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五年级期中英语试卷一、填入所缺的字母。Cmera ch ldren pe ple pictur ev ryone quickl qui tly po nt sle p dr w s e lo d thes m n二、连词成句并翻译成汉语。1 see I dumplings2 Danny dont please point 3 banana see I a4 reading a book am I5 too loud You are6 sleeping is Danny7 women This is8 talking Who is9 some tea Would you like ?10 Would you some pop like ?11 hungry Who is ?12 have some soup May I Please ?13 laughing , is Who ?14 Danny loud is15 read a picture Can you ?16 men These are17 are These women18 tired and hungry ,Everyone is .19 slow ,The bus is .20 flying kites ,I see some man .21 This camera a is .22 a film is This .23 I take , May ,a picture ?24 my nose I hurt25 shops quickly ,Jenny .三、变成复数句并翻译成汉语。1 This is a man .2 One man .3 This is a woman .4 One woman .5 This is a boy and a girl .四、翻译成英语。孩子 男人 女人 看 看见 睡觉 现在 吵闹一些 人们 容易 难的 许多 救命 受伤五、补充句子。1 A: May I take your picture ?B:2 A: B: We are hungry 3 A; Who is talking ?B; 4 A: What is the woman doing now ?B: 5 A: Would you like some pop ?B:( 1 Yes , please ,Mrs Li . 2 No, thanks ,Cameras are easy ! 3 Who is hungry ? 4 She is reading the newspaper now .5 Its Danny .)六、解释词组。( )1 loudly a 指( )2 quickly b 大声地( )3 many c 吵闹( )4 quietly d 快速地( ) 5 slowly e 许多( )6 loudly f 慢慢地( ) 7 point g 玩地很有趣( )8 reading the newspaper h 一杯牛奶( )9 having fun i 在看报( )10 a glass of milk j 它是 2:30( )11 There are k 许多人( )12 many people l 有( )13 walk slowly m 许多孩子( )14 many children n 照相机( )15 camera o 这是胶卷( )16 This is a film p 照相( )17 take a picture q 快来( )18 Come on r 慢慢地走( )19 What time is it ? s 几点了( )20 Its two thirty . t
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