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课例研究课例研究英语学科课例研究总结报告英语学科课例研究总结报告高一英语 戴莉莉第一轮教学设计第一轮教学设计教学设计说明:教学设计说明: 此课是新世纪高中英语高一上册中第三单元第 5 课 pets 的导入课,属于此单元的第一课时. 学生已朗读过本课生词和词组,但并未涉及课文有关内容。 整堂课共设计了 5 个部分,下面就这 5 个部分具体说一下: 1 导入部分 此部分插入了学生所熟悉的四种动物的实图:兔子、小鸡、蛇和猫从而较为自然得引入本 课的课题pets。 2 口语问答 在学生们了解了本课的课题后,由教师提问询问学生们最喜欢的宠物,这是个开放式问题, 学生们可根据自己的喜好回答,在一问一答中,师生就能有很好的沟通,正好能调动课堂 气氛为接着的小游戏做铺垫。 3 小游戏 在邀请学生回答自己最喜欢的小动物之后,可将话题一转,让学生猜猜教师所最喜欢的动 物引出小游戏猜猜我是谁。事先制作了一张宠物身份证,上面分别写有名字、年龄、 尺寸、颜色和性格特点等等,为了增加视觉和听觉效果,还在最后添加了最喜欢实物的图 片和此种宠物的叫声,有了这些信息学生可以很容易得判断出此种动物就是狗从而顺畅得 引出本堂课的主角。 4 头脑风暴 在看了小游戏中身份证主人的小狗照片之后,可让学生欣赏不同种类的狗的图片,丰富多 彩的实图能使学生精神振奋。在看完不同种类的狗照片后,还可告诉学生狗除了可爱之外, 还可在人类生活中担任多种角色,接着教师先给出两个例子,再让学生通过同桌讨论进行 头脑风暴的活动,使同学们说出自己所知道的狗所担当的角色,越多越好。 5 课文理解 利用略读技巧阅读课文并完成搭配题。在学生完成文章大意的搭配题前先讲解其中的生词。教案教案Teaching Objectives: 1. To get the students know the various roles dogs can play in our daily life 2. To develop the reading skill of skimming 3. To help the students to understand know about petsTeaching procedures: 1.Lead-in Good afternoon, boys and girls. Today we are going to learn something interesting. First of all. I want you to look at some pictures and tell me what are they? Pictures: rabbit, cat, snake and chick Very good. Are these four human? Yes, they are animals. I think you all like animals, because they are very lovely . What do we call those animals that we can put at home? Yes, they are pets. You are clever. So today we are going to learn Unit FivePets. 2.Warm-up Spoken Exercise I guess every one of you has your favourite animal. Now I want you to tell me what is it? What is your favourite animal?Good. And I have my favourite pet ,too. Can you guess what it is? 3.Little Game I cant tell you my favouite pet now,because its still a secret. But I can give you some hints. Here I have made an ID card for my little baby. Lets take a look at it and guess together. ID CardName:LilyAge: one year old Size: smallColour of hair: whiteSelf-introduction:Lovely gentle, but sillyFavourite food: boneVoice: sweetNow can you recognize what it is? Yes it is a dog. Do you like dogs? Do you want to have a look at my Lily? Ok, please follow me.4.brain storming My Lily is really cute. Here I have some more pictures about different sorts of dogs. I believe you would like to see them. This one is Nasons honey. This one is called Chinese ShaPi. Its ugly but many people like it. This one is a Dalmatian. You can see many black spots on its skin. And the last one is white and pretty poodle. You know, we love dogs not only they are very clever and loyal, but also they are very helpful to us human. Dogs can play many different roles in our daily life. For example, for the children, dogs can be their playmates, right? And for me, Lily can be my friend. So now lets have a brain storming activity. Lets see how many roles can dogs play in our life? Here on the blackboard I draw a sun-shaped circle ,and you are asked to fill in the blanks about dogs different roles, ok? You can discuss your answer with your deskmate. And we will check one minute later.trackersdetectiveskillersWell, everyone of you has done a good job. Since you have know something about dogs roles. Lets do a matching game. I will show you some pictures of dogs and in each of the picture ,the dog is doing a certain job. So if you know ,just stand and tell us, clear? Four pictures: police dogs(detectives), doorkeepers, blind guides and film stars.5.Skim the text and do the matching questions Boys and girls, since we have known a lot about dogs. Do you feel that now you like this kind of animal more? Out text will go on to tell us something more about dogs. would you have a look? Now open your text book to page 69 and try to use the skill of skimming to read through the text and then finish the following matching questions.(3min) 1. Dogs-part of mans family Paragraph A 2.Dogs-dangerous killers Paragraph B 3.Dogs-wonderful trackers Paragraph C 4.Dogs-mans working mates Paragraph D 5.Dogs-excellent guards Paragraph EThe right answers should be : 1.C 2. E 3. D 4,B 5.A Today we have talked a lot about dogs. And I guess you will love the dogs more. At the end of this, I will also give you a present, that is your todays assignment. One, collect a story about animals and tell it to your desk mate with your own feeling or opinion. Two, describe one of your favourite animal in English.教后感:教后感:基本完成教学任务,学生能积极参与,课堂气氛较为轻松,但不足之处也是比较多的,具 体如下: 1 教学时间掌控欠缺,本课重点把握不够。 。前面的导入部分用时太多以致后面跟课文有dogsworking mateshunterspetsfriendsblind guidesdoorkeepersstars关的阅读活动时间仓促,感觉学生没有达到预定的教学效果。 2 各教学部分的过度语言衔接不够自然,有点牵强。 3 教学内容不够充实。第二轮教学设计第二轮教学设计教学设计说明:教学设计说明: 鉴于前面这一节课的不足之处,重新修改教案。主要修改之处如下: 1 减少前面的导入部分,对于用来引入本课课题的 4 张图片只需花很短的是引出即可, 无需扩展,这样能多留出点时间给本课的重点内容:阅读技巧之一略读以及课文 并回答相应问题。 2 在导入部分与课文之间加入一张卡通图片引出本课生词之一“sheepdog”,使得二者之间 过渡得较为自然。 3 在此堂课的最后部分,加如一个与本课主题内容紧密结合的口语联系,可以小组讨论 的形式开展。这样不仅能很好地检测学生对于此堂课中教学内容的掌握情况,又能锻 炼其口语能力,增强其团队合作精神。教案教案Teaching Objecti
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