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1Film Subtitles of “Pride and Prejudice” 00:02:14,600 00:02:16,556 Lydia! Kitty! 00:02:51,560 00:02:54,233 My dear Mr Bennet, have you heard? 00:02:54,400 00:02:58,916Netherfield Park is let at last. Do you not want to know who has taken it? 00:02:59,120 00:03:04,877 As you wish to tell me, my dear, I doubt I have any choice in the matter. 00:03:10,360 00:03:13,397 Kitty, what have I told you about listening at the door? 00:03:13,600 00:03:16,273 Theres a Mr Bingley arrived from the North. 00:03:16,440 00:03:19,557 - Five thousand a year! - Really? 00:03:19,720 00:03:21,278 - Hes single!- Whos single? 00:03:21,480 00:03:24,040 A Mr Bingley, apparently. Kitty! 00:03:24,200 00:03:25,997 How can that possibly affect them? 00:03:26,200 00:03:28,236 Mr Bennet, how can you be so tiresome? 00:03:28,400 00:03:30,675 You know he must marry one of them. 00:03:30,840 00:03:32,796 That is his design in settling here? 00:03:33,000 00:03:35,116 You must go and visit him at once. 00:03:35,320 00:03:38,118 Good heavens. People. 00:03:40,480 00:03:44,393 For we may not visit if you do not, as you well know, Mr Bennet. 00:03:44,560 00:03:48,599 - Are you listening? You never listen. - You must, Papa! At once! 00:03:48,760 00:03:51,194 Theres no need. I already have. 00:03:51,920 00:03:53,717 - You have? - When? 00:03:53,880 00:03:57,316 Oh, Mr Bennet, how can you tease me so? 00:03:57,520 00:03:59,795 Have you no compassion for my poor nerves? 00:04:00,000 00:04:03,436 You mistake me, my dear. I have the highest respect for them. 00:04:03,640 00:04:06,757 Theyve been my constant companions these twenty years. 00:04:06,920 00:04:07,875 Papa! 00:04:08,080 00:04:09,274 - Is he amiable? - Who? 00:04:09,440 00:04:11,715 - Is he handsome? - Hes sure to be. 00:04:11,920 00:04:14,957 With 5,000 a year, it would not matter if he had warts. 00:04:15,120 00:04:16,439 Whos got warts? 00:04:16,600 00:04:19,717 I will consent to his marrying whichever girl he chooses. 00:04:19,920 00:04:23,959 - So will he come to the ball tomorrow? - I believe so. 00:04:25,160 00:04:28,835 -Mr Bennet!- I have to have your muslin! 00:04:29,000 00:04:31,719 - Ill lend you my green slippers!- They were mine. 00:04:31,880 00:04:35,475 - Ill do your mending for a week.- Ill retrim your new bonnet. 00:04:35,680 00:04:37,318 Two weeks Ill do it for. 00:05:14,160 00:05:17,197 Its not the same!Its not the same. 00:05:26,880 00:05:28,757 I cant breathe. 00:05:31,480 00:05:34,074 I think one of my toes just came off. 00:05:41,880 00:05:44,758 If every man does not end the evening in love with you, 00:05:44,920 00:05:46,638 then Im no judge of beauty. 00:05:46,840 00:05:49,718 -Or men.- No, they are far too easy to judge. 00:05:49,880 00:05:51,359 Theyre not all bad. 00:05:51,520 00:05:54,273 Humourless poppycocks, in my limited experience. 00:05:54,440 00:05:56,635 One day, someone will catch your eye, 00:05:56,840 00:05:59,115 and then youll have to watch your tongue. 00:06:19,480 00:06:20,674 How good of you to come. 00:06:20,840 00:06:23,400 Which of the painted peacocks is our Mr Bingley? 00:06:23,560 00:06:26,199 Hes on the right. On the left is his sister. 00:06:26,360 00:06:31,195 -The person with the quizzical brow?- That is his good friend, Mr 2Darcy. 00:06:31,400 00:06:35,598 -He looks miserable, poor soul.- He may be, but poor he is not. 00:06:35,760 00:06:36,715 Tell me. 00:06:36,920 00:06:39,559 10,000 a year, and he owns half of Derbyshire. 00:06:39,720 00:06:41,676 The miserable half. 00:07:07,960 00:07:12,636 Mr Bennet, you must introduce him to the girls immediately. 00:07:13,520 00:07:15,238 Smile at Mr Bingley. Smile. 00:07:31,120 00:07:32,075 Mary. 00:07:32,280 00:07:35,078 Mr Bingley, my eldest daughter you know. 00:07:36,160 00:07:40,438 Mrs Bennet, Miss Jane Bennet, Elizabeth and Miss Mary Bennet. 00:07:40,600 00:07:44,195 It is a pleasure. I have two others, but theyre already dancing. 00:07:44,360 00:07:46,635 Im delighted to make your acquaintance. 00:07:46,840 00:07:51,914 And may I introduce Mr Darcy of Pemberley in Derbyshire. 00:08:10,760 00:08:12,876 How do you like it here in Hertfordshire? 00:08:13,080 00:08:14,957 Very much. 00:08:15,120 00:08:18,317 The library at Netherfield, Ive heard, is one of the finest. 00:08:18,480 00:08:22,758 It fills me with guilt. Im not a good reader. I prefer being out of doors. 00:08:22,960 00:08:25,394 Oh, I mean, I can read, of course. 00:08:25,600 00:08:28,876 And Im not suggesting you cant read out of doors. 00:08:29,040 00:08:32,635 I wish I read more, but there eem to be so many other things to do. 00:08:32,800 00:08:34,995 Thats exactly what I meant. 00:08:38,000 00:08:41,754 Mama, Mama! You will never, ever believe what were about to tell you. 00:08:41,920
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