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新编英语教程第四册教案 (陇东学院英语系, 2005 年 2 月,共 41 页)1Book IVUnit 1 (6 hours)TEXT I This Year Its Going to Be Different I. Pre-reading Questions When a person makes New Years resolutions, he makes up his mind to do or not to do certain things in the coming year. Of course, different people make different New Years resolutions. For example, a student may decide to work harder at his studies and not go to the cinema so often; a teacher may decide to improve his/her teaching; a heavy smoker may decide to stop smoking altogether. Some people may be able to carry out their New Years resolutions, but some may not. For most People, its often easier to make New Years resolutions than to carry them out. It is suggested that the students should first guess without being given any part of the story. II. The Main IdeaThe statement that best sums up the main idea is (3): “The writer carried out his New Years resolution faithfully to improve himself, but the results all went contrary to his expectations.” III. Teaching Points for Reference 1. A brief summary of the ways to express futurity1) The neutral future is formed by using the auxiliaries will/ shall and infinitive. Examples: Tomorrow will be his Sunday. (Level 3, Unit 3) Is it possible to make an atomic engine that will be really safe in every circumstance?(Level 3,Unit 6)2) The construction to be going to is used to express future intention. Examples:This year it is going to be different.I know what the kids are going to do. Note: This construction cannot be used for neutral futurity, which does not depend on any persons will or intention. For Example, both the following sentences are wrong. * Tomorrow is going to be his Sunday. * If you go to the U.S.A., you are going to come across the remarkable, almost legendary hospitality of the American of the West. 3) The construction be to do (something) is used to express arrangement or command.Examples: Now let all men know that crops are to be planted as usual. (Level 3, Unit 11)Shaka ordered: “All women who are found with child are to be put to death with their husbands.” 4) The construction be about to is used to express near future.Examples: Roy and Sammy were about to perform open-heart surgery on Mrs. Robinson with a scout knife.=Roy and Sammy were just going to do an open-heart operation on Mrs. Robinson with 新编英语教程第四册教案 (陇东学院英语系, 2005 年 2 月,共 41 页)2a scout knife. She was about to tell us the truth when you entered the building. 2. The use of over in the text1) I tiptoed over and kissed her on the back of the neck.Over adv. :across a distance or open space, either towards or away from someone/something.More examples: We asked Kates two sailor friends over to help us gain our point indirectly. Go over to your Grandmother, my dear. Shes beckoning to you.2)“What did you do over the holidays?”over prep.during, in the course of (a period or an event)More examples:She likes to listen to some light music over the weekend.Paul has become more mature over the years. 3) To ease the situation, I picked up her brand-new sweater from the floor and put it over a chair.Over prep. resting on top of something and covering something partly or completely More examples:John was so tired that he was found sprawling on the floor asleep with his dripping raincoat over a sofa. 4) Take over one of your wifes chores, shell love you for it.Take overtake charge ofMore examples:The firm became more and more prosperous after the son took it over.We expect Mr. Johnson will take over our class when Mr. Shaw retires.3.“It wasnt my idea to stay out until four a.m.”The phrase ones idea to do something is used to express what one wishes to do. More examples:It was not my idea to argue with them. What I wanted was only to seek the truth from facts. 4. Instead, I got a pencil and drew a sketch of the escapement mechanism.drawmake a picture with a pen, pencil or chalk draw a sketchmake a rough picture (drawing, diagram) with a pencil More examples: Fancy him drawing so well at the age of five. She cherished the sketch of the roaring sea not because it was drawn by a famous artist but because it brought back some fond memories. Cf.: By now the kids were in the room, drawn by the commotion.be drawn by the commotionbe attracted by the noisy confusion. Here, draw means “attract”. More examples: The film that tells of the unusual faithfulness between a miner and his wife drew large audiences when it was on.Supermarkets, which were unknown to the Chinese people some years ago, have begun to draw large numbers of customers in many cities in China.5. She was in her pajamas.She was wearing her pajamas.inwearing新编英语教程第四册教案 (陇东学院英语系, 2005 年 2 月,共 41 页)3More examples: Jimmy Wells, the policeman in uniform, with his stalwart form and slight swagger, made a fine picture of a guardian of the peace. Now the fashion is for girls to be dressed in pure silk in summer and in expensive fur coats in winter. 6. Maggie always dreads taking
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