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120122013 学年度第 一 学期英语试卷讲评教案讲课人 杨雪 一、讲评内容:中职英语自测试题二、讲评目标:紧扣试题中学生的错题进行重练诊断问题变式训练梳理 知识帮助学生查漏补缺并进行行解题方法指导提高解题 技巧 三、讲评重点:阅读侧重分析各类文体的写作特点,答题方法以及各类题目的 答题要领,指导学生依据文章本身的事实、作者的思路和目的语国家文化 背景答题,不要受自身经历、体会的干扰,同时根据不同文章的特点指导 学生使用不同的阅读方法。 。 四、讲评难点:把握知识结构,侧重考点、热点分析,反对面面俱到和逐一排 除干扰项的做法。完形重在指导学生在把握篇章整体意义的基础上选择答 案,同时找到每道题答题的依据。五、讲评方法:预先练习精确统计问题诊断巩固提升梳理知识方法 指导。 六、试题分析 1、试卷命题依据,教育部中等职业技术学校英语教学大纲(试行) (2000 年) 中职英语教学大纲 (2000 年):掌握 1400 个常用词(含初中词汇) 和不低于 400 个左右习惯用语和固定搭配。此外,还要学习 900 个左右单词 和一定数量的习惯用语及固定搭配,但仅要求理解其在语篇中的意义。 ” 2、试题结构题 型题 量计 分时间 (分钟)多项选择20(1-20)30完型填空20(21-40)30单句指错10(41-50)1550阅读理解25(51-75)5040书面表达1(76)2530总 计76150120第一大题 选择题以考语法为主,词汇辨析的比例较少。语法以动词和句法为主:动词:6 题 句子结构、从句:8 题句法题逐渐增多:2七、讲评步骤Step:11I arrived the city 9:00 a.m. March 1. A. at,in,at B. to,on,at C. in,on,at D. in,at,on 答案:D 分析:本题考查考生对介词固定搭配的掌握情况。 arrive at+小地点,arrive in+接大地点(城市、国家等) 。具体几点钟前用 at, 几月几号前用 on。 2I looked under table and found pen I lost last week. A. the;the B. the;a C.; D. the; 答案:A 分析:本题考查考生对冠词表特指的掌握情况。 双方都明白的 table 前和有定语从句修饰的 pen 前使用定冠词 3Is your younger brother to join the army? A. enough old B. old enough C. as old D. so old 答案:B 分析:本题考查考生对副词 enough 位置的掌握情况。 enough 修饰名词是放在名词前面,修饰形容词是放在形容词后面。 4He had tried many times to smoking, but he failed. A. give off B. give out C. give away D. give up 答案:D 分析:本题考查考生对动词短语的理解能力。 give off 发出(光、气味) The boys dirty shirt gave off an unpleasant smell.give out 发出;分发(试卷等) give away 泄露(秘密) ;暴露(真相) ; 背弃,出卖 You cant give away the secret. I was given away by my friends. give up 放弃,戒烟、戒酒等。 5Dont forget _ your umbrella with you. It might rain in the evening. A. take B. takes C. to take D. taking 答案:C 分析:本题考查考生对动词后接不定式形式的掌握情况。 forget to do sth 忘记做某事(还没做) 选项 B 是单三形式 forget doing sth 忘记做过某事(已经做了) 6 Have you heard the news? No. ? A. What is it B. What is there C. What are they D. What are there 答案:A 分析:本题考查考生在具体的交际环境中准确运用语言的能力。 “你听到那个消息了吗?” “什么消息?” the news 作单数,用 it 指代。选项 B、D 句子结构错误。 7Its no use me not to worry about the thing.3A. your tell B. you told C. your telling D. you have told 答案:C 分析:本题考查考生对动名词的复合结构的掌握情况。 Its no use doing sth. 做某事是没用的。your telling me not to worry about the thing “你叫我别担心那件事”, 物主代词 your 是 telling 的逻辑主语。 8Well buy a bigger TV we have enough money. A. although B. though C. whether D. if 答案:D 分析:本题考查考生对条件状语从句引导词的掌握情况。 选项 A、B 引导让步状语从句,选项 C(“是否”)引导名词性从句。 “如果有 足够的钱,我们会买一台更大的电视机。 ” 9Can you tell us room she lives in? A. which B. where C. how D. who 答案:A 分析:本题考查考生对宾语从句引导词的掌握情况。 which 作定语,修饰 room, room 作介词 in 的宾语。 10More than one official involved in the case. A. were B. was C. are D. be 答案:B 分析:本题考查考生对主谓一致和动词一般过去时态的掌握情况。 “不止一个官员被牵涉到这个案件中。 ” “many a 或 more than one + 单数名词” 作主语,动词用单数形式 11The more we get together, we will be. A. the happy B. happier C. the happier D. more happy 答案:C 分析:本题考查考生对形容词比较级“the+比较级,the+比较级”(越, 就越)的掌握情况。 “我们聚会得越多,我们就越快乐。 ” 12It is high time that you your mind. A. change B. changed C. are changing D. are to change 答案:B 分析:本题考查考生对虚拟语气的掌握情况。 在“It is (high/about) time (that) 从句”的句型中,that 从句中的动词要用虚拟 语气。其含义为“该是做某事的时候了。 ” 13The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as he . A. will arrive B. arrives C. is going to arrive D. is arriving 答案:B 分析:本题考查考生对时间状语从句动词时态的掌握情况。 在时间和条件状语从句中,其谓语动词一般不用将来时,而用一般现在时代 替一般将来时,用一般过去时代替过去将来时,用现在完成时代替过去完成 时。 14His new book next month. A. has been published B. is publishing C. is being published D. will be published 答案:D4分析:本题考查考生对一般将来时被动语态的掌握情况。 主语 book 与谓语动词 publish 之间是被动关系,next month 表明必须用一般 将来时态。 15The policeman asked him when the accident happened. A. what he was doing B. what did he do C. what was he doing D. what he did 答案:A 分析:本题考查考生对宾语从句语序和时态的掌握情况。 宾语从句中用陈述句语序,即谓语动词(含助动词、系动词)都在主语后面, 不能倒装,选项 B、C 语序错误。 “警察询问事故发生时他在干什么。 ”事故发 生时是一个具体准确的时刻,用进行时态。 16By the time he was six, the boy 3000 words. A. learned B. had learned C. would learn D. has learned 答案:B 分析:本题考查考生对过去完成时态的掌握情况。 By 到过去某一时刻为止用过去进行时。 17John seldom got drunk, ? A. doesnt he B. didnt he C. did he D. does he 答案:C 分析:本题考查考生对反义疑问句的掌握情况。 seldom 表示否定,后面用肯定形式的简短问句。 18We moved to the town we could go to see our parents often. A. even if B. so as C. so that D. as if 答案:C 分析:本题考查考生对目的状语从句引导词的掌握情况。 19The white T-shirt yesterday is very expensive. A. he had bought B. he was bought C. he bought it D. he bought 答案:D 分析:本题考查考生对定语从句的掌握情况。 本题考查了定语从句的时态、语态和引导词?。 “他昨天买的那件体恤衫 很贵。 ”省略了引导词 which/that(指物) 。选项 A 时态不对,选项 B 语态错 误,选项 C 中 it 多余。 20Little difficulty
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