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学院:理学院学院:理学院学号:学号:13081050661308105066班级:信安(班级:信安(3 3)班)班姓名:张令宁姓名:张令宁信息安全英语:网络安全原理与实践1ChapterChapter 1.1. AnAn IntroductionIntroduction toto NetworkNetwork SecuritySecurity第第 1 1 章简介网络安全章简介网络安全This chapter covers the following key topics: 本章包括以下主要内容:Network Security Goals This section discusses the goals of implementing security on a network.Asset Identification This section discusses the need to define the assets in a network that need to be protected against network attacks.Threat Assessment This section discusses how to recognize the threats unique to a network setup.Risk Assessment We discuss what risk means and how it needs to be evaluated for all network assets in order to set up meaningful safeguards.Constructing a Network Security Policy We use this section to discuss how to set up a network security policy in light of the definitions established in the previous sections.Elements of a Network Security Policy We discuss the pieces that come together to form a network security policy.Implementing a Network Security Policy This section discusses technical and nontechnical aspects of implementing a network security policy.Network Security Architecture Implementation We discuss how the network policy can be translated into a secure network architecture.Audit and Improvement We discuss how audits and continuous improvements are necessary for a successful network security policy implementation.Case Study You see how the theories discussed in this chapter can be put into effective use. 网络安全 Goals-本节讨论在网络上实现安全的目标。资产识别 - 本节讨论,需要在需要被保护,以防止网络攻击的网络定义的资产。2威胁评估之本节讨论如何识别唯一的网络设置的威胁。风险评估之我们讨论什么风险的手段,以及如何需要它来为所有网络资产,以建立有意义的保障措施进行评估。构建网络安全政策制订我们使用本节讨论如何建立一个网络安全策略鉴于成立了上一节中的定义。网络安全政策制订的要素我们讨论走到一起,形成一个网络安全策略的作品。实施网络安全政策制订本节讨论实施网络安全策略的技术和非技术方面的问题。网络安全体系结构 Implementation-我们讨论如何在网络策略可以被翻译成一个安全的网络架构。审计和 Improvement-我们讨论审核和持续改进是如何需要一个成功的网络安全策略的实施。案例 Study-您怎么看这一章中讨论的理论可以投入有效的使用。This chapter launches the book with a general discussion of developing a motivation for network security. It aims to develop your understanding of some of the common threats against which a network must be protected and discusses at a high level some of the controls that can be put into place to defend against these attacks. A security policy is the foundation of all network security implementations that occur on any given network. It defines the scope and methodology of the security implementations. We will discuss the basic principles of setting up a meaningful security policy and how it can be implemented in a network environment. The later sections of the chapter discuss the value of auditing the security policy implementation and how it needs to be continuously tested and improved.3本章开发一种动机网络安全的一般性讨论推出这本书。它的目的是发展你的一些共同的威胁,对其中一个网络必须在高层次进行保护,并讨论一些可以到位,以对抗这些攻击的控件的理解。安全策略是任何给定的网络上发生的所有网络安全的实现奠定了基础。它定义了安全实现的范围和方法。我们将讨论建立一个有意义的安全策略,以及它如何在网络环境中实现的基本原理。本章的后面的章节讨论审核安全策略实施的价值以及它如何需要不断测试和改进。Network Security Goals网络安全目标网络安全目标Network security is the process through which a network is secured against internal and external threats of various forms. In order to develop a thorough understanding of what network security is, you must understand the threats against which network security aims to protect a network. It is equally important to develop a high-level understanding of the main mechanisms that can be put into place to thwart these attacks.网络安全是通过该网络被固定以防止各种形式的内部和外部威胁的过程。为了开发一个透彻地了解网络的安全性,必须了解其对网络安全的目的是保护网络中的威胁。同样重要的是,开发了可以放入地方阻止这些攻击的主要机制的高级别理解。Generally, the ultimate goal of implementing security on a network is achieved by following a series of steps, each aimed at clarifying the relationship between the attacks and the measures that protect against them. The following is the generally accepted approach to setting up and implementing security on a site, as suggested by Fites, 4et al. in Control and Security of Computer Information Systems (M. Fites, P. Kratz, and A. Brebner, Computer Science Press, 1989):一般情况下,实现安全网络上的最终目标是通过以下一系列步骤实现的,每一个旨在澄清的攻击,并保护对他们采取的措施之间的关系。下面是普遍接受的方法来建立和在网站上实现安全性,所建议的 Fites,等人。在控制计算机信息系统(M. Fites,P.克拉茨和A.布雷布纳,计算机科学出版社,1989 年)的安全性:Step 1. Identify what you are trying to protect.Step 2. Determine what you are trying to protect it from.Step 3. Determine how likely the threats are.Step 4. Implement measures that protect your assets in a cost-effective manner.Step 5. Review the process continuously, and make improvements each time you find a weakness.步骤 1:识别你想保护什么。步骤 2.确定您要保护它的东西。第 3 步:确定威胁怎么可能是。第 4 步实施的保护您的资产以具有成本效益的方式的措施。第 5 步审查的过程中不断地,你会发现一个弱点,每次进行改进。5Asset Identification资产鉴定资产鉴定Most modern networks have many resources that need to be protected. The reason is that most enterprises today implement network systems to provide information to users across the network in digital format rather than in another form, such as hard copies. Therefore, the number of resources that need to be protected increases significantly. The following list, by no means comprehensive
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