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交通灯(十字路口信号灯)智能化设计(新品)摘 要 可编程序控制器在工业自动化中的地位极为重要,广泛的应用于各个行业。随着科技的发展,可编程控制器的功能日益完善,加上小型化、价格低、可靠性高,在现代工业中的应用更加突出。城市交通灯控制采用的可编程制器具有可靠性高、维护方便,用法简单、 .摘 要可编程序控制器在工业自动化中的地位极为重要,广泛的应用于各个行业。随着科技的发展,可编程控制器的功能日益完善,加上小型化、价格低、可靠性高,在现代工业中的应用更加突出。城市交通灯控制采用的可编程制器具有可靠性高、维护方便,用法简单、通用性强等特点,本文用三菱 FX2N 的可编程控制器控制十字路口信号灯来说明可编程控制器硬件、软件的设计。解决好公路交通灯控制问题将是保障交通有序、安全、快捷运行的重要环节。但现在有的交通信号灯控制系统都是单一的固定时序控制,不能够根据实际交通状况进行调节控制。三菱系列的可编程序控制器和传感技术来实现对交通灯的智能信号控制。可用如下方案来控制交通路况:制作传感器探测车辆数量来控制交通灯的时长。具体如下:在入路口的各个方向附近的地下按要求埋设感应线圈,当汽车经过时就会产生涡流损耗,环状绝缘电线的电感开始减少,即可检测出汽车的通过,并将这一信号转换为标准脉冲信号作为可编程控制器的控制输入,并用 PLC 计数,按一定控制规律自动调节红绿灯的时长。关键词: PLC(可编程序控制器); 三菱 FX2N;传感器探测;交通灯。AbstractThe variable procedure controller is in industry automate the position is extremely important, extensive application in each profession. Along with the development of science and technology, the function of the programmable controller is increasingly perfect, plus smallscaled turn, the price is low, the credibility is high, the application that is in modern industry is more out standing. The city transportation light control adopts programmable to make the tool contain high credibility, the maintenance convenience, the method of using is simple, the in general use strong etc. characteristics, this text uses the design that the programmable controller of the Mitsubishi FX2N control intersections conveyance light explains the programmable controller hardware software. Resolve the good highway transportation light control problem will is guarantee the transportation contain preface, safety, fast movement of important link. But the transportation signal beacon control systems have now are all the single and fixed cycle times controls, cant carry on regulating the control according to the actual transportation condition enough. The programmable preface controller of the Mitsubishi series and spread the feeling technique to carry out the intelligence signal control toward the transportation light. Can use as follows the project controls the transportation situation on road: the creation spreads the feeling machine to probe into the vehicle quantity the hour of control the transportation light is long. In a specific way and as follows: The at go the into the underground of the each the direction neighborhood the of the street corner the to lay the to respond the coil the according to the trequest, the be the automobile to the pass by the will produce the to flow the to exhaust, the wreath the form insulates the electricity the feeling of the electric the wire to start reduce, can immediately examine pass of an automobile, and convert this signal control importation that is the programmable controller for the standard pulse signal, counteract the PLC to count, long by the hour that the certain control regulation regulates the traffic lights automatically. Keywords:PLC( Programmable Logical Controller); Trapezoid; diagram; Instruction In proper order function diagram Transportation light本课题主要研究内容按照城市交通控制的需要,本文讨论了用 PLC 实现正常时序、急车强通 2 种控制方式,通过传感器与 PLC 完成对交通异常状况(滞留或堵车)的判别及处理。 正常时序控制对路面进行控制.南北方向红灯时,东西方向绿灯.绿灯闪 3 秒紧接着黄灯闪 2秒,变红灯.南北方向红灯直接变绿灯.东西方向红灯时同理.急车强通时,发送信号给交通灯让其对来急车方向的交通灯进行绿灯畅通. 急车强通信号受急车强通开关控制;无急车时,信号灯接正常时序控制;有急车来时,一律强制让急车方向的绿灯亮,使急车放行,直至急车通过为止。交通滞留的异常情况,在路口与路尾设置两个传感器进行检测车流量.交通路段车流量繁忙时,传感器起到勘测车流量的存在与通过的作用。当一方车流量过大的时候,PLC 要对控制这一路段的信号灯进行调控,让滞留或堵车的一方绿灯时间加长,直到交通畅通为止这种工作的好处是避免了交通堵塞造成的不必要的麻烦与事故,对交通的控制进行很方便,很便捷。 目 录 字第 1 章 绪论1.1 引言 41.2 课题研究背景.41.3 现代城市交通灯控制现状.51.4 本课题主要研究内容.6第 2 章 PLC 功能简介2.1 概论.72.2 可编程控制技术的发展及趋势 102.3 主要用途.132.4 可编程控制器的特点.132.5 可编程控制器的组成.162.6PLC 的工作原理.172.7 主要功能.19第 3 章 交通灯控制电路的设计3.1 PLC 正常时序.223.2I/O 地址分配.223.3 控制要求.23 3.4 设计方案.243.5 运行程序语句表. 383.6 运行效果.40第 4 章 总结.40参考文献. 41致谢 . 42 紫外分光光度法测定盐酸土霉素可溶性粉含量(7600 字)摘 要:采用紫外分光光度法测定盐酸土霉素可溶性粉含量,结果表明:用 0.1mol/L盐酸溶液做参照液,以 353nm 为测定波长,土霉素在 840ug/ml 的浓度范围内,浓度与吸收值呈良好的线性关系。相关系数 r=0.,平均回收率(n=5)为 100.02%,RSD=0.50%。本法与抗生素微生物检定法进行比较,测定结果无显著差异,但本法操作简便、结果准确,适用于半成品的含量检测。关键词:紫外分光光度法;抗生素微生物检定法;盐酸土霉素可溶性粉;含量Determination of Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Soluble Power with UV SpectrophotometryAbstract:UV spectrophotometry was useed for the assay of oxytetracycline in oxytetracycline hydrochloride soluble power. The results showed that with 0.1mol/L hydrochloric acid as references solution at 353 nm, the abs orbance of oxytetracycline was in a good linear correlati on ( r=0.) with concentrati on in range of 840 g/mL, The average recovery was 100.02%, and the RSD was 0.50%( n = 5) .The results of UV spectrophotometry and antibiotics-microbial test were basically the same.But this method is simple,accurate and suitable for the determination of semi-manufactured goods. Key words: UV spectrophotometry;antibiotics-microbial test;oxytetracycline hydrochloride soluble power; content工程概况党委办公楼施工图设计, ,建筑面积约 4000m2,层数为 4 层 。主要功能:大、小办公室、小型会议室、中型会议室、大型多功能会议、室卫生间等 。 设计时要考虑动静分区、交通便捷顺畅、采光、通风、防火等内容,同时必须满足现行相关规范要求。工程设计原始资料1、冬季主导风向东北风,平均风速 2.6m/s,夏季主导风向东南风,平均风速 2.6m/s,最大风速 23.7m/s。2、常年地下水位低于-1.3m,水质对混凝土没有侵蚀作用。3、最大积雪厚度 0.32m,基本雪压 S0=0.4KN/, 基本风压0=0.4KN/,土壤最大冻结深度 0.09m。4
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