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英语六班,王英,续晓梦 Have you ever wondered(半主动词之后,用不带 to 的不定式) why fluorescent colors, like you see in highlighters or clothing dyes, for instance,(why 后面使用不带 to 的不定式)seem so much brighter than other colors? Its because they seem to (动词+不定式,to 做介词) reflect more light than they receive! It may(情态助动词后不用 to) sound like a magic trick, but it makes sense if you think about the fact that the light you can(情态助动词不加 to) see is only a small section of the larger spectrum of energy all around you. Regular, non-fluorescent colors appear to(动词+不定式,to 做介词) our eyes when objects absorb some wavelengths of light, and reflect others. For example, a yellow pencil looks yellow because its paint reflects the wavelength of yellow light, and absorbs the other wavelengths. Fluorescent colors also reflect or absorb colors in the visible spectrum, but that extra glow in fluorescent colors comes from energy we humans dont see,ultraviolet light.
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