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Unit 3 达标测试 班级 姓名 分数 听力部分(30%)I. Listen and number. 请你根据听到的顺序用 115 在图片下标号。 (15%)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )I. Listen and choose the phrases. 请你找出听到的短语,将其序号填入题前括号内。 (5%) ( ) 1. A. a picture of my family B. a happy family C. my parents ( ) 2. A. Class Two B. Grade Five C. twin brothers ( ) 3. A. in Beijing Hospital B. on the right C. on the left ( ) 4. A. learn from B. each other C. in his work ( ) 5. A. a good tailor B. a uniform C. a beautiful dress III. Listen and choose the sentences. 请你找出听到的句子,将其序号填入题前 括号内。 (5%) ( ) 1. A. Im from Australia. B. I come from New Zealand. ( ) 2. A. My father is a taxi driver. B. My mother is a tailor. ( ) 3. A. What do they do? B. Where do they work? ( ) 4. A. I want to be a doctor. B. I want to be a policeman. ( ) 5. A. Is she a singer? B. Is she a dancer? IV. Listen and complete the dialogue. 请你根据录音完成对话。 (5%)1. _ is my _. 2. My _ is a clever boy.3. Cathy is my _. 4. I want to be a _.笔试部分(70%) I. Find out same or different. 请你判断下列单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同 划“” ,不同划“” 。 (5%)( ) 1. father mother ( ) 2. mother brother ( ) 3. sister singer ( ) 4. dad dancer ( ) 5. farmer teacher ( ) 6. who piano ( ) 7. this like ( ) 8. farmer smart ( ) 9. waiter waitress ( ) 10. pretty dentist II. Fill in the blanks. 请你用任何合适的单词填空。 (10%) 1. Carls _ is a _.2. Toms _ is a _.3. _ is he?4. My grandmother is a _.5. My uncle is a _.6. She has big eyes and a small _.7. I have a _.8. Li Mings _ is beautiful. III. Translate the following phrases. 请你翻译下列短语。 (10%)1. a picture of my family _ 2. twin brothers _3. a happy family _ 4. on the left _5. on the right _ 6. look at _7. in the future _ 8. each other _9. in Beijing Hospital _ 10. learn from _ IV. Read and choose. 请你朗读并选择正确答案的序号。 (10%)( ) 1. _ father is a teacher. A. Me B. I C. My ( ) 2. I _ ten. A.am B. is C. are ( ) 3. The girl on the left _ my sister. A.is B. are C. am ( ) 4. We _ twin brothers. A.are B. am C. is ( ) 5. Im _ Class Two. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 6. I want _ be a teacher. A. in B.to C. too ( ) 7. Look _ todays newspaper. A. to B. on C. at ( ) 8. We should learn _ Lei Feng. A.from B. to C. on ( ) 9. Can you make a uniform _ me? A. on B. for C. to ( ) 10. Let me introduce my parents _ you. A. to B. on C. for V. Form sentences. 请你连词组句。 (10%)1. his, is, job, what ( ? )2. is, my, teacher, a, father ( . )3. my, this, mother, is ( . )4. in, I, Class 2, am, Grade 5 ( . )5. want, a doctor, to be, like, I, my dad ( . )VI. Write out the sentences according to the pictures after the model. 请你根据图意,模仿范例写出句子。 (16%)A. 例: This is my grandfather.Whats your grandfather?祖父(老师) Hes a teacher.1. _ 2. _ _父亲(医生)_ 母亲(护士)_3. _ 4. _ _姐姐(警察)_ 哥哥(农民)_B. 例:Whos she? Shes my grandmother.1. 2._ _ _VII. Read and choose. 请你阅读短文后,选择正确答案填空。 (9%) My name is Tom. My father, Mr Read, works in a hospital(医院). My mother, Mrs Read is in a school. My father and my mother work five days a week(星期)and I am at school from Monday to Friday. On Saturday we all stay at home(呆在家里). We often go out(出去)in a car on Sunday. We often go to the rivers(河)or lakes(湖). My father likes fishing(钓鱼)and I like swimming. My mother sits there(坐在那). My father is good at fishing. Sometimes we go to see my uncle . Hes on a farm. He has a son, Jim. We often play football. My uncle and Jim like beef very much. My mother prepares(准备)for them. I often help her. I like enjoying the dinner.( ) 1. Jim and Tom are _.A. sisters B. brothers C. friends D. classmate(同学) ( ) 2. Toms father is _. A. a farmer
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