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一、单选题(共一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共道试题,共 60 分。)分。)V 1. My parents told me that my brother had been _ with a rare disease. A. realizedB. diagnosed C. generalizedD. computerized满分:3 分2. Steve:Can I get you a cup of coffee?Julia:_ A. I dont take sugar, thank you.B. You can, please. C. Thank you for the coffee.D. Thats very nice of you. 满分:3 分3. Quite a lot of people watch TV only to _ time. A. waste B. spendC. killD. past 满分:3 分4. When you go abroad, do you _ take your passport? A. have toB. ought toC. needD. must满分:3 分5. The tradition of using chopsticks was introduced _ many other countries. A. with B. ofC. fromD. to满分:3 分6. We expected about 20 girls but there were _ people there. A. anotherB. others C. someD. more 满分:3 分7. There are other techniques that might help you _ your studying. A. with B. at C. intoD. over满分:3 分8. After two months, he had _ news of what she was doing in Tokyo. A. few B. little C. severalD. a 满分:3 分9. Gregory: Lets take a coffee break, shall we? Flora: _, but I cant. A. I wish I could B. We shallC. Yes, lets D. You will 满分:3 分10. Her plane takes _ at 3 p.m. A. upB. off C. on D. in 满分:3 分11. The little boy put the bird in a cage to _ it from flying away. A. avoidB. preventC. hinderD. resist满分:3 分12. Ida: _Where was I?Homer: You were talking about your trip to South Africa. A. What did I hear? B. Lets check in. C. Lets back up.D. What were you talking about? 满分:3 分13. -Hows your brother these days?-He hasnt been too well just recently.-_. Whats the matter?-I think hes been overworking. A. Itll be pleased to hear you ask after him B. Thats not too bad C. Im sorry to hear that D. Ill tell him what you said满分:3 分14. Richard:Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Liu:_ A. Im glad you enjoyed it.B. Oh,Im afraid I didnt cook very well. C. Come again when you are free.D. Its not necessary for you to say so. 满分:3 分15. Salesman:_ Customer:Yes. What size is that green T-shirt? A. Anything I can do for you?B. Do you want to buy anything?C. Excuse me, what are you doing?D. Are you just looking around?满分:3 分16. Marilyn: Dont you like to eat Korean food?Robbie: _. A. No, Korean food is not real to my taste B. No, because Korean food is very goodC. No, I prefer to have Chinese noodlesD. No, I like very much to eat Korean food满分:3 分17. Adam: Mmm. This is the best pudding Ive ever had!Celia: _ I know youd like it. A. Didntt I tell you?B. Did I say it right?C. Is what I said right?D. What did I say?满分:3 分18. -Shall I use your dictionary?- _. A. Certain, you mayB. Of course, you can.C. Surely, you cantD. No, please get out满分:3 分19. I cant remember her name. Its on the _ of my tongue. A. end B. pointC. top D. tip 满分:3 分20. Guest: Have you a single room for tonight and tomorrow night with a telephone and shower? Clerk: We havent any rooms with a shower free just now, but theres a bathroom available on each floor. Guest: _. A. All right. Thatll doB. Oh, sorry. Forget itC. How regretful! I give it upD. All right. It does满分:3 分二、阅读理解(共二、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共道试题,共 30 分。)分。)V 1. In the years after the Civil War most American painters received their training in Europe, the majority studying in the French schools at Paris or Barbizon, and a smaller number in Germany at Munich(慕尼黑) and Dusseldorf(杜塞尔多夫). The teaching of the Barbizon school, which stressed the use of color and the creation of an impression or a mood, influenced many American artists. One group of American painters, led by James McNeill Whistler and John Singer Sargent, expatriated(移居国外) themselves from the American scene and settled in Europe. Whistler, who is often ranked as the greatest genius(天才) in the history of American art, was a versatile(多才多艺的) and industrious(勤奋的) artist who was equally proficient(熟练的) in several media-oil, watercolor, etching(铜版画)-and with several themes-portraits and his so-called “nocturnes(夜景画)“, impressionistic sketches(印象画) of moonlight on water and other scenes. He was one of the first to appreciate the beauty of Japanese color prints and to introduce Oriental concepts into Western art. 1). For a period after the Civil War, the majority of American painters _. A. studied art in EuropeB. used striking color in their workC. painted in the impressionist styleD. was influenced by the Barbizon school满分:3 分2). According to the passage, one group of American painters _. A. copied the style of Whistler and Sargent B. were unaffected by the European style of painting C. turned their back on the American art traditionD. left America never to return 满分:3 分3). From the passage we are led to believe that Whistler _. A. combined several media and themes in his paintingsB. did much of his painting at nightC. was most proficient in impressionistic sketchesD. produced a large number of pictures 满分:3 分4). According t
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