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古体英语名词的拉丁文形容词 1. book: literaryL literarius-concerning reading and writing 2. brother: fraternalL fraternusL frater: brother 3. cat: felineL felinusL feles cat 4. child: puerileL puerilis: childishL puer: boy 5. daughter: filialLL filialisL filius: daughter/son, offspring 6. day: diurnalL diurnalisL diurnusdies: day 7. dog: canineL caninusL canis: dog 8. ear: auricularL auris: ear 9. earth: terrestrialL terrestrie: earthly thing L terrestris: earthly worldlyL terra: earth + -al 10. egg: ovalL ovum: egg 11. eye: ocularL ocularisL oculus: eye 12. father: paternalL patri-Gr. pater: fatherpatrilocal / virilocal 住婆家的 / (婚后)住男方家的 13. fire: igneousL igneus: fiery ignis: fire 14. foe: hostileL hostilis, equivalent to hostis: enemy + -ilis: -ile 15. fox: vulpineL vulpinus: foxlinevulpes: fox + -ine 16. friend: amicableLL amicabilisamicus: friend 17. hand: manualL manualisL manus: hand 18. head: capitalL capitalis: of the head capult: head 19. heart: cordialML cordialisL cor: heartGr. cardio- kardia 例如 cardiology 心脏病学 20. heaven: celestialOFr celestrielL caelestris: heavenlyL caelum: heaven 21. horse: equineL equinus L equus: horseGr. hippo- e.g. hippopotamus 河马 22. husband: maritalL maritalis maritus: married man, mas: male我个人认为应是:virileL virilis: manly vir: man 23. kidney: renalFrLL renalis L renes: kidneys + -alGr. nephro- nephros nephritis 肾炎 24. knight: equestrianL equestriseques: horseman, knight equus: horse 25. life: vitalL vitalisL vita: life 26. light: lucidL lucidus: full of light lux: light 27. lip: labialML labialis L labium: lip 28. man: humanL humanusmasculineL masculinus: masculus: male mas: a maleGr. andro- aner, andros: man, male e.g. andrology 男科学 29. milk: lacticL lacteusL lac: breast 30. mind: mentalLL mentalisL mens: mind 31. moon: lunarL luna: moon + -ar 32. mother: maternalMFr maternelL maternusmater: mother33. mouth: oralL oralis OS oris: mouthNLGr. stomato- Gr. stoma e.g. stomatology 口腔学 34. name: norminalL nominalis: of a name 35. night: nocturnalLL nocturnalis L nox: night 36. nose: nasalNL nasalisL nasus: noseGr. rhino- e.g. rhinitis 鼻炎 rhinoceros 犀牛 37. ox: bovine LL bovines: of oxen or cows L bos: ox, cow 38. room: spaciousL spatiosus spatium: area, space, room 39. sea: marineOFr marinL marinus: of the sea, L mare: sea 40. sheep: ovineLL ovinus ovi-: + -ine L ovis: sheep 41. sight: visibleL visibilisL videre: to seevisualLL visualis L visus: sight 42. skin: cutaneousNL cuaneusL: cuis: skin 43. son: filialLL filialis L filus: son 44. spring: vernalL vernalis ver: spring 45. stream: fluvialL fluvialisL fluvius: riverfluere: to flow 46. star: stellarLL stellarisL stella: starGr. astro- 47. sun: solarL solarisL sol: sun +-al 48. time: temporalL temporalis tempus: timeCf. Gr. chrono- chronic 慢性的 L chronicus: relating to time 比如:chronology 年代学 49. tongue: lingualL lingua: tongue + -al 50. tooth: dentalNL dentalisL dens: toothGr. odonto- e.g. periodontitis 牙周炎 51. town: urbanL: urbanusL urbs: citymunicipalL municipalis 52. tree: arborealL arbor: tree 53. truth: veraciousveraxverus: trueCf. real: OFr reel LL realisL res: thing genuine: L genuinus: native, natural L gignere: to produce 54. war: bellicoseL bellicosusL bellum: war 55. water: aqueousML aqueus L aqua: water 56. wife: conjugalL conjualis L conjunx: wife or husband conjungere: to unite我个人认为更应是:uxorialL uxor: wife uxorilocal 倒插门的, 入赘的/ matrilocal (婚后)住女方家的 57. world: mundane 尘世的Fr mondainLL mundanusL mundus: world 58. worm: vermicularML vermicularisL vermiculus, 指小词vermis: worm 59. woman: feminineL femininusL femina: womanGr. gynaeco- / gyno- gune, gunaik: woman, female e.g. gynaecology 妇科学 60. youth: juvenileL juvenilis: youthfulL juvenis: young
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