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如何选择自己的丝巾如何选择自己的丝巾 一条合宜的丝巾不仅能阻隔无情的寒风,给颈部最温柔的呵护,更能创造 颈部与前襟的美丽风情,让整体造型更具有个人特色。掌握丝巾搭配要领,不 仅可以创造个人独特形象,还能节省置装预算。 1、从布料和色彩辨别品质当你中意某一款丝巾时,首先要做的是将其贴近脸部,看一看与脸色是否相 配。如果与脸色不配,不要犹豫,立即舍弃。需要注意的是,有些丝巾的色彩 设计虽然无懈可击,但与自己喜爱而适合的颜色之间还存在着微妙的差别。这 种情况应将各种颜色做一下比较,再从远处照镜子,确认与体形及服装整体氛 围的配合情况。后背效果和侧面效果也不能忽视。之后再将丝巾结成平时常用 的形状进行试戴,这样就可知道这种图案所表现出的风格和效果,好面料是丝 巾品质的第一要素。除了慎选面料外,丝巾布边的缝制以手工为上选。印花色 彩也必须均匀,一般而言,丝巾色彩的多寡有时候也可作为衡量品质良莠的标 准,色彩越丰富的丝巾,印染的成本会随之增加,品质也就越好。 2、依身材特色来挑选 丝巾的材质、尺寸、打法不同,打出来的长度、厚度和位置就会不同,最 好能搭配自己的身材特色,尽量利用丝巾来展现优点。例如:脖子较长的人很 适合绑领巾,什么样的绑法看起来都很美丽;而脖子较短的人,则建议挑选薄 一点的面料,并且不要绑在脖子中央,要尽最绑低一点。另外,领巾打出来的 效果要和身材成比例,娇小玲珑的人应避免太大、太厚重的领巾。在此要提醒 大家,在选购领巾时,目测通常都不太准确,尺寸上是差之毫厘,失之千里, 稍微大一点或小一点打出来的效果都不一样,最好当场以自己最熟练的打法试 打看看,才能分辨其中的奥妙。 3、依脸形来选择 圆型脸:脸型较丰润的人,要想让脸部轮廓看来清爽消瘦一些,关键是要将丝巾 下垂的部分尽量拉长,强调纵向感,并注意保持从头至脚的纵向线条的完整性, 尽量不要中断。系花结的时候,选择那些适合个人着装风格的系结法,如钻石 结、心型结、十字结等,避免在颈部重叠围系、过分横向以及层次质感太强的 花结。长型脸:左右展开的横向系法能展现出领部朦胧的飘逸感,并减弱脸部较长的 感觉。如百合花结、项链结、双头结等。 倒三角型脸:倒三角型脸的人给人一种严厉的印象和面部单调的感觉。此时可利 用丝巾让颈部充满层次感,会有很好的效果。如带叶的玫瑰花结、项链结等。 注意减少丝巾围绕的次数,下垂的三角部分要尽可能自然展开。 四方型脸: 四方脸型的人,容易给人缺乏柔媚的感觉。系丝巾时尽量做到颈部 周围干净利索,并在胸前打出些层次感强的花结。丝巾花型可选择基本花、九 字结、长巾玫瑰花结等 4、留意有无特殊的设计有特殊设计的丝巾通常需要用特殊的打法,才能展现出设计者的巧思与创 意。选购丝巾时必须留意丝巾的印花、图案有无特殊设计。 5、丝巾的材质要符合个人风格如果你的穿着打扮在保守中流露出典雅、高贵的气质,那么,丝绸材质的领 巾将是你最好的选择;而透明的纱质领巾则适合浪漫的造型。穿着休闲服时,选择舒适轻软的棉、麻围巾就对了!如果你想尝试大胆、前卫的风格,一条带 有亮泽质感的领巾,便能营造出与服饰相辅相成的戏剧效果。 How to Choose Pure Silk Scarves That Are Appropriate for You An appropriate scarf can not only cut off piercingly cold wind to give your neck the most tender care, but also create beautiful amorous feelings for your neck and front to add more personal characteristics to your total look. Mastering the main point of pure silk scarves collocation can not only create unique personal image but save the budget of buying clothes. 1. Identify the quality from material and color When you settle on a certain model of pure silk scarves, the first thing you should do is to put it close to your face to observe whether it goes with your complexion. If doesnt, dont hesitate to abandon it. You need to be aware that though some scarves colour scheme are impeccable, there are subtle differences between them and what you like and suitable. In this case, all sorts of colors should be compared with each other, looking in a mirror from a distance, to verify the collocation situation between them and build and clothes integral atmosphere. Also, effects of back and side cannot be ignored. Then make the silk scarves into commonly-used shape at ordinary times to try, so that you will know what style and effect this design show, and good fabric is the first requirement of silk scarves quality. In addition to select the fabric cautiously, it would better sew the silk cloth edges by hand. Printing colors must also be homogeneous, and in general the amount of colors of scarves is also sometimes used to measure the quality as a standard. The richer the colors are, the higher the cost of printing and dyeing is, and the better the quality is. 2. Select according to the special features of your figure When the material, size, and style are different, the length, thickness and position will be different, so you better make the silk scarf go with your bodys characteristics to show the advantages by the silk scarf as far as possible. For example, people who have long necks are suited to tie scarves of any tying methods; however, it is advisable for those who have the shorter necks to choose a bit thin fabrics and to tie a little lower in stead of in the middle of the neck. In addition, the effect of tying should be proportional to the figure, so the petite and dainty should avoid wearing too big and heavy scarves. Please remember that eyeballing is not usually too accurate, because a miss is as good as a mile in size. In other words, a little larger or smaller will make different effects. You need to try on the spot by using the most skilled method, so that you can distinguish the secret. 3, Choose in terms of your face shape Round face If those whose faces are plump and smooth-skinned want to make the outline of your face seem to be salubrious and angular, the key is to stretch the pendulous part of the silk scarves as far as possible to emphasize the longitudinal feeling and to keep the integrity of the longitudinal line from head to feet and try not to interrupt it . When tying a cockade, you would better choose the tying methods which are suitable for personal style, such as diamond knots, heart-shaped knots and stauros and so on and avoid overlap in the neck, over transverse and strong sense of gradation. Long face The transverse tying method can show a hazy elegant feeling in the neck and weaken the feeling of longer face, such as lilies knots, necklace knots, double head knots and so on. Inverted-triangle face People with Inverted-triangle face give others a severe impression and a humdrum feeling from the face. Now it is available to use the pure silk scarf to add administrative levels to get a better effect. Such
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