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1论文题目:沙河大桥施工过程安全评价及安全保障体系研究专 业:安全工程毕 业 生:刘秘宝(签名) 指导教师:林海飞(签名) 摘要随着经济的迅速发展与城市化进程的加快,我国桥梁数量在持续增长。但由于桥梁施工存在着工期长、流动性大、工程量大、工序复杂等特点,桥梁施工存在许多安全问题,施工现场的安全状况不容乐观。论文结合沙河大桥实际特点,分析了在桥梁施工中存在的主要危险有害因素,并运用事故树分析法,得到了该桥施工过程中存在的危险源及其影响因素。基于桥梁施工相关法律、法规、规程及现场专家意见的基础上,建立了包括现场安全管理、安全施工技术、施工设备及设施管理、个人防护及自然环境等 5 大单元 18 个分指标的多级多层次指标体系,并通过层次分析法确定了各级指标的权重。在系统综述目前国内外安全评价研究现状的基础上,结合该桥的实际情况,建立了沙桥施工过程安全模糊综合评价模型,结合现场技术人员及专家的打分,分析出了该桥梁施工过程的安全现状。针对本文所辨识出的危险源及安全评价结果,建立了桥梁施工的安全管理、技术措施、易发事故的应急救援等三大方面的安全保障体系。对该桥梁的评价研究表明,本文所建立的评价指标体系及评价模型比较全面系统的包含了桥梁施工过程中的主要内容,能够辨识其中存在的安全隐患,所建立的安全保障体系能对现场的安全施工起到重要作用。关键词:沙河大桥施工;危险源辨识;模糊综合评价;安全保障;应急救援论文类型:应用型2Subject :Stady on The Safety Assessment and Safety Guarantee System during Shehe Bridge ConstructionSpecialty :Safety EngineeringName :Liu Mibao(Signature) Instructor:Lin Haifei(Signature) ABSTRACTWith the quickening rhythm of modern society and urbanlization,it brings about a sustained growth in the number of bridges of our country.However,There are so many security proplems in bridge construction.Since it needs spending a long time for the bridge construction and repairs,judging from all evidence offered,we must pay more attention to the bridge construction and repairs.This paper evaluates the dangerous sectors and indicates the principle hazards and factors which impact them according to the fault tree analysis.Based an the relerant lows,regulations,rules and the advice of experts,this paper set up a system which including safety management, construction technology, construction equipment, personal protection and the natural environment, such as the 5 units at 18 indexes,and also ascertain the weight of each index by the AHP.This paper summarizes the theoretical insights provided by experts in and abroad and explores the Fuzzy Evaluation.The theme is considered in the context of Shahe Bridge specifically and some issures are highlighted,relating to the security management,technique measures and urgent rescue. Not only the evaluation index system and model include the chief contents of bridge consttuction and repairs,but also can identify security risks,and also Security system play a important role to bridge construction site.Keywords:Shahe Bridge Construction;Identification of Hazard Sources;Fuzzy Evaluation; Safety Guarantee;Emergency RescuePapers type: Application Study1目 录1 绪论.11.1 课题研究背景及意义.11.1.1 课题研究背景.11.1.2 课题研究意义.11.2 国内外建筑桥梁施工事故现状分析.21.2.1 国外建筑桥梁施工事故现状.21.2.2 国内建筑桥梁施工事故现状.51.3 国内外安全评价现状分析.61.3.1 国外安全评价研究现状.61.3.2 我国安全评价现状.71.4 研究内容及技术路线.81.4.1 研究内容.81.4.2 主要技术路线.82 安全评价主要方法简介.102.1 安全评价定义及原理.102.1.1 危险源定义及分类.102.1.2 安全评价定义及原理.102.2 危险源辨识与安全评价的主要方法.152.2.1 危险源辨识方法.152.2.2 安全评价方法.152.3 本章小节.203 沙河桥施工过程中危险源辨识分析.213.1 沙河大桥简介.213.1.1 项目的工程概况.213.1.2 气象状况.213.1.3 项目施工特点和难点.223
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