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雅思培训雅思培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/托福培训托福培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/1托福听力单句训练(慢速)1. Sally couldnt find the classroom until after the class had begun.塞丽直到上课后才找到教室。2. Jean is taking a sick leave from work for the summer.珍妮夏天正在休病假。3. Henry is supposed to be at work at 8 oclock, but he arrived at 9 this morning.亨利应该在八点钟上班,但他今天上午九点钟才到。4. It certainly was kind of Jean to send me flowers when I was sick.我有病的时候珍妮给我送去鲜花真是太好了。5. William drove Georges car from Georgia to New York without stopping to sleep.威廉开着乔治的车从乔治亚州来到纽约,一路没有停下睡觉。6. Fewer people came to the meeting than we had expected.雅思培训雅思培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/托福培训托福培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/2来开会的人比我们预料的少。7. The professor apologized for not announcing the test earlier.教授因未提前通知考试而道歉。8. Mary is leaving her job for good.瑪丽将永远离开她的工作。9. John has some money but not enough to buy groceries.约翰有一些钱但不够买食品。10.Henry spent five hours knocking on doors, but he didnt sell a single magazine.亨利花了五个小时挨家敲门,却连一本杂志也没有卖掉。11.They expected eighty people at the rally, but twice that many showed up.他们预计有八十人参加集会,但露面的人达两倍之多。12.We were supposed to meet Fred and Mary at the movies, but we are broke.雅思培训雅思培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/托福培训托福培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/3我们本应该在看电影时与弗雷得和瑪丽见面,但我们的钱话光了。13.The contractor said the repairs on Franks house would be very expensive, but Frank decided to have the work done.承包商说弗兰克房子的整修将很昂贵,而弗兰克决定让他干这活。14.I should have studied last night, but I was too tired.昨天晚上我本应该学习,可是我太累了。15.John refused to go to the banquet although he was going to receive an award.尽管约翰准备接受颁奖,但他却拒绝去参加宴会。16.Agna hasnt gone to a movie for years.艾哥娜好几年没有去看电影了。17.He likes sugar in his coffee but nothing else.他喜欢在咖啡里加糖,但不喜欢其它的。18.Arnal was embarrassed to tell his date that he didnt have 15 dollars to pay for the meal.雅思培训雅思培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/托福培训托福培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/4阿纳尔想告诉他的女友他没有 15 美元付饭钱却难以启齿。19.The man offered $1000 for the car, but George shook his head.那男子出 1000 美元买这辆车而乔治摇摇头。20.Harvys face turned bright red when the teacher asked him a question.老师问问题时哈威脸红了。21.According to John, theres no better cheese than Swiss cheese.据约翰说什么也比不上瑞士奶酪。22.The game will be held, rain or shine.无论下雨还是晴天,比赛都将举行。23.The class should have begun at 1:15, but the professor was half an hour late.课本应该在 1 点出 15 分开始,但教授迟到了半小时。24.Mary takes her children to a nursery on her way to work.玛丽在上班的路上带孩子们去托儿所。雅思培训雅思培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/托福培训托福培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/525.Had she read the material, she would have been prepared for class.假如她读过材料,她会准备好课的。26.Sixty people received evaluation forms on the summer lecture series, but only half returned them.60 人收到了夏季讲座系列评估表,但只有半数人作出反馈。27.Peter has the potential to be a professional musician, but he is too lazy to practice.彼得有潜力成为专业音乐家,可他太懒于练习。28.We are planning on spending the weekend in the country as long as the weather stays nice.我们计划只要天气良好就在乡下度周末。29.Dan and his family will move to Florida when his job confirmation comes through.唐工作得到确定时丹和他的家人将搬到佛罗里达。30.No one but the seven-year old boy saw the terrible accident.雅思培训雅思培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/托福培训托福培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/6除了七岁的孩子之外谁也没有看到那场可怕的事故。31.My father likes nothing better than fishing on a hot summer day.我父亲最喜欢在炎热的夏天钓鱼。32.Louise writes Spanish as well as she speaks it.露易斯西班牙语的写作水平和会话水平一样好。33.The actors went over their lines once more before the production began.演出开始前演员们又背了一遍台词。34.Ms Dally asked the students to hand in their assignments.戴利小姐请学生们交上作业。35.Peter and Lucy had a quarrel, but they soon made up.彼得和露西吵了起来,但很快就和好了。36.I usually wake up at 7:30, but this morning I overslept.我通常在七点半起床,但今天早晨我睡过头了。37.While we are on vacation, Mary will look after 雅思培训雅思培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/托福培训托福培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/7the dog.在我们度假时马利将照看着狗。38.John was supposed to be here at eight oclock, but hes late.约翰本来要在八点钟来这儿,但他迟到了。39.Although the game of golf originated in Scotland, it is probably more popular in the United States than anywhere else.尽管高尔夫球起源于苏格兰,但在美国它大概比在其他地区都普及。40.Its been 30 years since I have seen my aunt and uncle.我有 30 年没有见到我的姑妈和叔叔了。41.The doctor told the patient he ought to avoid milk.医生对患者说他不应该喝牛奶。42. Would you mind helping me with this load of books?你帮我搬这一堆书好吗?雅思培训雅思培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/托福培训托福培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/843.My friend Rosy, whos been teaching chemistry, got a job with a drug company.我那位一直教化学的朋友罗西在一家医药公司找到了一份工作。44.The seminar will meet at 2.研讨会将于两点钟开始。45.Should you get hungry, I have an extra sandwich.你若是饿了的话,我这还有一块三明治。46.Arent the rents here just incredible!这儿的房租真不可思议!47.Political topics are the source of many heated discussions among my friends.政治话题是我的朋友间许多激烈讨论的根源。48.Poor Charlie, to be so close to finishing and then not graduate.可怜的查理,眼看要毕业了却没有毕业。49.Edward bought the shirt and then tried it on.爱得华买下衬衫然后试穿。雅思培训雅思培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/托福培训托福培训 http:/hangzhou.newchannel.org/950.
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