端口作用一览表端口作用一览表端口作用一览表 作者:枫-叶 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:8974 文章录入:枫-叶 15=NETSTAT PORT21=Blade Runner, Doly Trojan, Fore, FTP trojan, Invisible FTP, Larva, ebEx, WinCrash 22=SSH PORT23=Tiny Telnet Server 25=Shtrilitz Stealth, Terminator, WinPC, WinSpy, Kuang2 0.17A-0.30, Antigen, Email Password Sender, Haebu Coceda, Kuang2, ProMail trojan, Tapiras 31=Agent 31, Hackers Paradise, Masters Paradise 41=DeepThroat53=DOMAIN PORT 58=DMSetup63=WHOIS PORT79=Firehotcker 80=Executor 110=ProMail trojan 90=DNS PORT101=HOSTNAME PORT110=POP3 PORT121=JammerKillah137=NETBIOS Name Service PORT 138=NETBIOS Datagram Service PORT 139=NETBIOS Session Service PORT 194=IRC PORT 406=IMSP PORT421=TCP Wrappers456=Hackers Paradise531=Rasmin555=Ini-Killer, Phase Zero, Stealth Spy666=Attack FTP, Satanz Backdoor 911=Dark Shadow999=DeepThroat 1001=Silencer, WebEx1011=Doly Trojan1012=Doly Trojan 1024=NetSpy 1045=Rasmin 1090=Xtreme 1095=Rat 1097=Rat 1098=Rat 1099=Rat 1170=Psyber Stream Server 1170=Voice 1234=Ultors Trojan 1243=BackDoor-G, SubSeven 1245=VooDoo Doll 1349=BO DLL 1492=FTP99CMP 1600=Shivka-Burka 1807=SpySender 1080=SOCKS PORT1981=Shockrave 1999=BackDoor 1.00-1.03 2001=Trojan Cow 2023=Ripper 2115=Bugs 2140=Deep Throat 2140=The Invasor 2565=Striker 2583=WinCrash 2801=Phineas Phucker 3024=WinCrash 3129=Masters Paradise 3150=Deep Throat, The Invasor 3700=Portal of Doom 4092=WinCrash 4567=File Nail 4590=ICQTrojan 5000=Bubbel, Back Door Setup, Sockets de Troie 5001=Back Door Setup, Sockets de Troie 5321=Firehotcker 5400=Blade Runner 5401=Blade Runner 5402=Blade Runner 5550=JAPAN Trojan-xtcp5555=ServeMe 5556=BO Facil 5557=BO Facil 5569=Robo-Hack 5742=WinCrash 6400=The Thing 6666=IRC SERVER PORT 6667=IRC CHAT PORT 6670=DeepThroat 6711=SubSeven 6771=DeepThroat 6776=BackDoor-G, SubSeven 6939=Indoctrination 6969=GateCrasher 6969=Priority 7000=Remote Grab 7300=NetMonitor 7301=NetMonitor 7306=NetMonitor 7307=NetMonitor 7308=NetMonitor7626=G_Client 7789=Back Door Setup, ICKiller 9872=Portal of Doom 9873=Portal of Doom 9874=Portal of Doom 9875=Portal of Doom 9989=iNi-Killer 10067=Portal of Doom 10167=Portal of Doom 10520=Acid Shivers 10607=Coma 11000=Senna Spy 11223=Progenic trojan 12223=Hack?9 KeyLogger 12345=GabanBus, NetBus, Pie Bill Gates, X-bill 12346=GabanBus, NetBus, X-bill 12361=Whack-a-mole 12362=Whack-a-mole 12631=WhackJob 13000=Senna Spy 16969=Priority 20001=Millennium 20034=NetBus 2 Pro 21544=GirlFriend 22222=Prosiak 23456=Evil FTP, Ugly FTP 26274=Delta Source 29891=The Unexplained 30029=AOL Trojan 30100=NetSphere 1.27a, NetSphere 1.31 30101=NetSphere 1.31, NetSphere 1.27a 30102=NetSphere 1.27a, NetSphere 1.31 30103=NetSphere 1.31 30303=Sockets de Troie 31337=Baron Night, BO client, BO2, Bo Facil, BackFire, Back Orifice, DeepBO 31338=NetSpy DK 31338=Back Orifice, DeepBO 31339=NetSpy DK 31666=BOWhack 31785=Hack Attack 31787=Hack Attack 31789=Hack Attack 31791=Hack Attack 33333=Prosiak 34324=BigGluck, TN 40412=The Spy 40421=Agent 40421, Masters Paradise 40422=Masters Paradise 40423=Masters Paradise 40426=Masters Paradise 47262=Delta Source 50505=Sockets de Troie 50766=Fore 53001=Remote Windows Shutdown 54321=School Bus .69-1.11 60000=Deep Throat 61466=Telecommando 65000=Devil 69123=ShitHeep 注:现在的木马的端口,都可以重定义的,上面含有的木马端口只是它们的默认端口。端口及对应的服务以下是一些端口及对应的服务,大多数列出的是木马默认端口,你扫到开放的端口知道其是对应什么服务的,就可以进一步分析和利用这个开放的端口是否有漏洞了 0=Reserved 1=tcpmux 2=compressnet 3=compressnet 4=Unassigned 5=Remote Job Entr 6=Unassigned 7=Echo 8=Unassigned 9=Discard 10=Unassigned 11=Active Users 12=Unassigned 13=Daytime 14=Unassigned 15=Unassigned 16=Unassigned 17=Quote of the Day 18=Message Send Protocol 19=Character Generator 20=FTP (Data) 21=FTP (Control) 22=Unassigned 23=Telnet 24=Private mail-system 25=SMTP 26=Unassigned 27=NSW User System FE 28=Unassigned 29=MSG ICP 30=Unassigned 31=MSG Authentication 32=Unassigned 33=Display Support Protocol 34=Unassigned 35=Private printer server 36=Unassigned 37=Time 38=Route Access Protocol 39=Resource Location Protocol 40=Unassigned 41=Graphics 42=Host Name Server 43=Who Is 44=MPM FLAGS Protocol 45=Message Processing Module (recv) 46=mpm-snd, MPM (default send) 47=ni-ftp 48=Digital Audit Daemon 49=login, Login Host Protocol 50=re-mail-ck, Remote Mail Checking Protocol 51=IMP Logical Address Maintenance 52=xns-time, XNS Time Protocol 53=domain, Domain Name Server 54=xns-ch, XNS Clearinghouse 55=ISI Graphics Language 56=XNS Authentication 57=Private terminal access 58=XNS Mail 59=Private file service 60=Unassigned 61=NI MAIL 62=ACA Services 63=Unassigned 64=Communications Integrator (CI) 65=TACACS-Database Service 66=Oracle SQL*NET 67=Bootstrap Protocol Server 68=Bootstrap Protocol Client 69=Trivial File Transfer 70=Gophergopher 71=Remote Job Service 72=Remote Job Service 73=Remote Job Service 74=Remote Job Service 75=any private dial out service 76=Distributed External Object Store 77=any private RJE service 78=vettcpvettcp 79=Finger server 80=HTTP 81=HOSTS2 Name Server 82=XFER Utility 83=MIT ML Device 84=Common Trace Facility 85
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