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高考英语 90 组近义词辨析专题突破一、一、 accident event affair incident 1. Ajournalist will soon be sent to cover the _. 2. Doyou have any idea when the traffic _ happened? 3. PremierWen Jianbao is very busy because he has a lot of international and national _to deal with. 4. TheLugouqiao _ occurred on July 7, 1937. 二、二、 admit agree allow accept 1. Howmany student were _ to Beijing University last year? 2. Noone is _ to smoke in the classroom. 3. Fewcountries would _ the independence of the newly-liberated country. 4. Iam afraid this pair of shoes dont _ with your feet. 三、三、 alike likely unlike dislike 1. _his honest brother, he always tells lies. 2. Thetwins look so _ that we cant tell them apart. 3. Itis _ that our team will win but I am not sure at the moment. 4. Iam fond of English while my sister _ it. 四、四、 alive live lively living 1. Itis said that the football match will be _ broadcast next week. 2. Imsurprised at his way of making classes _ and interesting. 3. StephenHawking is one of the greatest physicists _. 4. No_ things have been found in the moon so far. 五、五、 although though as despite 1. _the fact that he is only 15 years old, he learns a lot. 2. _he is only 15 years old, he learns a lot. 3. Heis only 15 years old. He learns a lot _. 4. Young_ he is, he learns a lot. 六、六、 argue discuss quarrel explain 1. Hisproposal is _ at the conference. 2. Nowthat you dont understand it I would lik e to _ it once more. 3. Theyare always _ about unimportant matters. 4. Theyused to _ a lot, but now they are completely reconciled (和解) with each other. 七、七、 bargain deal trade cost 1. Aknowledge of English is a must in international _. 2. Afterthe introduction of a new technique the _ of producing this kind ofmachine has been reduced greatly. 3. Youwill not believe how much Jenny paid for the shoes. It was a _. 4. -How about selling me the suit for 200 yuan? - Ok, its a _. 八、八、 besides beside except but 1. _English we learn other eight subjects at school? 2. Iknow nothing about him _ that he is an Englishman. 3. Thebridge is anything _ strong and sa fe. You must take care. 4. Sitting_ my father, I kept silent.九、九、 blame scold punish fine 1. Thedriver was _ 3,000 yuan for his speeding. 2. Whois to _ for the accident, the driver of the walker? 3. OurEnglish teacher is very easy-going. She doesnt _ us if we hand in ourhomework late. 4. Anyonewho cuts down the trees will be _. 十、十、 brain mind heart head 1. Borishas _. In fact I doubt no one has a higher IQ than his. 2. Nothingis difficult if you put your _ into it. 3. Suddenlya good idea struck my _. 4. Useyour _ and then youll have a good idea. 十一、十一、 call on call at call for call off 1. Thistask _ time and money. 2. Becauseof the terrible weather the flight was _. 3. Everyoneof us are _ to make some personal decisions every day. 4. Wehave decided to _ the Smiths tomorrow. 十二、十二、 calm quiet silent still 1. Ifyou can keep _, you can sit at either end of the boat. 2. Youcan hear nothing when you live in the _ village. 3. Tom,keep _ unless spoken to. 4. Inface of danger he remains _. 十三、十三、 cause reason excuse explanation 1. Wehavent discovered the _ of the accident so far. 2. Thereis no _ for your being late. Dont break the company rule again nexttime 3. Isthis the _ why he always quarrels with his wife? 4. Haveyou looked up in the dictionary to find out the _ for the new word? 十四、十四、 char ge spend pay cost 1. Thehami-melon(哈密瓜) _ us 50 yuan each justnow. 2. Ispend 50 yuan buying the hami-melon just now. 3. I_ the grocer 50 yuan for the hami-melon just now. 4. Thegrocer _ me 50 yuan for the hami-melon just now. 十五、十五、 common ordinary usual average 1. Iwent into the restaurant and sat on my _ seat. 2. Arrivingat the clinic five minutes after the due time is a _ practice inwestern country. 3. On_, the cleaners get paid 500 yuan every month. 4. _people cant afford the high expense of a 5-star restaurant. 十六、十六、 damage/harm destroy ruin disturb 1. Thebright sunlight will _ your eyesight. 2. Thewhole building was _ by a fire. 3. Hisdisappointing performance _ yesterdays party. 4. Didthe dogs barks last night _
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