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初初 中中 英英 语语 词词 组组 学学 习习 例例 句句1.after all“终究, 毕竟“After all, housework is the job of the parents, isnt it?“*2.at present“现在, 目前“Some people think computers at present are cleverer than human beings.*3.be careful with 小心You must always be careful with electricity.*4.be keen on 喜爱I am keen on sports.*5.break into“闯入, 破门而入“The mud outside and the spotless carpet inside told me that probably no thief broke into Lis house.6.come to an end 结束“We have finished discussing everything, and so I suggest that the meeting come to an end“7*.die of 因病而死Dinosaurs probably all died of diseases.*8.do sb. a favour 帮某人忙“Ill do you a favour. Tomorrow, youll be the last one to die.“Will you do me a favour to post the parcel for me on your way to school?9.dream of 梦见Theyd never dream of paying me for doing housework.*10.dress up 穿着打扮“I like to play and dress up, too.“11.for the time being“暂时,眼下“The answer to the question Is a computer cleverer than I am? is, for the time being, No.“*12.go for a swim 去游泳“Mr Hu and Class 6B went to East Point Beach for a trip. First, they went for a swim.“*13.go on a picnic 去野餐Many people love going on a picnic in autumn because the weather is warm and dry.*14.go out 熄灭The laser beam hit the eye. The fire went out.The film began soon after all the lights in the cinema went off.*15.go to sleep 入睡 Gork lay down on his bed and went to sleep.16.go wrong 出错“When you get old, three things start to go wrong.“*17.have (got) to 不得不“With regard to housework, Ive (got) to help for about an hour every day.“*18.hear from 收到来信I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Be careful while youre crossing the roads to keep from traffic accidents.*19.lay the table (饭前)摆好餐具I like laying the table for dinner in my family.*20.less than 少于“How much pocket money do you get, as much as you ask for, just enough or less than you need?“21.live on 靠为生Those special pet fish live only on water.22.make a living 谋生“One evening, Grandpa,said, I once had a friend called Day and he made a very good living.“*23.make ones bed 整理床铺We must make our beds after we get up every morning.24.make up ones mind 下决心A good detective never made up his or her mind too quickly.*25.more than 多于More than sixteen million people live in Shanghai.*25.notany longer 不再Perhaps we wont travel by ferry any longer.26.now and then/again 时而; 偶而“My parents give me presents now and then/again, usually things that I can use.“*27.on the phone 在听电话May I serve you instead of Susan? She is on the phone now.*28.play a trick on 捉弄Mr Wind was not very nice because he liked playing tricks on others.29.search for 搜寻; 搜查“Police are still searching for the kidnappers of Tery Test-tube, son of Professor Test-tube, the famous scientist.“Police are still searching for the robber who robbed the bank the other day.*30.sell out 售完“When the ghost fish were completely sold out, Happy usually departed for another town.“*31.shut up 住口 Shut up and listen!32.take charge of 负责, 管理We elected Joyce to be the chief editor. Then Joyce took charge of the meeting.Mr Li has been elected monitor and he will take charge of our school soon.*33.take notes 记笔记I was elected to be the secretary. I started taking notes.*34.talk to / with sb 与某人谈话Lets talk to Mum about our trip to Beijing.35.turn out 结果是, 证明是This turned out to be true. What he said turned out to be true later.*36.would like (to)想要Why would you like to be a fireman?*37.at least 至少Everyone knows at least two languages - his or her own language and the international language of numbers.*38.be full of 充满Country Road is a very different cowboy story which is full of fun.*39.be made of 由制成Its made of wool. Its a woollen scarf.*40.care for 照顾; 喜欢The SPCA cares for animals in many countries.Boys usually care for football but nowadays quite a lot of girls become interested in football.41.depend on“依靠,依赖“Maybe you depend on computers more than you realize.*42.look forward to 期待着Im looking forward to hearing from you soon.The Chinese people are looking forward to the opening of Olympic Games in 2008.43.make fun of 拿.开玩笑Soon the boys who were free would come along and make fun of him.*44.plenty of 许多A good diet is plenty of vegetables every day.*45.show off 炫耀Mr Wing liked showing off how strong he was to everyone.*46.some day 将来有一天“My parents say Ill have to run my own home some day, so its better to learn how to do it now.“*47.throw away 扔掉“They buy all the latest fashions for me, and I just throw away the old ones.“Dont throw these old books for you maybe use them some day.*48.would rather“宁愿, 宁可“I dont like rice dumplings very much. Id rather have a piece of pizza.*49.belong to 属于This report doesnt belong to you. Its Tongtongs.*50.deal with 处理Im too busy to deal with so much work. You will have to do it.51.from door to door 挨家挨户Billy went from door to door to deliver newspapers.*52.have sports 进行体育活动We usually have sports after school
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