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学科(courses)中文名(Chinese Name)English Name学分 Credit Hours分数Grade描述 (Deliberation)高数 I 590高数 IIAdvanced Mathematics I 、 II590Calculus Infinite Series Differential Equations线性代数Linear Algebra287 概率论与数理 统计Probability and Statistics281材料力学MECHANICS OF MATERIALS391Stress and strain analysis applied to beams, pressure vessels, pipes and combined loading理论力学 I STATICS587Analysis of force systems in static equilibrium.理论力学 IIDYNAMICS.586Kinematics of a particle; Dynamics of a particle; Kinematics of a rigid body in plane motion; Dynamics of a rigid body in translation;kinematics of a particle;Dynamics of a particle; kinematics of a rigid body in plane motion; Dynamics of a rigid body in translation;机械制图 I584机械制图 IIIntroduction to EngineeringDrafting AutoCAD; Solidworks.化学 I , IICollege Chemistry I, IITotal 10I:81 II:92Organic Kinetic theory of ses;thermodynamics;Electrostatic field;Magnetic field; Mechanical vibration and wave; Physical optics; Quantum Physics;物理实验College Physical Experiment294Experiment for College Physical大学计算机基 础College Computer Science398Basic Introduction to Computer History and Principle; Application of Windows, Office, Internet, 中国近代史纲 要Chinese History272Overview of Chinese History大学体育 I, II, III, IVCollege P.E I ,II , III, IV1 EachTotal 4I:90 II:80 III:84 IV:80Football; Basketball; Track and Field; Chinese Martial Art. 思想道德修养 与法律基础Morals and Introduction to Legal 275Study of Morals and Introduction of Laws机械制图测绘Mechanical Drawing Mapping181Application of Mechanical DrawingC 语言程序设 计C Programming Language4.598C Language design.外国文学经典 赏析Foreignel Literature185市场经济学导 论Introduction to Market Economy180法律维权专题 讲座Introduction to Laws180影视鉴赏Introduction to Film 180大学生学习指 导College Study180工程材料基础MATERIAL SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES488An introduction to material science and manufacturing methods. And Laboratory.电工学Circuits For Mechanic Engineer 490Fundamental properties of electrical circuits, basic concepts and circuit elements; analysis methods and network theorems; analysis of transient circuits;Laplace transform techniques for network analysis sinusoidal steady-state response of single and three phase circuits, resonant circuits, linear transformers and magnetic coupling, and introduction to filter design.Kirchoffs Laws. Fundamental properties of DC and AC circuits. Circuit Analysis methods and circuit elements including operational amplifiers, diodes and transistors毛泽东思想与 中国特色社会 主义体系概论An Introduction to Maoism and Chinese-featured Socialism Ideology270宗教学概论Introduction to Religion188建筑鉴赏Introduction to Architecture160音乐鉴赏Introduction to Music185声乐作品鉴赏Introduction to Vocalist185电子技术Technology of Electronics3.582Circuit Analysis methods and circuit elements including operational amplifiers, diodes and transistors. Gate Circuit.Fundamentals of Mono- Chip Computers机械原理Principle of Mechanics483Structural Analysis of Planar Mechanism; Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms; Planar Linkage Mechanisms; Cam Mechanisms ; Gear Mechanisms ;Gear Trains ;Other Mechanisms in Common Use; Combined echanisms ; Balancing of Machinery ;Motion of Mechanical Systems and its Regulation ; Creative Design of Mechanism Systems 互换性与技术 测量Elementary Technology of Exchangeability Measurement275机械原理课程 设计Principle of Mechanics Curriculum Design175Application for Principle of Mechanics马克思主义基 本原理Principles of Marxism2.570Introduction to Marxism Total Hours: 119.5GPA:3.0227 (Total courses :44; A:10, B:26, C:7, D:1)
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