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衡南县星火实验中学 七年级下册英语导学案(仁爱版) 主备人:石珍萍 审核人:谢永忠 七年级英语备课 组Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 2 A few students are running around the playground.Section C 编号:编号:编号:编号:2014YY72112014YY72112014YY7211English Proverb : Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future.知识改变命运,英语成就未来。 Name Class Group Day Date Weather 【抽测抽测】Test. 抽测完后,请给你的学习伙伴一个评价。抽测得满分者,可获得;抽测 得满分且书写工整漂亮者,可获得。【学习目标学习目标】Learning Aims and Demands. 1、能熟练拼读并记住新单词及短语:around, few, a few, game, sit, ping-pong, lesson, write, aha, blackboard, at the back of , draw, picture. 2、掌握并能运用下列句型进行口语交际: (1)Some students are having a soccer game. 一些学生正在举行足球赛。 3、继续学习现在进行时。4、学习表示方位的介词和介词短语(in /on / at / between) 。【预习导学预习导学】Look at the pictures and describe what the students are doing.(看图,描述学生们正在做什么。 )、Some students basketball Some girls Some students a soccer game Helen and Ann ping-pong. A few students around the playground. Three students in the swimming pool.Kangkang English newspapers Michael his homework Wang Wei a letter Sally the blackboard at the back of the classroom.【基础知识基础知识】 Self-study(独学独学):学法指导学法指导(1). Read P13-1a and circle the new words and phrases. (读第十三页 1a,圈出新单词和短语) (2). Learn to read the words. (学读新单词)1、Read 1a and underline the structure be +v.ing.( 读 2a,下划线 be +v.ing 结构):2、Read 1a and understand it.(读并理解 1a) 学法指导学法指导Read 1a and underline the key points. (读 1a 下划线重点短语及有疑惑的地方) 3、Listen to 1a again , then read after the tape aloud,pay attention to the intonation.(再听一遍 1a,然后大声跟读录音,注意语音语调。) 衡南县星火实验中学 七年级下册英语导学案(仁爱版) 主备人:石珍萍 审核人:谢永忠 七年级英语备课 组 Pairwork and groupwork (对学与群学对学与群学):1. Discuss and try to translate the passage. (组内讨论并试着翻译 1a) 2. Complete 1b in pairs.(结对完成 1b) Show (表演 1a)Lets do it in front of the class. Come on! Everybody!【展示提升展示提升】 Pairwork and groupwork (对学与群学对学与群学):1、Complete 2a.(完成 2a) 学法指导学法指导Practice in groups.(以小组为单位先填空后展示,找出并翻译下列动词短语)2、Complete 2b,ask and answer in pairs using Is/Are ?What is/are doing?(完成 2b, 成对用 2a 中句型问答)3、Complete 3.(完成 34、Complete 4a and 4b.(完成 4a 和 4b) ShowLets do it in front of the class. Come on! Everybody!【深入探究深入探究】 Groupwork(群学群学)1.around: 在周围: 在我们学校周围_ 大约=about :大约在六点钟_show sb. around () : 带领某人参观(、 、 、 )show me around your school _2. sitsitting : I am _(sit) between Lucy and Lily at the moment.seat 座位 have a seat = take a seat 3. writewriting . He is _(write) a letter . 4. at the back of 在后面(在某一范围内部)She is cleaning the blackboard at the back of the classroom .翻译:_5. draw : draw pictures 画画【反馈作业反馈作业】Feedback 一、写出现在分词形式(别忘了用红笔纠错哦!)若在课前完成得好可获得。 1. watch 2. play 3. shop 4. make 5. see 6. catch 7. get 8. begin 9. meet 10. take 11. swim 12. write 13. teach 14. tell 15. have 16. sit (二)用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. He_(go) to play games after class .2. Please come and _(watch) the games.3. The boy is _(run) around the playground .4. What are they _(do) now ?5. She is _(write) a letter in English.知识链接知识链接行行色色的读书馆飞行图书馆(Flying Library):美国的阿拉斯加州地广人稀,交通不便,可是读者借 书却十分方便。图书馆根据读者寄来的借书单,用飞机将图书送到读者家中。微型图书馆(Mini Library):美国有一个微型图书馆,馆内收藏的书籍长度不超过 三厘米,所有图书只用几个皮箱就可以带走。邮票图书馆(Stamp Library):英国有一座邮票图书馆,馆内珍藏着世界各国不同 时期发行的邮票,数量多达 600 万件,是广大集邮爱好者研究相关资料的来源之一。 火车图书馆(Train Library):从奥地利首都维也纳到荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹漫长的铁 路线上,为了消除旅客的寂寞,奥地利当局在车厢内设立了图书馆,携月票的旅客可以 免费阅读图书,馆内藏书 500 余种,如果旅客到达目的地后书未看完,可续借四周。衡南县星火实验中学 七年级下册英语导学案(仁爱版) 主备人:石珍萍 审核人:谢永忠 七年级英语备课 组酒类图书馆(Liquor Library):日本的横滨有一座专门收藏酒类的图书馆,其中收 藏了世界各国的名酒,以及上千册世界各国有关酒的图书供读者免费阅读。
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