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扬州市小学牛津英语扬州市小学牛津英语 4A4A 期中测试试卷期中测试试卷亲爱的同学们,听力测试开始了,你们可要认真听清楚喔!听力大挑战(30 分) 一、听录音,选择你听到的单词(一、听录音,选择你听到的单词(8 分)分) ( )1、A notebook B book C copybook ( )2、A thank B think C pear ( )3、A puppets B puzzles C peaches ( )4、A dog B boy C doll ( )5、A like B kite C cake ( )6、A you B your C my ( )7、A what B where C white ( )8、A rabbit B right C rubber 二、听录音,选择合适的应答句(二、听录音,选择合适的应答句(10 分)分) ( )1、A Its fine. B Thank you. C Not at all. ( )2、A Yes, I am. B No, I dont. C Yes, I like. ( )3、A Shes in the study. B Hes in the dining room. C Its on the bed. ( )4、A Yes, I am. B No, I dont. C No, I cant. ( )5、A OK. B Its red. C Its a red kite. 三、听录音,判断(三、听录音,判断(12 分)分)感觉不错吧!继续加油,!笔试部分(70 分) 一、仔细看图,你能用英语写出单词吗?(一、仔细看图,你能用英语写出单词吗?(10 分)分)二、英汉互译(二、英汉互译(10 分)分)1、用英语 2、toy shop 3、圆珠笔 4、come in 5、没什么 6、How lovely! 7、那只猫 8、over there 9、她的钥匙 10、water bottle 三、单项选择题(三、单项选择题(24 分)分)1、Where are you, Wang Bing? A Im in the study. B Hes in the kitchen.C Shes here D Its in the sitting room.2、This crayon is Gao Shan.A to B four C for D at3、 like that radio. Here you are.A Id B I C Liu Tao D Dont4、Whats over there?A this B that C the D rubber5、It isnt my umbrella. Its .A Liu Tao B he C Nancys D a dog6、Do you like that ?A puppet B balloons C a ruler D this monkey7、This is father. is a doctor(医生).A my, His B his , She C her ,He D my, I8、Whats five minus four? Its A nine B four C five D one9、Can I ? OK!A look at B have a look C have look D go to home10、Happy Teachers Day! .A Sorry B Yes C Oh,no D Thank you11、你问别人身体怎么样,别人回答: A Thank you B Not so good C Im sorry D Yes, it is12、刘涛想拿一本故事书给高山,于是对李老师说: A Where are you, Liu Tao? B May I have a storybook for Gao Shan? C Here you are D I like the storybook,Liu Tao. 四、搭配题(四、搭配题(8 分)分)( )1.May I have a notebook? A. Its a rabbit.( )2.The pen is for Tom. B. Yes, come in, please.( )3.May I come in? C. All right. ( )4. Wheres my watch? D. No, I dont.( )5. Whats this in English? E. Yes, it is.( )6. Do you like apples? F. OK. Here you are.( )7. Look at my doll. G. Its on the table.( )8. Is this your kite? H. How nice!五、完成对话(五、完成对话(10 分)分)A:Excuse , my storybook?B:Is this storybook?A:No, . Perhaps Liu Taos.B:Look, your storybook over there .A:Thank .B:Not all. 六、阅读理解六、阅读理解,判断正误(判断正误(8 分)分)A: Mum, its Teachers Day. Id like a card for my teacher.B: OK! Here is a green one, on the desk.A: Thank you, Mum. Whats the time , please?B: Its seven oclock.A: Its late. Wheres my school bag?B: Its on the bed.A: Mum, shall we go by bus?B: OK. Lets close the door.( )1、Its Teachers Day.( )2、His school bag is on the desk.( )3、They go to school by bike.( )4、They go to school at seven.4A 期中考试听力稿期中考试听力稿一、听录音,选择你听到的单词一、听录音,选择你听到的单词1、May I have a notebook for David? Sure.2、This is a bear, I think. No, it isnt.3、Dont do puzzles. All right.4、Is that a doll? No, it isnt.5、Is this a kite? Yes, it is.6、Whats your name? Im Yang Ling.7、What a nice telephone!8、Is that your rabbit? No, its my brothers.二、听录音,选择合适的应答句。二、听录音,选择合适的应答句。1、Thank you!2、Do you like football?3、Where is your father?4、Can you see the toy pandas?5、Lets colour the kite.三、听录音,判断三、听录音,判断1、Is this a ruler? Yes, it is.2、Your monkey is nice, can I have a look? Sure, here you are.3、Is this your panda? Yes, it is.4、Whats this on the chair? Sorry, I dont know.5、Whats this in English? Its an umbrella.6、Is this your toy car, Nancy? Yes, it is.
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