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2AM1 必须掌握的句型必须掌握的句型Good morning.Good afternoon.Good evening.Good night.Hello.Hi.Goodbye.How are you (today)?-Im fine. / Im very well. Thank you. How do you do?-How do you do?Who am I? Who are you?-Im (名字)Im (名字、体型、年龄)Youre (名字、体型、年龄). -Yes. / No. Im Im a (性别)Is it a ?-Yes, its a Touch your Pick up Draw a Are you (名字、体型、年龄)?-Yes. / No. Im Are you a (性别)?-Yes. / No. Im a 2AM2 必须掌握的句型必须掌握的句型 Can you write? 你会写吗? -Yes, I can. 是的,我会。 /No, I cant.不,我不会。 Can Danny read? Danny 会读吗? -Yes, he can. 是的,他会。 /No, he cant.不,他不会。 Can Supergirl run? Supergirl 会跑吗? -Yes, she can. 是的,她会。 /No, she cant.不,她不会。 What can you do?你会什么? -I can swim. 我会游泳。 What can he do?他会什么? -He can sing.他会唱歌。 What can she do?她会什么? -She can draw.她会画画。I can read. I can draw. But I cant fly. 但是我不会飞。A girl at the gate. 一个女孩在门口。 She has a plate in her hand.她有一只盘子在她的手里。 A boy at the gate. He has an insect.Whos she? 她是谁? -Shes Sally. 她是 Sally. Is she your sister? 她是你的姐妹吗? -Yes, she is. Shes my sister.是的,她是我的姐妹。 Whos he? 他是谁? -Hes Jim. 他是 Jim. Is he your brother?他是你的兄弟吗? -No, he isnt. 不,他不是。Hes my friend.他是我的朋友。 Whos this? -This is Peter. Whos that? -That is Alice.This is my grandmother.这是我的祖母。 She is old. 她是年老的。 Is she tall? 她是高的吗?-No, she isnt. 不,她不是。 Is she thin? 她是瘦的吗?-Yes, she is.是的,她是。 I like my grandmother.我喜欢我的祖母。Is that a boy?那是一个男孩吗?-Yes. Hes a boy. 是的。他是一个男孩。 No. shes a girl.不是。她是一个女孩。Harry has a jar. Harry 有一个广口瓶。 Harry has an insect. Harry 有一只昆虫。 Harry has a small insect.Im Giant now.我现在是巨人。 Im big and tall.我是大的和高的。 My head is big.我的头是大的。 My hair is short.我的头发是短的。 My mouth and eyes are big.我的嘴巴和眼睛是大的。 My ears are big. My hands are big.You are Supergirl.你是 Supergirl。 You are small and short.你是小的和矮的。 Your face is round.你的脸是圆的。 Your eyes are big and your hair is long.你的眼睛是大的和你的头发是长的。I like you.我喜欢你。2AM3 必须掌握的句型必须掌握的句型 What can you see? 你能看见什么? I can see a slide.我能看见一个滑滑梯。 What colour is it?它是什么颜色的? Its red. 它是红色的。 They like to play. 他们喜欢玩。 The man has a net.这个男人有一个网。 The mouse is in the net.这只老鼠在这个网里。Put the box on the chair, please.请把盒子放在椅子上。 OK./ Yes./ All right.行,好的。 Look at your desk. 看着你的书桌。 Im sorry, Mum. 我很抱歉,妈妈。 I love my room like Kitty and Ben. 我爱我的房间就像 Kitty 和 Ben 一样。 I use the box every day!我每天使用盒子! I keep it clean every day!我每天打扫干净! Paula has an orange. Paula 有一个橘子。 Its on a plate. 它在一个盘子上。 Her pig is fat and big with four short legs. 她的猪是肥胖的还有四条短腿。 Come and eat the orange. 过来吃橘子。-A spoon?一个调羹?-No, thanks.不,谢谢。 -Chopsticks? 筷子?-Yes, please.好的,请吧。 -Give me a plate, please.请给我一个盘子。-Here you are.给你。 -Dinner is ready! 晚餐准备好了!-Im coming.我来了。This is my kitchen. 这是我的厨房。 -How many bowls? 有多少碗?-There are four bowls.有四个碗。 -How many spoons?有多少调羹?-There is one. 有一个。There is a table and a chair in the room.有一个桌子和一把椅子在房间里。 There are two bowls on the table.有两只碗在桌子上。 Ginger is on the chair. Ginger 在椅子上。 Look! Ginger can jump.看!Ginger 会跳。 The bowls are on the floor.碗在地板上。 Ginger is under the chair. Ginger 在椅子下。The queen is sitting on the chair. 这位皇后正坐在椅子上。 The rabbit is sitting under the chair.这只兔子正坐在椅子下。M4 必须掌握的句型必须掌握的句型 Look at the sky. 看着天空。 -Can you see the sun (moon, stars)? 你能看见太阳(月亮,星星)-Yes, I can. 是的, 我能。/ No, I cant. 不,我不能。 -Is it big?它是大的?-Yes, its big. Its bright.是的,它是大的。它是明亮的。Toms rabbit is smooth and soft. Tom 的兔子是光滑和柔软的。 Toms rabbit sits on the table. Tom 的兔子坐在桌子上。 Toms rabbit eats Toms soup. Tom 的兔子吃了 Tom 的汤。Look at me. Im a fox. Im small. I like meat.看着我。我是一只狐狸。我是小的。我喜 欢肉。 Look at me. Im a hippo. Im big. I like grass. 看着我。我是一只河马。我是大的。我 喜欢草。 Look at the animals.看这些动物。 Look at the lion. Its big. It likes meat.看这只狮子。它是大的。它喜欢肉。 Look at the monkey. Its small. It likes bananas.看这只猴子。它是小的。它喜欢香蕉。 Look at the hippo. It likes grass.看这只河马。它喜欢草。 Look at the hippos mouth. Wow! Its so big! 看这只河马的嘴巴。哦!它很大。Wendy is in a van, with two umbrellas in her hands. Wendy 在一辆货车里,有两把伞 在她的手里。 One is black. One is red.一把是黑色的。一把是红色的。 She takes them to her friends. 她把它们带给她的朋友们。 Oh, raindrops fall on her head. 哦,雨点掉在她的头上。 Wendy closes the window with her hand. Wendy 用她的手关了窗。-Dont pick the flowers. 不要摘花。-Im sorry.对不起。 -Dont climb the tree. 不要爬树。-Im sorry.对不起。 Dont run.不要跑。 Dont cry.不要哭。I like this park. Its big. Its nice.我喜欢这个公园。它是大的。它是漂亮的。 Look at the flower. Its beautiful.看这朵花。它是漂亮的。 -Whats this? 这是什么?-Its a bee.它是一只蜜蜂。Look at my zoo. 看我的动物园。 You can come, too. 你也能来。 Can you see a zebra in the box? 你能看见一只在盒子里的斑马吗? Yes, I can see a zebra in a yellow box. 是的,我能看见一只在黄色盒子里的斑马。
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