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情景美国口语情景美国口语 C2-Lesson14C2-Lesson14Talking About WorkEveryone has to work to make a living,so work is an important topic in conversations.It is also one of topics which you can talk about with a stranger.It is therefore important to learn expressions related to work.While it is impossible to include all professions in one lesson,most expressions you learn in this lesson can be used in every profession.Dialogue,Discussion for he has given the company not only the benefit of his considerable ability,but a rare devotion and personal enthusiasm for his work.Mr.Woo.has shown considerable initiative as well as executive powers,and I am convince that it is in the best interests of the company that he should now be rewarded with a directorship.Do You Know It?Although work is a common topic,asking about ones salary is suitable only between close friends and family members.In America,benefits besides salary include medical insurance,dental insurance(dental insurance is not included in medical insurance in America),pension plan,paid vacation,sick day/sick leave,profit sharing and maternity leave,etc.Dialogue 1A:I just feel like most of my effort does not pay off.(我只是觉得得我大部分的努力都没有得到回报。)Because we keep changing the plan.B: I understand,but you have to realize that we have to adapt to change.(你必须知道,我们得适应改变。)Dialogue 2A:Do you think Mike will give his notice this week?(你认为迈克这个星期会交辞呈吗?)B: Thats what I am afraid of.(那正是我所担心的。)It will leave us understaffed.(那会让我们的人手不够。 )Dialogue 3A: What do you think about Hillary being fired?B: She asked for it.(她是自找的。 )
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