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专家授课 权威讲解 考试必过 外语教育网正保集团|基础英语|考试英语|行业英语|文化视窗|小语种培训|出国留学频道|英语影音|邮箱|论坛|答疑|开放平台职称英语|学位英语|四、六级|PETS 考试|英语口语|英语零起点|雅思|托福|翻译考试|BEC|TEM|儿童英语|首页医学英语|财会英语|法律英语|商务英语|旅游英语|日语|韩语|西班牙语|法语|俄语|意大利语|德语|阿拉伯语职称英语网上辅导热招中!学位英语网上辅导!八大小语种网上辅导课程您的位置:外语教育网考试英语CET 考试经典题库 正文站内搜索:20122012 年年 1212 月四级全真模拟题(月四级全真模拟题(3 3)(附答案)(附答案)2012-11-26 10:49【大 中 小】 【打印】 【我要纠错】 【加入收藏】导语:2012 年下半年英语四六级考试进入紧张备考阶段,外语教育网小编特意整理复习资料供大家参考,祝大家取得好成绩 O(_)OPart I Writing (30 minutes) 注意:此部分试题在答题卡 l 上 。 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Styles of Living. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1有些人愿意和父母居住在一起 2有些人想自己独立居住 3我的看法 Styles of LivingPart II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. The Right Amount of Energy We all enjoy being around people with energy. They inspire us. They are stimulating, fun, and uplifting. An energetic person has passion in his voice, a bounce in his step, and a smile on his face. Energy makes a person likable, and likability is a key ingredient in persuasive communications. Many business professionals underestimate the energy level required to generate enthusiasm among their listeners. But electrifying speakers bring it. They have an energy that is several levels higher than the people they are attempting to influence. Most business professionals could use an energy boost for public speaking situations such as Webinars, podcasts, staff meetings, conference calls, and television and radio interviews. Each of these opportunities requires a higher level of energy than would normally be appropriate if you were just chatting to someone in the hallway. But how do you project the right level of vigor without seeming over the top? By weighing yourself on an energy scale. And on this scale, more is better. The Energy Scale Recently I helped an executive prepare for his first major presentation in his new role. “Tell me where your energy is right now on a scale of one to ten,“ I asked. “One being fast asleep and ten being Jim Cramer on Mad Money. You know, the guy whos yelling and gesturing wildly on his CNBC show. Where are you now?“ “A three,“ the speaker replied. “OK, what would it feel like to be a seven, eight or nine? Give it a try,“ I suggested. If theyre being honest, most presenters place themselves at a three to six on the energy scale. That means there is plenty of room to boost your energy while not 专家授课 权威讲解 考试必过appearing too zany. But keep in mind, once you hit a ten or higher, you could be the next YouTube (GOOG) hit-which is not necessarily your top objective! Here are several surefire strategies to boost your energy presence. 1. Practice leaving your comfort zone. Record several minutes of your presentation as you would normally deliver it: Play it back, preferably with someone else watching and listening as well. Ask yourself and the observer, where am I on the energy scale? Now try it again. This time, break out of your comfort zone. Ham it up. Raise your voice. Use big gestures. Put a big smile on your face. Get to a point where you would feel slightly awkward and uncomfortable. Now watch it. Most likely your energy level will be far more engaging and still remain appropriate fur the situation. 2. Smile and have fun. Why do most people seem to enjoy Virgin entrepreneur Richard Branson? Because the guy has fun and it shows. He always has a warm, engaging smile on his face. Of course, you can argue that its easy to walk around with a smile when youre worth $4 billion! But seriously, smile. It wont hurt and it will make you more likable. Most business professionals dont smile as much as they should during presentations. Im helping some executives prepare for CES, the big Consumer Electronics Show in January where they will announce new products. They get so caught up in the slides and what theyre going to say ( as they should during preparation ), they forget that new products bring joy to their consumers. In most cases-with the exception of bad news, of course-the first and last thing you say to yourself before launching into your presentation should be, “Have 3. Get your body moving. Many people are uncomfortable using expansive hand gestures. Dont be. I spoke to David McNeill at the University of Chicago, who is known for his research into gesture and speech. He says that clear, confident speakers use hand gestures and that the gestures leave a positive impression on listeners. He went on to say that using gestures will help you speak bet
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