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小学六年级英语期末试题(二)小学六年级英语期末试题(二)听力部分一、选择听到的单词(10 分)( )1.A.just B.last C.first D.bird( )2.A.clothes B.close C.clock D.clean(; )3.A.think B.thin C.thank D.thick( )4.A.exciting B.exercise C.interesting D.computergame( )5.A.front B.fruit C.free D.friend( )6.A.hall B.tall C.hot D.hard( )7.A.toninght B.bright C.light D.ladder( )8.A.kind B.find C.mind D.month( )9.A.ago B.befone C.again D.begin( )10.A.trip B.drop C.ship D.shop二、选择听到的句子(16 分)()1.A.He cant join the match yesterday. B.He didnt join the match yesterday.( )2.A.Whats wrong with her? B.Whats the matter with her?( )3.A.How can I get to the library. B.Where is the library?( )4.A.Could you look after the dog? B.Could you carry it downstairs?三、听对话,选择正确答案(12 分)( )1.A.Tom didnt go there.B.Tom went there yesterday.C.Tom was at home.( )2.A.Hell lend him money.B.Hell use the money.C.Hell hand me money.()3.A.Ive got a headache.B.Ive got a “C“ in the test.C.Ive got a bad cold.四、听短文,选择正确答案()(6 分)1.She will be all right soon.2.She was all right yesterday.3.She is all right today.笔试部分五、读单词,判断每组单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的用,不同的用表示在括号中(5 分)1.small morning ( ) 2.cloudy down ( ) 3.float mouse ( ) 4.spoil paint ( ) 5.room cool ( )六、看单词划线部分的读音,找出不属于每个家族的成员(6 分)( ) ( )( ) ( )( )(参考答案: 六、1.wait 2.know 3.room 4.say 5.park 6.dear)七、读词语,并与意思相符的中文搭配成组(15 分)1.fridge(1)停放6.dangerous(1)吸烟11.concert(1)感觉 2.medicine(2)楼上7.smoke(2)吐,吐痰12.street(2)开始 3.upstairs(3)冰箱8.spit(3)访问者13.mouth(3)音乐会 4.park(4)药9.visitor(4)中心14.feel(4)街道 5.touch(5)触摸10.centre(5)危险15.start(5)嘴,口参考答案: 七、1.(3) 2.(4) 3.(2) 4.(1) 5.(5)/ 6.(5) 7.(1) 8.(2) 9.(3) 10.(4)/11.(3) 12.(4) 13.(5) 14.(1) 15.(2)八、将下列单词组成词组(每词只用一次)(10 分)traffic up a fever lights cheer high keep up be out careful lookget after off stay look to right centre turn shopping 1.购物中心 2.照顾 3.向右转 4.小心 5.当心 6.熬夜 7.到达 8.交通灯 9.高兴起来 10.高烧 参考答案: 八、1.shopping centre 2.look after 3.turn right 4.be careful 5.look out6.stay up 7.get to 8.traffic lights 9.cheer up 10.a high fever九、选词填空(9 分)1.Yesterday they (have, had)lunch (at, on)12:30 (of, in)their school.2.She (will, does)have to stay (in, at)home and (look, like)after her grandma, because she is ill.3.We (see, saw)a lot of new houses (on, in)our way (to, from)Shunyi.参考答案: 九、1.had, at, in 2.will, at, look 3.saw, on, to十、联词造句(5 分)1.the, have, take, good, a, medicine, and,rest .2.to, Zhong, Shan, Park, get, I, can, how .3.help, me my, could, lessons, you, with .4.yesterday, where, they, did, go .5.came, at, to, we, last, school, night, nine .参考答案: 十、1.Take the medicine and have a good rest.2.How can I get to Zhong Shan Park?3.Could you help me with my lessons?4.Where did they go yesterday?5.We came to school at nine last night.十一、选择正确的(7 分)()1.Could you post the letter for me? A.Yes, I did.()2.Would you like to have a trip with her? B.Ive got a toothache.()3.Did you enjoy the concert? C.Youre welcome.()4.Whats the matter with you, Jim? D.We had a picnic in the park.()5.When shall we start? E.Yes, Id love to.()6.What did you do last Friday? F.With pleasure.()7.Thank you very much. G.At 6 tomorrow moring.
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