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设计总说明设计总说明随着环保意识的增强,人们对环境质量的要求越来越高,对因恶臭所带来的污染也更加敏感。恶臭物质不仅可使人产生不快和厌恶感,而且许多恶臭物质还危害着人们的健康甚至生命。我国的恶臭污染现象十分普遍,严重影响着环境空气质量,所以控制和治理恶臭污染己经刻不容缓。本文是针对我国恶臭污染的现状,为了正确合适地处理硫化氢、硫醇类、硫醚类、氨、胺类、吲哚类、硝基化合物、烃类、醛类、脂肪酸类、酚类、酮类、酯类及有机卤系衍生物等散发出来的恶臭气味,而讨论了经济、高效的脱除恶臭技术。其中生物滴滤池脱除恶臭气体工艺具有工艺简单,操作简便,投资、运行和维护费用低廉,可有效减少环境污染等特点。本设计主要是以生物滴滤池来处理某炼油厂所散发出 14200 m3/h 的恶臭气体。首先浓度为 300.0400.0 mg/m3的恶臭气体经气管在风机的输送下,然后调节阀门使气体以 0.49m/s 的气速进入生物滴滤池中。在生物滴滤池的微生物作用下,大部分的恶臭被微生物吸收、分解,因此 14200 m3/h 的恶臭气体就能按地方气体排放标准合格排放,从而达到去除恶臭污染的目的。本文主要着重于对生物滴滤池的设计及设备的选取。首先,本文概述了恶臭气体的控制现状及生物净化的原理;其次,本文详细地讲述了各种生物净化工艺的原理和特点;再次,本文对 14200 m3/h 的恶臭气体进行初步的计算,以确定后续设备的选择;最后,本文根据上述的计算进行设备的选取和调试。关键词关键词:生物滴滤池,恶臭废气,炼油厂污染,H2S注:本设计题目来源于教师的企业科研项目,项目名称为:深圳石化工业废气综合治理。项目编号: 2006074Design NotesWith the enhancement of environmental protection awareness, the people are more and more high to the environment quality request, due to the pollution brought about by the odor is also more sensitive. Not only the odor material may cause the human to produce not quick and tires of the malice, moreover many odor materials are also harming peoples health and even their lives. Now odor pollution is widespread, having a serious impact on air quality, so its no time to delay to control and treat odor pollution. This text is to aim at the present condition of odor pollution in our country, in order to dispose of sulfureted hydrogen, mercaptan, thioether, ammonia, amines, indole, nitro compounds, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, fatty acids, phenols, ketones, salts and organic halogen derivatives becomingly, discuss the technology of getting rid of odor pollution effectively. The technology of the biological-trickling filter removing odor pollution has bring extensive because of its simple technique and manipulation, the low cost of investment, operation and maintenance costs, reducing pollution effectively.The design is aimed at dealing with 14200m3/h stench gas for biological-trickling filter, which come from of refinery. First of all, the concentration of 300.0400.0mg/m3 stench gas is transmit by the trachea, and then adjust the gas valves to 0.49 m/s velocity of the gas into the biological-trickling filter. In the biological- trickling filter role of microorganisms, most of the stench gas was absorbed or decomposition, therefore 14200m3/h stench gas can be determined by the local gas emission standards for qualified emissions so as to achieve the purpose of odor pollution removal. This paper is focused on designing of equipment selection about biological-trickling filter. At first, I will introduce the overview status of the control of stench gases and the principle of biofilter. The second, I will describe the principle and features about various of biological purification process. At last, I will pay preliminary calculations to 14200m3/h stench gas, so as to select the equipment. At the supplement, I based on the above calculation for selecting and debugging the equipment.Key words:Biological-trickling filter,Odor pollution,Refinery,H2S目目 录录1 概述.11.1 恶臭的污染概况.11.2 恶臭物质的来源与危害.11.3 恶臭的控制现状.32 恶臭治理技术的机理和特点.42.1 恶臭气体的生物净化特点及原理.42.1.1 恶臭治理概述.42.1.2 恶臭气体的生物处理特点.62.1.3 恶臭气体物的生物转化机理.62.2 净化恶臭气体的微生物类型与特征.72.3 净化恶臭气体的填料.82.3.1 选择填料基本原则.82.3.2 常用填料类型与特征.103 生物法净化恶臭气体的工艺原理及比较.113.1 土壤及堆肥法.113.1.1 土壤法.113.1.2 堆肥除臭法.133.1.3 土壤及堆肥法填料选择.143.2 生物过滤池.143.2.1 生物过滤池原理.143.2.2 影响生物过滤池除臭效果的因素.
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