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七年级上册Topic 3 How old are you?Section B本节知识要点uWhats this in English?Its a/an uWhats this in English?Its a/an uHow do you spell it? uCan you spell it, please? u冠词a/an的用法96119110120119122Look and sayListen and write1. Nancy is _. She is in Class _, Grade _.2. Mark is _. He is in Class _, Grade _.3. Dick is _. He is in Class _, Grade _.4. Julia is _. She is in Class _, Grade _.14 11 813 3 712 5 715 16 91bPair workPractice he conversations above with your partner using the things around you.1cPair workComplete the conversations and practice with your partner.A: Excuse me, whats this in English?B: _ _ pencil.A: How do you spell it?B: , .A: Thank you.B: .Its aP-E-N-C-I-L pencilThats OKA: _ _.Whats that in English?B: _ _ apple.A: _ ?B: A-double P-L-E, apple.A: _ _ .B: Thats OK.Excuse meIts anCan you spell it, pleaseThank you2bClass activitiesPlay this game after the example. Guess the names of the objects by touching or listening.Example: Class: Whats this/that in English? Jane: Is it a/an? Class: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Its a/anGood morning, teacher!Class 4,Grade 72bClass activities( )1. What class are you in ? AI am from Jingxi BClass Two CI am OK( )2. Are you in Class 3? A. Thanks BThats all right CNo, Im notBC( )2. is this in English ?It is an orange.A. What B. How C. Where ( )3. Whats that in English ? AI am from England B. Yes , I am . CIt is a pen ( )4. Is it orange ?Yes,it is . A. an B. a C. this ACA1.抄写今天所学习的单词和句子,单词每个5遍,句 子各抄写1遍。2.预习Section C。Homewor k祝同学们学习进步!
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