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牛津小学英语牛津小学英语 3BUnit12 单元检测单元检测班级 姓名 得分 听力开始了听力开始了!小朋友们,竖起小耳朵仔细听哦!小朋友们,竖起小耳朵仔细听哦!一、听录音,填序号。10 二、找到你所听到的物品,把它圈一圈。10三、听录音,选出你所听到的,把序号填在()内。10 ( )1. A. Storybook B. copybook C. desk ( )2. A. crayon B. tape C. ruler ( )3. A. school bag B. clock C. knife ( )4. A. my computer B. your computer C. her computer ( )5 A. Whats this? B Whats that? C. Whats this in English? ( )6 A .How nice! B How pretty! C .What a nice watch! ( )7 A. Is this a camera? B. Is that a camera? C .This is a camera. ( )8. A. in English B. in Chinese C. in the box ( )9.A.come here B come in C. pencil box ( )10.A. on the desk B on the chair C .on the ruler 四、下面小朋友都有一些什么文具?仔细听,将相应的用线连起来101.动一动小手,比一比谁最棒!动一动小手,比一比谁最棒! 一、找出不同类的单词。10( )1. A pencil B stapler C pear ( )2. A green B red C radio ( )3. A watch B what C clock ( )4. A apple B banana C knife ( )5. A camera B panda C zebra ( )6. A. stapler B. storybook C. cake ( )7. A. sofa B. knife C. window ( )8. A. radio B. computer C. window ( )9. A. copybook B. crayon C. camera ( )10.A. watch B. door C. key 二、找出相应的应答句。5 ( )1. Is that a radio? A. Its a knife. ( )2.Can I have a look? B. Thank you. ( )3. May I come in? C. No,it isnt. ( )4. Whats that on the desk? D. Sure. ( )5. What a nice sweater! E. Come in ,please. 三、将中文和英文互相搭配,选正确的序号。10 ( )1. Whats in your school bag? ( )2. Come here, Yang Ling, whats this? ( )3. Whats that in English? ( )4. Thank you. ( )5. Im sorry. ( )6. How are you? ( )7. This is a copybook. ( )8. I see. ( )9. Excuse me, Gao Shan, whats this? ( )10. Its a pencil in your book. A 谢谢你。 B. 你好吗?C 对不起,高山,这是什么? D. 我明白 了。 E. 一枝铅笔在你书里面。 F. 这是一本抄写本。 G. 过来,杨玲,这是什么? H. 对不起。 I 你书包里的是什么? J. 那样东西用英语怎么说? 四、根据情景,选择填空。13 ( )1、当你去拜见朋友,想进房间时,应说: A.May I come in? B. Come in, please. C. Oh, I see. ( )2、看见一个漂亮的照相机,你会说: A. How old are you? B. Thank you. C. How nice! ( )3、询问某件东西是否是电脑,别人应答: A. Is this a computer? B. Yes, it is . C. How pretty! ( )4、你想看一看某件东西,别人会说: A. Can I have a look? B. No, it isnt. C. sure. ( )5、在打扰别人时,你应说: A. Here you are. B. Excuse me. C. Hello! ( )6、别人告诉你桌上是蜡笔时,你可以说: A. Thank you . B. How are you? C.This is a crayon. ( )7、Is that your tape? A. Yes, it isnt. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is. ( )8Can I have a ? Sure A.book B.look C.good ( )9、May I come in? A. Yes. B. Come in, please C. Sure. ( )10、Whats that in English? A zebra. B. Yes, it is a stapler. C. Its a sharpener. ( )11、当别人叫你过来,他要说: A. Come in ,please . B. Come here ,please. C.May I come in? ( )12、当你想知道远处桌上的物体是什么时,你会问: A. Whats this on the desk ? B. Whats that on the desk ? C. Whats that in the desk ? ( )13、你想说朋友的手表好看,可以说:( ) A. How a nice watch ! B. What a nice clock ! C. What a nice watch ! 五、根据所给中文写出相应单词。6 1. 闹钟 2. 书 3 .钥匙4 .修正带 5. 手表 6. 包六将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。16 A. ( ) Whats that on the desk? ( ) All right. ( ) Fine, thanks. And you? ( ) Im fine, thank you. ( )Lets go to the supermarket. ( ) Its a box.( ) Hi, David. How are you? ( ) I see.B. ( )Is that a radio? ( )Come in, please.( )Can I have a look? ( )Whats that in English? ( )No, it isnt. ( )Sure, here you are.( )May I come in? ( )Its a Walkman.
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