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恋爱假期 The Holiday 中英文剧本I have found almost everything ever written about love. 我发觉书上写的爱情,从古至今 .to be true. 没一件是真的 Shakespeare said, “Journeys end in lovers meeting.“ 莎士比亚说过 “旅程会因恋人聚首而结束” What an extraordinary thought. 多么不可思议的想法 Personally, I have not experienced anything remotely close to that. 我本人就从来没有 体验过这种经历 .but Im more than willing to believe Shakespeare had. 不过我宁愿相信 莎士比亚曾经有过 I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should. 我认为我对爱情的思考比谁都要多 Im constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives. 我经常被爱情那足以改变 和定义生活的魔力所征服 It was Shakespeare who also said, “Love is blind.“ 就像莎士比亚还曾说过: “爱情是盲目的” Now, that is something I know to be true. 现在,有一些爱情就要成真了 片名:恋爱假期 For some, quite inexplicably. 对一些人来说 .love fades. 爱情会莫名的消失 For others. 对另一些人来说 .love is simply lost. 爱情再也找不回来了 But then, of course, love can also be found. 不过,爱情也会悄然而至 Even if just for the night. 就算只逗留了一晚上 And then there another kind of love. 然而还有一种爱情 The cruelest kind. 最残忍的一种 The one that almost kills its victims. 一种足以置人于死地的爱情 It called unrequited love. 它叫做“单相思” Of that, I am an expert. 我就是这方面的专家 Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other. 多数的爱情故事是 述说二人两情相悦 But what about the rest of us? What about our stories? “单相思”的又该如何? 谁来述说我们的故事? Those of us who fall in love alone. 我们这些单恋的人 We are the victims of the one-sided affair. 是爱情的牺牲品 We are the cursed of the loved ones. 是被诅咒的情人 We are the unloved ones. The walking wounded. 我们是爱情绝缘体 一群失魂的野鬼 The handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space. 被利用却不被留恋的人 Yes, you are looking at one such individual. 是的 你面前的我就是其中一个 And I have willingly loved. 暗恋一位男士 .that man for over three miserable years. 长达三年之久 The absolute worst years of my life. 这是我人生中最悲惨的岁月 The worst Christmases, the worst birthdays. 悲惨的圣诞节,悲惨的生日 New Year Eves brought in by tears and Valium. 除夕夜却与 眼泪和“安定药”相伴 These years Ive been in love have been the darkest days of my life. 这几年坠入了爱河 也坠入深渊 .all because Im cursed by being in love with a man who does not. 全因爱上一个不爱自己的人 .and will not love me back. 而受到诅咒 Oh, God, just the sight of him. 噢,上帝啊,只要一见到他 Heart pounding, throat thickening, absolutely cant swallow. 我便心跳加速,喉咙发紧 根本咽不下口水 All the usual symptoms. 全都是常见的症状 Oh, Jasper. 噢,嘉士伯 - Dont tell me youre still. - No, no, no, thats over. Very over. - 别告诉我您还. - 不,不,都结束了,彻底结束了 Whats the story with you two anyway? You were shagging him, werert you? 你们俩之间到底发生了什么? 你和他睡觉了,不是吗? More importantly, I was in love with him, truth be known. 更重要的是,我爱上了他 你知道真相了吧 Then you found out he was shagging that drip from Circulation. 是,然后你发现他 还和流通阅览部的女人睡觉 Which is when I stopped shagging him. 所以我才决定分手了 We shouldnt be talking about this at the office party. 我们别在公司聚会上谈这些 But I always see you two together. 但我怎么总是看见你们在一起 He cheated on you, but you stayed friends? 他背判了你 你还和他做朋友? I was head over heels, you know? Everyone knew. 我是神魂颠倒了,你知道吗 众所周知 - Does it look like Im crying right now? - No, no, no. - 我看上去是不是像快哭了 - 不会,不会 No, it just looks like its the smoke from my cigarette. 不会,只是像被我的香烟熏到了 Did he ever actually tell you that he loved you back? 他真的从未说过他爱你? Yes. Three, almost four times. And when I reminded him of that. 有啊,3 次,算 4 次吧 当我问他时. .he said it must have been an answer to a question. 他说这样就算回答过了 Which, by the way, it absolutely was not. 其实,他根本没有 You know, Iris, when you catch your guy with another woman. 艾瑞丝,当你发现 男朋友喜新厌旧了 .youre not supposed to stay friends with him. 你就不该再和他做朋友了 Youre supposed to never talk to the prick again. 你别在和那傻子说话了 Youre supposed to throw things at him, scream, call him names. 你该向他丢东西,冲着他尖叫,骂他 Not do his blooming laundry. 而不是给他洗衣服了 I dont do his laundry. 我没给他洗衣服 Did someone tell you I do his laundry? 谁这么告诉你的? No, no, all we do now is. 没有,我们现在都是. .we e-mail. 发发邮件 Not when hes with her, of course. 当然不是他俩在一起的时候 Also when hes not with her, we talk on the phone. 他和她不在一起时 我们也会通电话 Sometimes for hours. And then theres the occasional long lunch. 有时长达数小时 偶尔还会吃午餐吃很久 You know, I never realized how pathetic you are. 我从未意识到你会如此悲惨 Really? 真的? Oh, God. Im so aware of it. 天啊,我早就清楚不过了 They always know just how to get us, dont they? 男人总是对我们了如指掌,是吧? He knows whenever he wants back in your life. 他知道他能随时回到你的身边 Actually, he has made some small comments like that recently. 实际上,最近他说过类似的话 He hasnt exactly come right out and said it. 但他并没有明确的表达出来. Iris, did you file your story? 艾瑞丝,文章整理好了吗? Oh, no, not yet. Down to the wire. Sorry. 噢,还没有 交稿时间快到了,抱歉 Better go. 还是走吧 - Grooms best friend spoke. 新郎的至交. .for many guests when he said, “Hilary. 代表众多宾客说道: “希拉里. .will open Edwards eyes. 会让爱德华心如明镜 .and round out his life.“ 而且生活美满” Okay, Ive got a question for you. 好了,我有个问题 Whats it like to be the only one committed to work. 当所有人都去快活的时候 一个人在埋头苦干是什么滋味? .while the rest of us are slumming? You mean whats it like to be the only one. 你的意思是那个人. .not to fi
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