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中国内部考试写作常用短语中国内部考试写作常用短语 注意是中国内部注意是中国内部!国内部考试写作常用短语-请注意,是国内部! 1. 与时俱进 keep up with the times / keep pace with the times2. 为将来打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for the future3. 众志成城 be of one mind4. 如图所示 as is displayed by the table/ chart/ graph5. 悬而未决的问题 a pending question6. 改变局势 change the situation7. 确切地说 to be precise/ exact8. 与某人看法一致 share the same opinion with somebody / have the same view9. 为某人送行 see sb off10. 解决问题 solve a problem/ find a solution to a problem11. 建立外交关系 establish diplomatic relations12. 讲究吃穿 be particular about what one wears and eats13. 不辜负父母的殷切期望 live up to the keen expectations of parents14. 吸取教训 draw a lesson from15. 做业余工作 do a part-time job 16. 上网成隐 get addicted to internet surfing17. 海外留学 pursue overseas studies18. 把。 。 。归功于 owe。 。 。 。to19. 实现目标 realize/fulfill ones aim/ dream20. 事实并非如此 it is not the case21. 根据法律 according to the law/ in accordance with the law22. 在任何情况下 in any case23. 为祖国做出应有的贡献 make due contributions to our motherland24. 发挥某人的潜力 exert ones potential25. 时间飞逝 time really flies26. 成为祖国有用的人才 become a talent to our country27. 重视 attach importance to28. 保持身心健康 keep physically fit and mentally healthy29. 没有捷径 there is no shortcut to 30. 充分利用时间 make good use of time31. 错过机会 miss the opportunity32. 下定决心做某事 be determined to do sth.33. 没有任何意义 There is no sense/ point doing sth34. 集中精力做某事 concentrate ones attention on sth35. 成功做某事 succeed in doing sth36. 适应当地的生活 adjust oneself to the local life37. 给某人留下好的印象 leave sb. A favorable impression38. 虚度光阴 idle away ones life/ time39. 积累知识/经验 accumulate knowledge / experience40. 在一定程度上 to some extent/ to some degree41. 提出好的建议 put forward a constructive proposal42. 做好心理上的准备 get mentally prepared43. 激发学习兴趣 stimulate ones interest to study44. 拿出一个解决方案 come up with a solution45. for example/ for instance46. 生活水平 standard of living / living standard47. 申请政府贷款 apply for a bank loan48. 毫无疑问 there is no doubt that49. 目前 at present50. 构建和谐社会 construct a harmonious society 51. 养成不良习惯 fall into a bad habit of smoking52. 养成好习惯 form/ acquire/develop a good habit53. 激烈的竞争 fierce competition54. 良性循环 a good cycle55. 恶性循环 a vicious cycle56. 克服困难 overcome a difficulty57. 徒劳无益 in vain58. 虚荣心 vanity59. 起重要作用 play an important role in60. 保持乐观的态度 adopt/ keep an optimistic attitude61. 大学生涯 university career62. 下岗 be laid off63. 度过难关 come through the difficulty64. 从长远来说 in the long run/ term65. 从短期来说 in the short run / term66. 长远利益 long -term interest 眼前利益 short-term interest67. 大规模 on the large scale68. 合资企业 a joint venture69. 假币 counterfeit banknotes 70. 闲暇时间 in ones spare time 71. 东道主国家 the host country72. 光明的前途 be of a promising future/ be of a bright future/prospect73. 无论国家大小,贫富 regardless of a country size and wealth74. 面临。 。 。困难 be confronted with a difficulty75. 代表 on behalf of76. 参与社会活动 take part in/ participate in social activities 77. 尽情地 to ones hearts content78. 一份耕耘,一分收获 No pains, no gains.79. 可持续发展 sustainable development80. 可再生能源 renewable energy 不可再生能源 irrenewable energy81. 珍惜时间 cherish the precious time82. 我们应该活到老,学到老 We should live and learn.83. 自主学习 learn autonomously 84. 自主学习者 an autonomous learner85. 向表示感谢 to express deep gratitude to sb86. 不容否认 there is no denying that.87. 越。 。 。 。越。 。 。 。 the more. the more88. 该是。 。 。的时候了 It is high time we did.89. 关注的焦点 focus of attention90. 希望工程 Project Hope91. 就。 。 。 。而言 as far as . Is concerned92. 在某人看来 in ones view, in ones opinion, in ones mind93. 把理论付诸实践 apply theory to practice94. 高度重视 attach high importance to95. 乌云之后总有阳光 Every cloud has a silver lining。96. 坚持原则 adhere to a principle 97. 维护原则 uphold a principle98. 得出一个结论 conclude that, reach, come to, arrive at a conclusion that99. 每个事物都有两个方面。 Every coins has two sides。 / Every sword has two blades。100. 虚拟空间 a virtual space101. 壮观的景色 a spectacular view102. 这是一个感人的故事。 This is a touching/ moving story。103. 交通堵塞 traffic jam/ congestion104. 成上升趋势 on the rise/ increase105. 成下降趋势 on the decrease/ decline106. 一个正直的人 a man of integrity107. 总而言之 in a word/ in brief/ in short, to sum up108. 已经成为一个全球性的问题 has been a global problem109. 经过仔细的调查研究 after a careful survey/ investigation110. 应聘。 。 。工作 apply for a job111. 如果有机会的话 Given the chance,If given the chance,112. 为。 。 。羞愧 be ashamed of113. 正如一句谚语所说, Just as a proverb goes, 114. 一场精心设计的骗局 an elaborate fraud 115. 众所周知 as is known t
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