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计算机系统计算机系统 英语句型英语句型Computer System Dialogue 1计算机系统 句型 1A: Hey,Bill. Can you tell whats wrong with my computer?嘿,比尔。你看看我的电脑出了什么问题吗?I cant move the mouse ,I cant use the keyboard. Nothing is working right.鼠标不动了,键盘也没办法打。什么都不对劲。B:Hmmm It like your hard drive crashed.嗯看来好象是死机了。A: That sounds bad.听起来很糟糕。B: Well, if you didnt save your work,you might lose the most recent changes youve made .but it shouldnt be too bad.嗯,如果你没有存档,最近做的更改恐怕就会不见了,不过应该不会太糟。You just need to reboot your computer.你只要重开机就好了。Dilogue 2句型 2A: Oh, no! I cant remember where I saved my file ,and there are too many directiories on my hard drive.哎,糟了!我记不得把文件存到哪里去了,硬盘里的目录又这么多。Ill never find it!我永远也找不到了!B: Do you remember the name of your file?你还记得文件名吧?A: I named it Term Paper.我给它取名“学期论文“。B: Just click on the Start button at the left bottom of your screen.你只要点一下屏幕左下角的“开始“按钮。Then youll see an item called Find.就会看到“查找“项。Click on that and type in the name of your document.在它上面点一下然后把文件名打进去。The computer will help you find it no time!电脑很快就会替你找出来了!Dialogue 3句型 3A:Whats the best kind of printer to buy?打印机买哪一种最好?B: That depends on what you want to print.那要看打印什么。A:I guess that makes sense.有道理。I mostly print word documents and some Power Point files.我大半都打印 Word 文档和 Power Point 文档。B: In that case I would suggest a color bubble-jet printer.如果那样,我建议买彩色喷墨打印机。Theyre usually pretty cheap and compact ,but they produce sufficient graphic quality to print Power Point files.一般都很便宜而又精巧,用它打印图表的质量用来打印 Power Point 一点也不会差。Dialogue 4句型 4A: Ive decided to buy a CD writer.我决定买一台 CD 刻录机。B: What are you going to do with that?做什么用呢?A: I enjoy photography ,and Ive decided to start storing my pictures on CD-ROM.我喜欢摄影,我决定开始把我的照片用 CD-ROM 储存起来。Passage Computer System 计算机系统 Professional Term 专业术语 combination组合,集合 electromechanic机电的 intelligence智力,智能 term术语,专门名词The term computer is used to describe a device made up of a combination of electronic and electrom mechanical components.计算机这个术语是用来描述由一些电子的和机电的(即一部分是电子的,一部分是机械的)元、部件组合而成的一种装置。By itself,a computer has no intelligence and referred to as hardware.单是一台计算机本身,它是没有智能的,只能称它为硬件。A computer doesnt come to life until it is connected to other parts of a computer system.一台计算机只有与计算机系统的其它部分连接起来以后,它才能具有生命力。When one computer system is set up to communicate with another computer system.当一个计算机系统建立起来,要与另一个计算机系统通讯时,connnectivity becomes a sixth system element.联结方式就成了计算机系统的另外第六个组成部分。In other words ,the manner in which the various individual systems are connected.也就是说,各式各样的单个系统之间相互连接的方式。for example, by phone lines.microwave transmission ,or satellite-is iteslf an element of the total computer system.(例如:通过电话线、微波传送或者卫星传送)就成了计算机系统的一个组成部分。Notes注意事项In other words, the manner in which the various individual systems are connected换言之,各式各样单独系统相互连接的方式for example ,by phone lines, microwave transmission, or satellite-is itself an element of the total computer system.(例如:通过电话线、微波传送或者卫星传送)是计算机系统的一个组成部分。This is the lab in which we often make scientific experiment.这就是我们常去做实验的实验室。Professional Terms 专业术语 constitute 构成,组成 create创造,建立 however无论如果,不管(怎样) instruction指令,指示 operate操作,运行,运算 perform履行,运行,使用 present呈现,表现;提供 response回答,响应,感应 task任务,工作Software is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task.软件是用来描述指令的一个技术术语。而指令则告诉硬件该如何去完成一项任务。Without software instructions, the hardware doesnt know what to do.如果没有软件指令,硬件就不知该做什么。People ,however ,consititute the most important component of the computer system.然而,人却是构成计算机系统的最重要的组成部分。Operate the computer hardware.由人来操作计算机硬件;they create the computer software instructions and respond to the procedures that those instructions present.由人来建立软件指令,并响应软件指令所表示的过程。Right now lets discuss the importance of data and information .现在让我们讨论一下数据和信息的重要性。Notes注意事项Software is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task; without software instructions ,the hardware doesnt know what to do.软件是用来描述指令的一个技术术语。指令告诉硬件该如何去完成一项任务。如果没有软件指令,硬件就不知该做什么。The purpose of a computer system is to convert data into information.计算机系统的目的就是净数据转换为信息。Data is raw, unevaluated facts and figures, concepts ,and instructions.数据是指那些尚未加工处理的、未被赋予数值的事实、数字、概念或指令等。This raw material is processed into useful information.这些尚未加工的原始数据经过加工处理后才能变成有用的信息。In other words, information is the product of data processing.也就是说,信息是数据处理的结果。This processing includes refining ,summarizing categorizing ,and otherwise manipulating the data into a useful form for decision -making.数据的这种处理包括对数据的精炼、总结、分类以及对数据的其它有关变换,以便使数据转变为对制定决策有用的形式。For example, the facts and figures contained in a stack of customer orders waiting to be entered into a computer-based order entry system are data.例如,用户大量订单中所包含的事实和数字,在它们正等待着被输入到计算机的订单输入系统时,就称之为数据;after the data is entered and processed,and output report about how that data affected product inventory would be information.而当这个数据输入处理之后,就产生一个这些数据在过去是如何产品总量的输出报告,这个输出报告就是所谓的信息。notes注意事项This process includes refining, summarizing ,categorizing ,and otherwise m
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